Physical condition of the roll

The roll consists of thirty-three membranes. There are entries on all of the faces, and on eleven of the dorses (membranes 31d, 30d, 29d, 24d, 19d, 14d, 13d, 12d, 11d, 5d and 1d). There is a numbering error in the sequence of the face side, so that there are two membrane 24s. The second membrane has been numbered 24a. The roll is generally in good condition.

C 61/54, 16 Edward III (1342-1343)


It will come as no surprise that both events and consequences of the war with France are evident throughout this roll, even though at this point the focus of action was in Brittany.

The war had generated serious financial problems for the duchy, with the result that the seneschal of Gascony, Oliver de Ingham, had been forced to borrow 2,000 florins from the inhabitants of Bayonne. 1 Ingham, along with the constable of Bordeaux had also borrowed 250 gold florins from the community of Bourg before this town had been taken by the French in 1339. 2 The appointment of the English clerk Walter de Weston as receiver of the king’s money and of victuals sent to Aquitaine was a clear sign of the dependency of the duchy towards England both for financial and material support, particularly in the context of war. 3 Weston was ordered to expend his money for the king’s war and for no other purpose: no effort was to be made to repay any outstanding royal debts. 4 We can also note that a mint was planned to be opened in the bastide (new town) of Hastingues (in the Landes). This was ordered to strike coins following the form and style of the money struck at Bordeaux. 5

Many of the entries show the financial damage of the war on individuals and communities, and efforts to gain compensation and assistance from the king. In most cases, no doubt in order to ensure ongoing support but also adequate defence, these requests were granted. The king had to rely very much on local defence since few royal troops were held in the duchy. The pressure of war is revealed in the request to the king of the towns of Bonnegarde (in the Landes) and Bourg (in Bordelais) for supplies as well as the wages of troops defending them. 6 An inhabitant of Bonnegarde (Pey d’Escoubès) asked for such wages and those of his fellow soldiers, both mounted and foot. 7 The captain of Bonnegarde was a Catalan noble knight employed by Edward III, called Berenguer de Vives. He held the place with 20 men-at-arms and 60 armed footmen. 8 The lord of Sainte-Bazeille and Landerron, along with the inhabitants of these places, had lost as much as 24,000 l.t. by joining the king’s party, so they all needed to receive financial support and supplies from the king. 9

Whilst in Brabant during the period 1338-40, Edward III had sent Brother Guilhem d’Orgueil to Aquitaine, but the latter had been taken prisoner by a local partisan of the king of France who stole his money as well as his jewels. 10 Another Gascon of the English party, Arnaut du Pian, who participated in the defence of Créon in the Entre-deux-Mers, had been taken prisoner by men of the French party, and had been imprisoned in Périgord before being ransomed. He requested that the king should pay his ransom and compensate him for his losses. 11 A burgess of Saint-Macaire (Bonifaci de Cahors) had also been caught by some ‘French’ in the nearby town of Langon and put to ransom. 12 The noble Guilhem-Amaniu II de Mussidan (or de Castillon) had also been taken prisoner by the French: half of his ransom was paid by the king. 13 The inhabitants of Créon estimated that their losses amounted to 10,000 l.bord. . 14 They wanted to continue to receive a subsidy granted to them by a former seneschal of Gascony in order to enclose and fortify their town which was not adequately protected. 15 Bernat d’Aillan requested the help of the inhabitants of Créon in carrying stone and wood and other things necessary for the rebuilding of his fortalice which had been destroyed by the ‘French’. 16 The inhabitants of Bonnegarde also suffered from the effects of war and were granted the sum of 250 to assist with the defence of their place. 17 Nobles and other inhabitants of the castellany of Bourg were compelled by the king to bring their goods inside the town of Bourg in time of war and to assist in the town’s defence. 18 A custom on wine was used to repair this town, implying it was used on its walls and enclosure. 19

The physical state of towns was also much affected by the needs of war, in the face of threats from the French. The community of Saint-Macaire requested the king to compensate citizens who suffered losses as a result of the order of the seneschal of Gascony, Oliver de Ingham, to demolish and destroy the suburbs of the town for its security. 20 Because of this sacrifice the townspeople obtained the right to elect a mayor. 21 Some buildings of Bayonne situated in the lower part of this city near a ‘new gate’ had similarly to be destroyed for the security of the fortifications, but this time it was at the request of the community of the town itself. 22 We find on the roll the case of Guilhem du Celer, a burgess of Saint-Macaire, who constructed war machines for the defence of the walls of his town, as well as flat-bottomed boats used on the river Garonne. This stands as evidence of the closeness in this period between the profession of constructing such machines and of ship building. 23 Guilhem was granted the castellany of Saint-Macaire for his good services. 24 We also find a grant of the customs due to the king to be used for the repairs of the town. 25

The Béarnais lord Fortaner V de Lescun had rallied to Edward III by treaty. He was rewarded by a grant of 100 per annum from the customs of Bordeaux. 26 Edward III also encouraged Gascon nobles to attempt to retake local places by making anticipatory grants to them of specific places then in French obedience. Hence Fortaner de Lescun was granted possession of four bastides (new towns) of the Landes so long as he recovered them, 27 as well as two other places in this region seized from a lord of Béarn who had gone over to the French side. 28 Fortaner even paid homage to Edward III for the four bastides of the Landes. 29 We also find on the roll the ratification by Edward III of a treaty with Ramon VI, vicomte of Fronsac, which had been made by the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux in order to rally this important lord and his key fortress situated close to Libourne to the obedience of the king of England. 30 Ramon was granted by the king an annual revenue of 700. l.t. . 31 There was confirmation of the agreement made with the lord of Théobon, a lord of north-east Agenais, in order to bring him into English obedience. 32 Negotiations were made to rally Renaud IV, lord of Pons (in Saintonge), a kinsman of the lord of Albret, as well as even the count of Foix – vicomte of Béarn, Gaston II, but these efforts came to nothing. 33 The seneschal Oliver de Ingham and Walter de Weston, treasurer of the king’s army in Aquitaine, were given full power to rally people and communities to Edward III and to retain them to fight againt the king of France Philip VI. 34 The same officials were also ordered to check that the king’s troops in the duchy were properly equipped. 35

A local lord from Bourg, Amaniu de Belhade, was granted the castellany of the town after he retook it from the French with a small group of men on 10 June 1341. 36 Another man involved in this action was rewarded by being appointed as a serjeant-general of the king. 37 The men of Bourg had suffered much as a result of the capture of their town by the French in 1339. 38 The seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux were ordered to provide victuals and other ‘necessities’ for the safe keeping of the town against the French. 39 Guilhem de Blaye, a son, but likely bastard, of the last lord of Blaye Jaufré-Rudel V, claimed he had lost when the French took Bourg in 1339 all the charters, letters and public instruments demonstrating he was lord of a manor in Saintonge. 40 The constable of Bordeaux was ordered to account with him for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms who had served the king. 41 We learn about the size of the retinue of the lord of Pommiers: 10 men-at-arms and 25 foot-serjeants. He wanted to be paid their wages, but the king just offered that he should receive this money out of the toll of Marmande when this place would be retaken from the French. No doubt the offer was intended, like the land grants noted earlier, as an incentive to make the effort to recover the place. 42

Two brothers from Bergerac in the service of the lords of Caumont and Théobon (both of Agenais) who had rallied to the English party had lost their inheritance in that town, then in the French hands. Similarly, Arnaut Andrieu had lost all his goods in the service of the lord of Pommiers who had served the king against the French. 43

The lord of Albret, Pey II de Grailly and his son Johan, were allowed to levy a tax on the goods sold in their castles and places in order to assist in repairing their major castles situated near the zone controlled by the French. 44 The communities of Bordeaux and Saint-Émilion opposed this grant to the Grailly to be implemented on his own citizens. 45

The Bayonnais Arnaut-Gassie de Saint-Jean was granted the temporalities of the abbot of Saint-Sever on the grounds that the latter was now in the obedience of the French. 46 The nobleman Ramon de Béarn similarly received the abbot's temporalities in two places in the Landes. 47

There was still strife in Bayonne where two clans opposed each other, one led by Pey de Poyanne who had been ‘vicar’ (de facto mayor) of Bayonne the previous year, against the customary rules for the election of a mayor. The seneschal of Gascony was sent there for the next election in April to try to appease these local tensions. 48 Hugues de Genève and Antonio Usodimare were sent there for the same purpose. 49 Edward III appears to have actively supported Poyanne as he had requested the citizens of Bayonne to elect him as mayor, ordering them to obey him during the duration of the war with France. He continued to write to the citizens of Bayonne urging them to elect Poyanne and requesting them to make an agreement with Poyanne’s party. In return for such support, Poyanne sent armed ships to Brittany to aid the king’s war there, indicating again how royal policies were focused on the war with France even in cases of this type. 50 Poyanne also had an annuity of 50 paid by the king. 51 However, a citizen of Bayonne, Jacmes de Lesbay, had refused to swear the customary oath to Poyanne, and had been imprisoned, although he had subsequently escaped. 52 Another man had complained that Poyanne had fined him 150 gold reals for going to Bordeaux without his licence. 53

The men of Labourd were released from their obligation to recognise Arnaut III de Durfort as their lord: the king revoked the earlier grant of Labourd to the family of Durfort of Frespech. 54 The union of the province of Labourd to the crown of England was reasserted. 55 As was to happen later in Soule (from 1358 onwards), 56 some inhabitants of Labourd had refused to pay the right of aubergade , 57 a tax which had been levied there in the past although with much difficulty c.1320. 58

The community of Bordeaux wanted to have returned to them a place which they owned near the castle of the Ombrière of Bordeaux but which had been used by the king to mint his money since the years 1305-8. 59 The community obtained charters creating of two fairs, one commencing on 11 November, the day when wines from the Haut-Pays (the regions situated outside the diocese of Bordeaux) were allowed to be sold at Bordeaux. 60 The authority of the community of Bordeaux over its banlieue was thereby reasserted once again. 61 Furthermore, the community of Bordeaux obtained the privilege of remaining united with the crown of England even in the case that Edward III actually became king of France. 62 There was a feud in Bordeaux between Pey Mayensan and a kinsman of Bernat Chiquet who had been killed by the former around 1330. 63 As for Bayonne, many buildings situated outside the walls had to be pulled down to secure the defence of the city. As a result, all the buildings of the convent of the Clarisses (the Poor Clares) of Bordeaux, except for their church, had been destroyed. 64

Several entries deal with the town of Mézin (in the diocese of Condom). A long list of privileges was granted to the town by the lord of Albret, Hugues de Genève and Oliver de Ingham, who had received its submission to Edward III in July 1340. Such a grant was clearly a prerequisite for the rallying of the town’s population. 65 A fair was granted to raise funds to repair the town, 66 and also some customs duties were allocated to this purpose. 67 A group of 30 citizens were retained by Oliver de Ingham as mounted men-at-arms for the town’s defence. For this task they were associated with 300 foot-serjeants. 68 After the citizens of Mézin had submitted to the English, they had been forced to destroy 600 of their houses in order to enclose the town with walls and to secure its approaches. 69 At the request of the community of Mézin, all the gifts or allocations made by Philip VI of Valois were revoked, 70 and the assizes were in future to be held there and not in Condom which was in French hands. 71 No citizens of the town were in future to be interrogated or tortured on any accusations made against them. 72 The men of Mézin who remained in the town, having rallied to Edward III, claimed to have the goods of the ‘rebels’ of their area. 73 The grants made to Master Guiraut de Piis 74 were challenged by the inhabitants of the town. 75 The citizens had revoked by the king all the forfeitures which had been imposed on them when the town surrendered to the ‘English’. 76

Several entries concern the noble family of Lescours of Saint-Émilion. Hélias de Lescours requested the king to be burgess of this town, 77 since one of his grandfathers was a mayor of this town and his father had been one of his jurats (town councillors). 78 This status permitted, amongst other benefits, exemption from the payment of local taxes on his wine. The lord of Sainte-Croix-du-Mont also gained the privilege that his wines should be free of taxes at Bordeaux as was enjoyed by the inhabitants of Saint-Macaire, under condition he contributed to the costs of this town. 79 This lucrative privilege of Saint-Macaire had to be reasserted presumably because the community of Bordeaux had challenged it. 80

Guilhem Pépin.

entry 71 .
entry 127 .
entry 318 .
entry 356 .
entry 388 .
entry 7 , entry 8 .
entry 9 .
entry 337 , entry 346 .
entry 152 .
entry 26 .
entry 253 .
entry 312 .
entry 273 , entry 289 .
entry 254 .
entry 292 .
entry 318 .
entry 257 .
entry 131 .
entry 308 .
entry 58 .
entry 65 .
entry 70 .
entry 146 , entry 178 .
entry 120 .
entry 207 .
entry 295 .
entry 36 , entry 275 .
entry 149 .
entry 374 .
entry 86 , entry 381 .
entry 94 , entry 169 in C 61/55 .
entry 63 , entry 259 , .
entry 376 .
entry 377 , entry 378 .
entry 379 .
entry 47 , entry 302 .
entry 192 .
entry 165 .
entry 310 .
entry 81 .
entry 103 .
entry 147 .
entry 109 , entry 199 .
entry 83 , entry 144 .
entry 251 , entry 175 .
entry 138 .
entry 181 .
entry 18 , entry 23 .
entry 19 .
entry 45 , entry 364 , entry 369 .
entry 72 .
entry in C 61/60 .
entry 375 .
entry 272 .
entry in C 61/53 .
entry in C 61/69 , entry in C 61/69 .
entry 13 , entry 15 .
entry in C 61/33 .
entry 148 .
entry 262 .
entry 280 .
entry 293 .
entry 349 .
entry 360 .
entry in C 61/60 , entry 314 .
entry 195 .
entry 213 .
entry in C 61/60 .
entry 235 .
entry 236 , entry 278 .
entry in C 61/60 .
entry 305 .
entry in C 61/60 .
See entry in C 61/53 , entry in C 61/53
entry 12 .
entry 136 .
entry 82 .
entry 326 .
entry 57 .
entry 84 .

Membrane 32

Image of membrane 32

Gascon Rolls for the sixteenth year of the reign of Edward III in England, and his third in France.


24 February 1342 . Westminster . For Theobald Guilot, concerning the paying of money .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant to account with Theobald Guilot concerning his annuity of 20 for the period between 17 January 1340, when the king made his original grant, and 21 February 1342, and to satisfy him of any sums outstanding, receiving due allowance in his account. In return for Guilot’s personal homage and fealty, as well as for the assistance and service which he has promised to the king together with ten men-at-arms at the customary wages, the king granted this annuity to Guilot from the issues of the duchy, payable by the constable at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions, to receive for life or until the king should provide him with lands or rents worth 20 l. per year. However, Guilot has requested that he might take this annuity from the English exchequer , and, since he has surrendered his previous letters into the chancery to be cancelled, on 21 February last the king granted that Guilot may receive this annuity from the exchequer, on the same terms, until he is granted the said lands or rents. The constable is to cease paying the annuity from the said 21 February.


28 February 1342 . Westminster . For the citizens of the city of Bazas .

Grant to the Vasatese, de citizens, inhabitants and community of the city of Bazas , on account of their service to the king and his progenitors and despite the burdensome labours and costs to themselves, that they should be free from the payment of customs on their wines at the king’s castle of Bordeaux , in the same manner as the Marmandia inhabitants of the town of Marmande .


24 February 1342 . Westminster . For the burgesses of the city of Bazas . 1

Grant to the Vasatesio burgesses and community of the city of Bazas , on account of their service to the king and his progenitors, that their city and everything pertaining to it shall never pass out of the king’s hands by sale, gift, exchange or any other means, and shall never be separated or transferred from the crown of England in any way, except to the king’s first-born son or his other heir of England.

A note in the margin reads ‘annexed to the crown’.

24 February 1342 . Westminster . For the councillors and whole community of the castle and town of Sauveterre. .

For Oliver de Bordeaux.

4 March 1342 . Westminster . 1

Grant to the king’s servant Burdegala Oliver de Bordeaux that he may have and hold the Baiona custody of the castle of Bayonne , together with the prévôté of that town, for a term of ten years from 12 March 1342, rendering and receiving for that office the same as Lupus de Burgoyne Lop-Bergunh[de Bordeaux] was accustomed to pay and receive for it, as contained in the king’s letters patent. The king had previously granted this custody and office to Oliver on the same terms until the said 12 March 1342, 2 but the king has extended this on account of his good service.

By p.s.

A note in the margin states extractus .
For the earlier grant of these offices to Oliver de Bordeaux (1 August 1329), see entry in C 61/41 .

Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant to ensure that Oliver de Bordeaux may hold the said custody and prévôté according to the tenor of the king’s letters.

By p.s.

For the men of the community of the town of Bonnegarde.

9 March 1342 . Westminster .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant to deliver an appropriate sum of money from the issues and other profits of the duchy with all speed to the Bona Gardia worthy men ( probi homines ) and community of the town of Bonnegarde to assist in the provisioning of the town and the payment of wages to the men there, any ordinance or order to the contrary notwithstanding. The king received petitions from the people of that town, examined carefully by his council, in which they asked that their request be considered, but that a response should be postponed until the octave of Easter next coming. However, the king understands that the town will be in evident danger unless it is sent assistance quickly. For this the constable will receive due allowance in his account.

By K.


Same as above

Similar order mutatis mutandis to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant, in response to petitions on behalf of the Burgo, de mayor, jurats and community of the town of Bourg , where the town and castle are in evident danger, etc.

By K.

Concerning the payment of wages.


9 March 1342 . Westminster .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to account with Scober Pey d’Escoubès of Bonagard Bonnegarde or his attorney, if he has not already done so, concerning any sums owed to him by the king, and to pay to him anything found to be owed from the issues of the duchy. Escoubès has complained that the king owes him various sums of money, both for the wages of himself and his fellow soldiers, mounted and foot, with whom he was in the king’s service in Gascony, and as compensation for horses lost in that service, and has asked that the king order that suitable payment be made. The constable is to receive from Escoubès any letters or bills he may have on this matter, and letters of quittance testifying to the receipt of any sums paid, for which he will have due allowance in his account.

Similar letters to the constable of Bordeaux on behalf of the following, concerning the payment of wages for the same reason.:


16 March 1342 . Turris London' Tower of London . For Bernat-Etz, lord of Albret .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux that, having examined his papers and memoranda, he make a full and final account with Bernat-Etz [V], Lebreto, de lord of Albret , or his attorney, concerning all those sums which Albret or others in his name have received from the profits of the minting of money in the duchy, namely the value by which it was granted to him at farm, or which he has received from any other issues of the duchy, and also of any other sums which may be owed to him. Albret has accounted before the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer concerning sums owed to him by the king, and also regarding wool and money received by him in England in part-payment of those sums, and according to that account he is owed 6,127 l. 17 . However, Albret has also received various sums from the profits of minting money in the duchy, in part-payment of this debt, and it is not possible to account fully with him until that information is received. Albret has asked that the sums received by him in the duchy, and other sums owed to him there, be fully accounted, that the sums received be subtracted from the total, and that the king order that payment or satisfaction be made for the residue, and for any other debts shown to be owed to him. If it is found that Albret has received more than the said sum of 6,127 l. 17 d. , then the constable is to charge him for the surplus, and answer to the king for it. Otherwise, he is to subtract the sums already received from that total, and make payment or assignment of the remainder upon the issues and profits of the minting of the king’s money, which Albret should receive until the remainder is fully paid, along with any other debts which may be owed to him, any previous orders to the contrary notwithstanding. If any other person should wish to pay more for this minting than Albret, then the issues and profits should be committed to that person by good security found before the constable, and that entire increased sum be paid to Albret until the said 6,127 l. 17 d. shall be fully satisfied. But if nothing of a suitable value is offered, then the constable is to permit Albret or his attorney to receive the issues and profits for their true value until the sum owed is satisfied. The constable is to receive from Albret the king’s previous letters, directed to the constable, and send them without delay to the English Chancery to be cancelled, lest any double payments should occur.

By K.


18 March 1342 . Turris London' Tower of London . For Master Guiraut de Piis .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, that the king’s letters concerning gifts and grants made to his clerk, Master Pinibus, de Guiraut de Piis , and orders relating to them, with the sole exception of a grant of 10 l. per year for the term of his life, should be executed according to the tenor of those letters, any orders to the contrary notwithstanding. Previously, on account of assertions that he had made unmerited gifts and grants to Piis, and had been deceived by untruthful suggestions from Piis himself, the king had ordered the seneschal and constable to refrain from implementing those grants until he could be informed of their merits, and whether Piis’s suggestions were truthful. However, the king has now been informed by Bernat-Etz [V], Lebreto, de lord of Albret and Geneva Hugues de Genève , the king’s lieutenants [in the duchy of Aquitaine], and the officers themselves, about Piis’s losses and good service. Anything done to the contrary should be returned to its former state without delay.

By C.


21 March 1342 . Turris London' Tower of London . For the inhabitants of the land of Labourd .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant, and the la Bourt bayle of the land of Labourd , to establish whether Pey, Chegeray lord of Etchegaray , Arnaut-Johan d’Ubeguy Beguy , Cencius, Segue Sans de Laxague , Sugue Miqueu de Laxague , Segue Jordan de Laxague , Viry Martin-Johan d’Ibiri , Johan-Pey, Uhart lord of Uhaldéa , and Seguguray Johan d’Etchegaray , inhabitants of the land of Labourd , hold their lands as they claim, and if so, to allow them to be free from other services, just as they and their ancestors have been free hitherto. These men have informed the king that they hold all their lands and tenements in Labourd for the service of setting out in the king’s armies, in the company of the king, his seneschal or his lieutenant there, in the usual manner and form whenever the king, his seneschal or lieutenant might happen to ride out in time of war in the duchy, and for a rent of 12 from each of them. They and their ancestors have held those lands for that service from time out of mind, without any other customary services or demands ever being made, but the seneschal and bayle have recently attempted to compel them to perform a certain service called aubergade , 1 unjustly troubling them on many occasions, to their great harm. The seneschal and bayle are to establish if this is correct, and, if so, to allow them to be free from that service, restoring to them anything taken unjustly on this matter and doing justice and right to them, according to the fors and customs of that land.

Right of lodging. Right of a lord or his officer to be lodged by his tenant. At this period it had been transformed into a tax.

20 March 1342 . Westminster . For Guilhem-Pey de Bayonne .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony, the Umbraria prévôt of the Ombrière of Bordeaux and all other interested officials and ministers in the duchy of Aquitaine to hear the complaint of Baion Guilhem-Pey de Bayonne and to do what is just in the matter. Guilhem-Pey de Bayonne has complained that Burdeux Domenges de Bordeaux , Dauguerre Pélegrin d’Aguerre and Verger Gassie-Arnaut du Berger owe him 35 for various reasons, but have refused to pay, and has therefore asked the king to provide remedy. The king orders them to hear Guilhem-Pey de Bayonne’s complaint, and, having called together the parties and heard their reasons, if they can establish that this sum is owed, they should compel them to pay it.


21 March 1342 . Turris London' Tower of London . For the inhabitants of the parish of Saint-Vincent [of Urrugne] .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant, and the la Bourt bayle of the land of Labourd , to establish whether the Urruyne inhabitants and farmers of the parish of Saint-Vincent of Urrugne in the land of Labourd hold their lands as they claim, and if so, to allow them to be free from other services, just as they and their ancestors have been free hitherto. The inhabitants have informed the king that they hold all their lands and tenements in Labourd for the service of setting out in the king’s armies, in the company of the king, his seneschal or his lieutenant there, in the usual manner and form whenever the king, his seneschal or lieutenant might happen to ride out in time of war in the duchy. They and their ancestors have held those lands for that service from time out of mind, without any other customary services or demands ever being made, but the seneschal and bayle have newly attempted to compel them to perform a certain service called aubergade , 1 unjustly troubling them on many occasions, to their great harm. The king orders the seneschal and bayle to establish if this is correct, and, if so, to allow them to be free from that service, restoring to them anything taken unjustly on this matter and doing justice and right to them, according to the fors and customs of that land.

Right of lodging. Right of a lord or his officer to be lodged by his tenant. At this period it had been transformed into a tax.

8 April 1342 . Westminster . For Master Bidau de Sort .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to pay the sum of 50 l.bord. to Master Sorte Bidau de Sort, clerk , according to the tenor of the king’s earlier letters, receiving quittances from Sort for all sums paid. Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, by the resolution of the king's council there, appointed Sort to the office of king’s procurator in the town and prévôté of Saint-Sever and the resort of the same, 1 and also in all of the seneschalcy of Landes , for which Sort is to be paid 50 l.bord for his annual fee, from the king’s money or from the issues of the duchy, in equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, during the king's pleasure, as appears by the king's letters patent under the seal of the court of Gascony. The king has confirmed this, wishing that Sort should continue to have the office and fee for as long as he serves well and faithfully. For this the constable will receive due allowance in his account.

Antoni de Sort, a likely ancestor of Bidau de Sort, was bayle of Saint-Sever for the abbot of Saint-Sever on 2 February 1265 (Archives Départementales des Landes, H2, no. 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13).

12 April 1342 . Westminster . For Master Bidau de Claracq .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant to deliver possession of a piece of land in the river aqua Baion Adour called the Balay island of Belay , next to the church of Saint-Bernard of Bayonne , 1 to Glayrak Bidau de Claracq of Bayonne, according to the tenor of the king’s letters. The king has granted this to Claracq and his heirs in perpetuity for his good service, at an annual rent of 5 s. in the current money of Bayonne, provided that the grant is not to the harm or detriment of the said city. 2

The remains of the cistercian abbey of Saint-Bernard, then inhabited by cistercian nuns, are situated in the current commune of Bayonne, 6 chemin des Cisterciennes. Just nearby is the chemin de Saint-Bernard. The island of Belay was situated on the river Adour opposite to this abbey. See Goyheneche, Bayonne et la région bayonnaise du XIIe au XVe siècle (Bilbao,1990), pp.518-519, no. XL.
For the earlier grant of this land to Claracq, and a previous order to make delivery, see: entry in C 61/52 , entry in C 61/52 .
For the men of the city of Bayonne.

20 March 1342 . Westminster . For the men of the city of Bayonne .

Order to Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, or his lieutenant, that, on the first Saturday in April next coming, 1 he should go in person to the city of Baion Bayonne , meet with the jurats, hundred peers and men of that city , and advise them to proceed with the election of a mayor according to custom, and to present the persons chosen to him. If they do not do so, then he is to choose a substantial man from the city to take up the mayoralty. The king has been shown how, on the first Saturday in April each year, the men of Bayonne choose three substantial men for the office of mayor, and present their names immediately to the seneschal, so that he can choose one from them to be appointed. It is also established that anyone serving as mayor should not be reappointed to that office during the following nine years. However, the king understands that on the first Saturday in April last past, when the men of the city met to make their choice, they were shown a certain letter from the king in which he asked that they might choose Puyano, de Pey de Poyanne , even though he had been mayor there within the previous nine years. Under the colour of that letter, the majority elected Poyanne to be vicar in the said city, even though the king’s letters made no mention of the office of vicar. Some citizens protested and appealed to the king on this matter, and Poyanne proceeded rigorously against them. The king, wishing to prevent divisions arising between the men of the city and greatly concerned for the city’s good and peaceful rule, orders the seneschal to take care to restore harmony, if he is able, and that, on the said first Saturday in April next, he should settle the dissensions brought about by this matter, and return everything to good order and calm. If he is unable to do so, then he should proceed according to the fors and customs of those parts, according to the king’s previous letters.

On Saturday 6 April 1342.

Same as above

Order to Jevenius Hugues de Genève, lord of Varrei Varey and Antona Anthon , and Usus Maris Antonio Usodimare , lieutenant of Usus Maris Niccolò Usodimare , constable of Bordeaux, that they concern themselves with restoring peace between the various parties in the city of Baion' Bayonne , but if they are unable to do so, then they should proceed to render due justice according to the king’s commission previously issued to them, and according to the law, fors and customs of those parts. The king had previously appointed them to hear and determine the causes of the appeal made to him by certain citizens of Bayonne concerning the election or presentation of Puyano, de Pey de Poyanne as vicar of that city , 1 which it is claimed was against the statute sworn there. However, this election has led to disturbances in the city, and given that there will be grave consequences if these turbulent times are not stopped quickly, they should ensure that the city remains peacefully in the king’s fealty.

A vicar of Bayonne was the same thing as a mayor of Bayonne, but he was not appointed according to the rules, the seneschal of Gascony having to choose among a list of three citizens of Bayonne named by its community. And the person appointed had to be mayor only for a year.

Concerning protection in Gascony.


10 April 1342 . Ditton .

Order to all the king’s seneschals, mayors, jurats, peers, prévôts, bayles and ministers in the duchy of Gascony to defend Glairaco, de Bidau de Claracq , his household, possessions and goods, from any undue violence and harm, to maintain him in his rightful possessions, and to restore anything done against him which is contrary to this protection. Claracq, fearing threats made by certain people against his body and his goods, has asked that he be provided with royal protection, and the king, wishing to defend him from undue oppressions, has taken him and his rightful goods and possessions into his special protection and safe-keeping. Lest anyone should be able to excuse themselves from this through ignorance, each official should make public proclamation within their districts, and should place the king’s pennons upon Claracq’s places and goods as a sign of this.

Similar letters to the following, namely:

For Pons d’Andiran.


12 April 1342 . Westminster . 1

Grant to the king’s valet, Andriano, de Pons d’Andiran , for his good service, that he may receive and have the place and Durence baylie of Durance , and also the toll of salt paid annually at Pirecrescent Croix de la Pierre , Durence Durance , Sancti Juliani de Capurbice Saint-Julien-de-Colorbisse and Peirous Peyrusse with all profits and appurtenances, to hold for the whole of his life. Previously, in return of his homage and fealty, the king granted that Andiran should receive 100 florins of Florence each year at the exchequer , in equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and afterwards, on account of his good service and because he returned the earlier gift, the king granted that Andiran may take 200 florins of Florence per year from the issues of the duchy, payable by the constable of Bordeaux at the same terms, for the whole of his life or until he should receive lands or tenements to the same value. 2 However, Andiran has requested this grant, in exchange for the said 200 florins, notwithstanding any gifts, confirmations or assignments to the contrary made to Ravynyan Pey de Révignan, Montaupt lord of Moncaut , or any other after the gift of 200 florins to Andiran. If the profits of the aforesaid place, baylie and toll should exceed 200 florins per year, then Andiran is to answer annually for any surplus to the king or the constable of Bordeaux, and if they should not amount to that value, then the constable should satisfy him for the shortfall.

By p.s.

A note in the margin states ‘extractus’.
For this grant, see Calendar of the Patent Rolls (CPR), 1340-43 , p.116

Same as above

Order to the seneschals of Gascony and Agenais and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to deliver the aforesaid place, baylie and toll, with their profits and appurtenances, to Pons d'Andiran , to hold according to the tenor of the king’s letters. Order to the constable of Bordeaux to pay Andiran any sums outstanding from the aforesaid grant of 200 florins without delay, receiving letters of quittance from him, by which the constable shall have due allowance in his account.


20 March 1342 . Westminster . Concerning treating with the men of Bayonne .

Order to Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, or his lieutenant, that he should treat with the men of Bayonne on the king’s behalf and persuade them to come together and remain firmly in the king’s fealty. Unless it is quickly resolved, the division which has arisen in the city of Bayonne from the appointment of Puyano, de Pey de Poyanne as vicar [of Bayonne] will quickly lead to various damages, and thus the king, wishing to prevent this harm, has ordered that someone will soon be dispatched to the city to restore harmony there. According to the form of other letters sent to him, the king has ordered Ingham that he should first work towards making an agreement, but if it is not possible to bring the friends of Poyanne and the men of the city together, and if it seems that ruin or other grave peril may befall the city, then he is to warn the parties on the king’s behalf that the king’s envoy or envoys will quickly be coming to bring peace, and will not tolerate their disagreement. However, if he is able to accomplish this task through those other letters, he should not show these letters at all.


28 April 1342 . Westminster . For Bernat-Guilhem de Bruges and others, concerning the making of an arrest .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant, and to all the king’s officers in the duchy, that they view the instruments and processes upon the complaint of Brugges Bernat-Guilhem de Bruges and Dirak Pey Dirac , citizens and merchants of Burdeg’ Bordeaux , and Oxenford John de Oxford and Paumer Henry Palmer , citizens and merchants of London, and if they establish that Jordan de Lucbert, seneschal of Xauncton Saintonge and Ingolesm’ Angoumois , was duly asked to do justice to them on this matter and has failed to do so, then without delay they are to arrest all the goods and merchandise of the aforesaid seneschal and his officers, and of other men and subjects of the seneschalcy of Saintonge and Angoumois, wherever they should be within the duchy, and detain them until the merchants should be fully satisfied for the 700 gold pennies detained from them, and for the damages they have sustained on account of the seizure and detention of their money, doing what should be done by right and according to the fors and customs of those parts, and as has been done previously in similar cases. Bruges, Dirac, Oxford and Palmer have complained that, after the proclamation and publication of the truce between the king and his allies, on the one part, and certain of his adversaries and their allies on the other, they sent 700 gold pennies called crowns to the city of Bordeaux by Peter Bower , their servant, to be used for their business, but Lucbert and certain of his ministers took that money from Bower, and have unjustly detained it. The king ordered the then seneschal of Gascony to send letters to the seneschal of Saintonge and Angoumois, and other interested parties, requesting that, under the form of the truce, they restore the money to the merchants or their servant. However, although the seneschal of Gascony has repeatedly sent such letters under the king’s seal used in Gascony, ordering the seneschal of Saintonge and Angoumois to do justice in this matter, he has not done so, and instead has totally refused, as the seneschal of Gascony has attested before the king’s council and as is contained in three public instruments made upon the matter. The merchants have therefore requested remedy, and the king wishes to assist them in recovering their money. 1

By C.

For a petition on this matter, see TNA SC 8/156/7799. For a later related order, see: entry in C 61/57 .

4 May 1342 . Westminster . For Martin, lord of Urtubie .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant, the La Bourt bayle of Labourd , and any others, to permit Martin [de Tartas], Urtebye lord of Urtubie , to hold the pasturage, herbage and the cabane ( cabana ) 1 of the cattle of strangers of Navarre and other foreign places in the parishes of Sancto Vincencio de Urruyne, de Saint-Vincent of Urrugne and Sancta Maria de Dascayn Notre-Dame of Ascain . The lord of Urtubie has asked that he be maintained in this possession, which he and he and his ancestors were accustomed to have from time immemorial for a payment of 4 l.t. per year, and the king, orders that, if it can be established that the lord of Urtubie ought to have these rights, and that he and his ancestors were accustomed to have them as claimed, then he should be maintained in that possession, for as long as he continues to pay the aforesaid 4 l.t. and does not associate with the king’s enemies.

By K.

For more information on the idea behind the word cabana , see Les Fors anciens de Béarn , ed. P. Ourliac and M. Gilles (Paris, 1990), p.628, word cabane : 'réunion de plusieurs troupeaux sous la garde collective de plusieurs bergers dans les pâturages de montagne', La coutume de la Soule , ed. M. Grosclaude (St-Étienne-de-Baïgorry, 1993), p.49, n.155 (a long and detailed definition of the expression cabane de societat ) and V. Lespy et P. Raymond, Dictionnaire béarnais , vol. 1 (Montpellier, 1887), p.136 (word cabane ).

4 May 1342 . Westminster . For Brother Guilhem d’Orgueil .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant to gather information regarding the request of Brother Dorgoill Guilhem d’Orgueil , and, if it can be established that his claim is true, then without delay he should take and sell goods and chattels of Bedak, de Guilhem Dubédat worth 50 crowns, wherever they may be found, and give the proceeds to Orgueil as satisfaction for his losses. When the king was staying in Brabanc’ Brabant , he sent Orgueil from there to the duchy of Aquitaine on his private business, but as Orgueil was passing close to the town of Bedak Bédat , 1 he was captured by Guilhem Dubédat and his people, who took from him 44 crowns and other jewels worth 6 crowns. Orgueil has therefore asked that the king might compensate him for these losses through the sale of the goods of Dubédat, who is an adherent of the king’s enemies and rebels and of his adversary of France. This is to be done, notwithstanding any previous assignments made upon those goods and chattels by the king, and if they are insufficient to compensate Orgueil, then the shortfall should be paid from the sale of some goods of the archbishop of Bordeaux . 2

There are several places named Bédat in Aquitaine-Gascony, but it is probably one of the local places of this name in the Entre-deux-Mers.
The archbishop of Bordeaux Pey Duluc (or de Luc) owed some money to Edward III, see Lainé, F., Fasti Ecclesiae Gallicanae , 13, Diocèse de Bordeaux (Turnhout, 2012), p.156.

For Galhart d’Assalit.


10 May 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to the king’s valet, Assailly Galhart d’Assalit , for his good service, that he may receive 40 each year from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine and the customs of Bordeaux, to have for the whole of his life or until he should be provided with lands or rents worth 40 librates per year elsewhere in a suitable place.

By p.s.


Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to pay to Galhart d’Assalit the aforesaid 40 each year from the issues of the duchy and the aforesaid customs, for the whole of his life, according to the tenor of the king’s letters aforesaid. They are to receive letters of quittance from Galhart d’Assalit testifying to all sums paid, and the king will make due allowance in their account.

By p.s.


16 May 1342 . Westminster . For Ramon de Fargues . 1

Grant to Farges Ramon de Fargues , nephew of Farges Ramon[-Guilhem] de Fargues, cardinal deacon of S. Maria Nova , for his good service in Gascony and the good place that the cardinal held for the king and the realm of England, of the place of Mont Segur Monségur in the Vassaten’ diocese of Bazas , with all appurtenances, formerly held by a certain cousin-german of Ramon the nephew’s father, and currently in the hands of the king’s rebels of France. Ramon the nephew and his heirs are to hold this in perpetuity, for the due and customary service, to a value of 100 per year, answering to the king and his heirs for any surplus, by the hands of the constable of Bordeaux.

By p.s.

A note in the margin states extractus .

For Hugh Martin.


10 May 1342 . Westminster . 1

Grant, at the request of Margaret [Wake], countess of Kent , to Martyn Hugh Martin of the office of Aquen master of the king’s mints at Bordeaux and Dax , to hold for five years in the same manner as previous holders of that office, provided that he find sufficient security before the constable of Bordeaux that he will exercise the office well and faithfully, rendering to the king what is just and paying the merchants and others the accustomed amount for silver deposited in those mints.

By p.s.

A note in the margin states extractus .

Same as above

Order to the constable of Bordeaux that if the aforesaid Martyn Hugh Martin should find sufficient security as above, then he should deliver that office to him, to hold according to the king’s aforesaid letters.

By p.s.


25 May 1342 . Westminster . Concerning protection .

Letters of protection with clause volumus until Easter next granted to Hugh le Despenser , who is setting out to Gascony in the king’s service and on the king’s orders.

By K.


18 May 1342 . Westminster . Concerning staying in castles and fortalices against the king’s enemies .

Order to Greyly Pey [II] de Grailly, Benaugar’ vicomte of Benauges , that he should continue to remain in defence of his castles, fortalices and other places against attacks by the king’s enemies, according to the advice of the seneschal of Gascony, until he is ordered otherwise. Previously, by letters under the privy seal from Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, the king required Grailly, amongst others, to assist in the defence of his rights in the duchy of Aquitaine against invaders, and he now understands from the seneschal that it would be most helpful if Grailly remained to defend his own castles and places. The king therefore asks that he do this, to keep them safe and secure against his enemies in these turbulent times.

Concerning the payment of wages.


1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to account with Duro Forti, de Bertran de Durfort , who has complained to the king that he is owed various sums of money for his wages from the time he was in the king’s service in the war in Gascony. The constable is to pay whatever is found to be owing from the issues of the duchy, receiving letters of quittance from Durfort, for which he will have due allowance in his account.

Similar letters under the same date for:

On 1 April 1333, Master Andrea Sapiti who was absent beyond the sea, had nominated by his letters as his attorneys in England and Ireland Giovanni Marsopini of Florence and the clerk Ubertino of Piacenza (noted there as 'Ubertinus de Placencia'). See Calendar of Patent Rolls (CPR), 1330-1334 , p.420. And mention of him as Umberto Zaneti of Piancenza (noted as 'Ubertinus de Zannetis', of Piacenza) in 1342 who obtained a prebend on a church of the diocese of Durham. In Calendar of entries in the Papal registers relating to Great Britain and Ireland. Petitions to the pope, 1342-1419 , éd. H. W. Bliss, (London, 1896), fol. 252d.

4 June 1342 . Westminster . Concerning protection .

Letters of protection with clause volumus for one year granted to Theobald le Hunte , who is setting out to Gascony in the king’s service with Oliver de Ingham .

By testimony of Oliver de Ingham himself.


3 June 1342 . Westminster . For Fortaner de Lescun .

Grant to Lescune, de Fortaner [V] de Lescun , on account of his good and faithful service in the king’s Gascon wars with no small number of men-at-arms and foot-soldiers, of the bastides 1 of Gene Geaune , Pymbo Pimbo , Miremon Miramont and Ponte Regine Pont-la-Reine , with their appurtenances, currently occupied by the king’s French enemies, whenever they should come back into the king’s hands. Lescun and his heirs are to hold them of the king and his heirs, and the other chief lords of those fees, by the same services as they were held before their capture.

By p.s. and petition of C.

Bastides meant 'new towns'.

3 June 1342 . Westminster . For Arnaut-Ot de Lomagne . 1

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to account with Arnaldotus, Leomania Arnaut-Ot de Lomagne , if they have not already done so, regarding sums of money owed to him for the wages of himself and the men of his company, both horse and foot, retained in the king’s service during the war in Gascony. Lomagne has asked that, as recompense for these sums, he might be granted the profits of the Mons Guaudii baylie of Montjoi until he is satisfied of the outstanding sums, and that the baylie might be delivered to him in the meantime for its true value. Having accounted with Lomagne, and having established the value of the baylie, Lomagne should be assigned to receive whatever amounts are found to be outstanding from the issues of that baylie, and the baylie itself should be delivered to him until he receives satisfaction. Once the wages are paid, the baylie is to be taken back into the king’s hands, so that the issues and profits should thenceforth be answerable to the king.

By petition of C.

A note in the margin states extractus .

1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Arnaut-Ot de Lomagne . 1

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to examine the letters of Arnaldotus, Leomania Arnaut-Ot de Lomagne , and if they find that he has been granted the sum of 200 l. per year, as he has claimed, then they should commit the Sancto Claro, de baylie of Saint-Clar with appurtenances to him for life, by letters patent issued in the king’s name under the seal used in the duchy. Lomagne has shown that, for his good service to the king and his father and in recompense for the damages and losses he sustained during the wars in the duchy, the king granted him 100 l.t. each year in aid of his sustenance, to be taken from the issues of the duchy, until the king might command otherwise. Afterwards, Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of the duchy, by letters patent sealed with the seal of the court of Gascony, granted him a further 100 l.bord. for life, to be taken from the issues of the duchy on account of his said service. However, he has requested that, in exchange for these annuities, he be granted the baylie of Saint-Clar for life. If the value of the baylie should be more than the aforesaid 200 l. , then Lomagne should answer for the surplus. 2

By p.s., and by K. and C.

A note in the margin states extractus .
For Lomagne’s original petition, see TNA SC 8/232/11593.

Concerning protection.


10 June 1342 . Westminster .

Letters of protection with clause volumus until Easter next granted to Thomas de Hegham , who is setting out to Gascony in the king’s service in the company of Hugh le Despenser .

By testimony of Hugh himself.

Similar letters of protection to the following, also setting out to Gascony in the king’s service with the same Hugh, to last for the same time:


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Pey-Bernat de Toulouse, concerning restitution .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant, and all officers in the duchy of Aquitaine, that they should view the letters and processes regarding the complaint of Tholouse Pey-Bernat de Toulouse, Baion citizen of Bayonne , and if they find that a proper request was made to the king of Castile to provide justice and recompense, and that this has not been done, then they should make restitution and recovery to Toulouse, his proctor or his attorney, for his ship, wines and other merchandise and also for the damage and losses caused to him, through the arrest of the goods and merchandise of all men and subjects of the king of Castile , wherever they may be found within the duchy, or by any other suitable method, to ensure that full and speedy justice is done. It has been shown to the king that, during the peace and truce between the people of Bayonne on the one part and the king of Castile and his people on the other, Toulouse loaded 240 tuns of wine and other goods and merchandise worth 1,012 l. 18 in the port of Bordeaux onto a certain ship of his called le Seint Pier of Bayonne , to ship to England for his own business. However, certain malefactors from Castile forcibly attacked his ship while travelling upon the sea towards England close to Pynnok , 1 unjustly seized and took away the ship and its cargo, and continue to detain them. The mayor, jurats and hundred peers of Bayonne have written several letters to the king of Castile under their common seal, requesting justice in this matter, but nothing has been done.

By K. and petition of C.

Place not identified.

24 June 1342 . Westminster . For the abbot and convent of monastery of Saint-Vincent .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to enquire into the request of the Burgo, de abbot and convent of Saint-Vincent of Bourg , by whatever method they deem fit, in the presence of the king’s procurator [in the duchy of Aquitaine] , and to send their findings to the king in his English chancery without delay, under the seal used in the duchy, so that he can do what is right. The abbot and convent have complained that, whereas a mass used to be celebrated in their monastery each day for the health of the king and the souls of his ancestors and all the faithful departed, on account of the troubles suffered by the monastery they no longer have the means to sustain that chantry without assistance from elsewhere. To help to maintain the chantry, they have requested that they be granted the low justice of all the monastery’s vassals living outside the town of Bourg , and cognizance of all manner of causes of those vassals, blood sanction alone excepted. The king wishes to be certified of the value of this low justice, and of the cognizance of the aforesaid causes, and what damage or prejudice such a grant might cause to him or others if the request is granted.

By petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Foucaut Bertin .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux that, having informed themselves fully regarding the complaint of Falco, Bertini Foucaut Bertin , they should call the parties before them, along with the king’s procurator, and do justice according to the fors and customs of those parts. Bertin, who has faithfully served both the present king and his father during their wars in Gascony, without receiving any compensation or other remuneration, has claimed that the former Blavia lord of Blaye , 1 while he lived, maliciously brought great injury to Bertin’s father by virtue of his superior lordship, and occupied all of his father’s lands in the Blavia castellany of Blaye and in the parishes of Saint Genesio Segunzak, de Saint-Gènes-de-Blaye , Saint Martin de la Causade Saint-Martin-Lacaussade and in other parishes in the same castellany, depriving him of those lands. Bertin has therefore asked that his father’s former lands be restored to him, to hold peacefully as his father previously held them, and the king wishes that justice be done on this matter.

By petition of C.

For Oliver de Bordeaux.

1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Arnaut-Ramon, vicomte of Orthe .

Grant to Arnaut-Ramon [IV d'Aspremont], Dortie vicomte of Orthe , on account of his service both past and present, which has not been without great costs, burdens and labours to himself, that he and his heirs may have and exercise high and low justice in his vicomté and other lands and places in perpetuity, together with the ordeal of arms ( vadus armorum ) and power of acknowledgement of all crimes and excesses committed by all malefactors there, and power to correct and punish those malefactors accordingly, together with all other rights, profits and appurtenances relating to justice there, saving to the king superior resort, service and chevauchée of the men and tenants there, namely that they should be prepared to proceed in the service of the king and his heirs, by order of the king or his seneschal of Gascony, whenever there should be war in the duchy, for the defence of those parts, as they were bound to do before the present grant. Orthe has petitioned the king and his council, showing that his vicomté and the other lands and places that he holds of the king are situated on the frontiers of the king’s enemies of Navarr' Navarre , Bearne, de Béarn and the Bascullia Basque Country , and that various robberies, homicides, raids and arsons are perpetrated there, both by malefactors of those places and by the king’s enemies and rebels, because he has not previously exercised high and low justice there, or had power to punish such malefactors. He has therefore asked that these may be granted to him.

By petition of C. and p.s.


Same as above 1

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, the prévôts and mayors of Aquis Dax and Baion Bayonne , the Malo Leone, de castellan of Mauléon and the bayles of Pellione, de Pouillon and Fastingiis, de Hastingues or their lieutenants, that they should permit the aforesaid vicomte to have and exercise high and low justice in the aforesaid vicomté with all rights, profits and other appurtenances, without any impediment, according to the form of the king’s aforesaid letters. They are to maintain, protect and defend the vicomte in that possession, and all people should be attendant to the vicomte in this, saving to the king the aforesaid service and chevauchée and other things in the abovesaid form.

By petition of C and p.s.

This order is crossed through, with a note in the margin stating ‘Vacated because otherwise below’.

23 June 1342 . Woodstock . For Pey de Poyanne, concerning an appointment .

Order to the jurats, hundred peers and whole community of the city of Bayonne to obey their fellow citizen Puyano, de Pey de Poyanne as mayor of their city during the present war, and to be attendant to him. The king, without wishing to diminish their statutes or customs in any way, asked the people of Bayonne to elect Poyanne as mayor or vicar of their city during the war in Gascony, and in consideration of this request, they elected him as vicar for the previous year and the present year, and as mayor for as long as the war in Gascony should continue. Some citizens have appealed this to the king and the seneschal of Gascony, but the king, because they agreed to his request and trusting that Poyanne’s rule over the city would be beneficial in these troubled times, ratifies, confirms and approves this election, and Poyanne’s installation as vicar and mayor, both for the said time and in the future as long as the war lasts, on account of the common good which it is hoped will be reached, notwithstanding any orders to the contrary or appeals placed in connection with this, which the king has withdrawn through his royal power in order to remove any scandal and danger of loss to the city. He does not wish that this should prejudice the statutes, privileges and customs of the said city, and, once the war has ended, they should be able to elect mayors in the customary manner.

By petition of C. and p.s.


26 June 1342 . Wodestok Woodstock . Concerning protection .

Letters of general attorney in England until Easter next 1 to Hugh [le Blount] , son of Hugh le Blount , who is setting out to Gascony in the king’s service in the company of Hugh le Despenser , nominating Geoffrey de Sheryng and John Maynolf alternatively.

John de Marton received the attorneys.

On 13 April 1343.
For Amaniu Belhade, lord of Lamothe.

6 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant for life to Balhard Amaniu de Belhade, la Mote lord of Lamothe , inhabitant of the town of Bourg Bourg , that he may have and hold the castellany of that town, together with all appurtenances and the customary wages, any previous grants notwithstanding. After Belhade and his adherents had captured that town from the king’s French enemies, 1 the seneschal of Gascony, in the king’s name, granted the castellany to Belhade in a certain form, but, at Belhade’s request and on account of the damages and losses he has suffered during the town’s occupation, and his deeds in capturing the town and returning it to his obedience, the king has granted him the castellany for life, after which it is to return to the king or his heirs.

By petition of C.

On 10 June 1341.

Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to deliver the aforesaid castellany with appurtenances to Amaniu de Belhade . The constable is to pay him the customary wages for this custody, for which he shall have due allowance in his account at the exchequer .

By petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Hélias de Pommiers .

Grant to Pomeriis, de Hélias de Pommiers, Vasatens’ canon of the church of Bazas , that he may have and receive 200 l.t.parv. each year from the issues of the king’s customs at Bordeaux , by the hands of the constable or his lieutenant, until the king shall provide a suitable alternative. Pommiers has shown by his petition before the king and his council that, during the war in Gascony, he lost all his goods, lands, possessions and benefices in the duchy, enduring great damage, and has nothing by which he can maintain his estate or remain in the king’s service without the king’s assistance. He has requested that the king assign him an annuity from the issues of the custom on wines at Bordeaux, and the king, having heard laudable testimony of his good deeds, wishes to favour his request.

By petition of C. and p.s.


20 June 1342 . Westminster . Concerning the provisioning of the king’s castles .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, that, ceasing all excuses and delays, they should supply the castle and town of Muchidan Mussidan with as many victuals and men-at-arms as seems necessary, lest the castle or town, or their inhabitants, suffer damage or danger for lack of such supplies. The king understands that his castle and town of Mussidan, situated on the frontier with the king’s enemies and rebels, the issues and profits of which he has granted to Andriu [I de Budos], lord of Budos , in partial recompense for the damages and injuries he has suffered in the king’s service, has endured many delays in receiving the supplies needed for its secure custody.

By K. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Gaucem d’Ignac .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant to view the bills and evidences relating to the sums owed to Dynac Gaucem d’Ignac, king’s serjeant-at-arms , and to allow Ignac to have and receive without delay whatever sums are found to be owed to him, by that inspection or by account made with him, from a suitable assignment made in the king’s name upon certain customs and places, until he should be fully satisfied. Ignac has shown that he has been in the service of both the king and Edward II , for more than twenty-three years, 1 and now, broken by age, proposes to return to his own lands, but is owed various sums of money for his wages from that time, as can be shown by bills and other evidences. He has therefore asked that, in recompense for those wages, the king might assign those sums of money to him from the customs of Mountandre Montendre , which are collected at the castle of Bordeaux , and of the viguerie ( levegeryn ) of the market of Bordeaux , 2 as well as upon the customs of gems ( gema ) and resin ( rosyne ), and of pots ( ollis ) and firewood ( cheda ). The constable shall have due allowance in his account, and these payments are not to be removed from Ignac until he has been fully satisfied for his wages, regardless of any other orders to the contrary.

By K. and petition of C.

From c.1309.
The 'viguerie du for', see Trabut-Cussac, L'administration anglaise en Gascogne , p.318-319.

1 June 1342 . Westminster . For the jurats and whole community of the town of Saint-Macaire . 1

Grant to the Sancto Makario, de jurats and whole community of Saint-Macaire that they, their town and their heirs and successors shall in no way be separated or transferred from the crown of England, by gift, grant or exchange, except to the king’s first-born son or to his future heirs of England. The people of Saint-Macaire have petitioned the king and his council, showing that they have this liberty according to a charter of king Edward I , the king’s grandfather, and asking that this be confirmed in perpetuity. For their benevolence and prompt assistance on numerous occasions, and confident that they will remain in the king’s service in the future, the king wishes to grant their request, ratifying and confirming that they shall remain annexed to the crown of England.

By K. and petition of C.

1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Andriu, lord of Budos .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to summon Master Podio, de Guiraut Dupuch, then juge-mage in the duchy , and the king’s procurator in those parts, and to assess the true value of the lands, tenements, places, goods and chattels lost by Andriu [I de Budos], lord of Budos , and others of his company as a result of their adherence to the king, according to the form of the king’s previous order. Having gathered this information, they are to send it to the king without delay under the seal of his court of Gascony . Budos had previously complained that he and certain others of his company had suffered losses and other damages on account of their adherence to the king, and asked that they might be compensated, and the king had ordered the seneschal and constable to assess the value of those losses and send the information to him. However, they have not made these enquiries, wearying Budos and his men with delays and excuses, and Budos has submitted a further petition before the king and his council, asking that Dupuch be added to the officials gathering this information, which the king has allowed.

By K. and petition of C.

A note in the margin states ‘annexed to the crown’.

1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Pey Dardy, concerning a pardon for trespass .

Order to all the king’s bailiffs and faithful people that they should not trouble Pey Dardy, Baion citizen of Bayonne , any further regarding his trespass in breaking the arrest of his ship. Dardy had loaded his ship with goods and merchandise in Flandr’ Flanders , wishing to take them to Burdeg’ Bordeaux , but certain of the king’s officers in the town of Wychelse Winchelsea , having found the ship in that port, arrested the ship for the king’s service. However, Dardy, at the request of the merchants who owned the goods, broke the arrest and continued his journey to Bordeaux. He has therefore petitioned the king, asking that he be pardoned for this trespass, and the king, on account of Dardy’s good service, has granted this request. 1

By petition of C.

For Pey Dardy’s original petition, see TNA, SC 8/262/13093. There Dardy explained that two years ago (in 1340), his ship had been arrested 18 weeks at Winchelsea.

6 June 1342 . Westminster . For Amaniu de Belhade .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to assign goods to the value of 20 per year to Balhard Amaniu de Belhade, la Mote lord of Lamothe from the goods of the rebels of the castellany of Bourgeais or wherever possible, until his own lands and rents in the Blavia castellany of Blaye , plundered and occupied by the king’s enemies, should be recovered. Belhade has shown that, amongst other things contained within the agreements made between the seneschal of Gascony and him and his confederates concerning the capture of the town of Burgo, de Bourg , which had been occupied by the king’s French enemies and which they brought back into the king’s obedience, 1 the seneschal promised that they would receive as much land from the lands of the king’s enemies and rebels there as they themselves had lost to damage and depredations during the war, as fully appears in a public instrument made upon this. However, Belhade has claimed that he has received no such lands or equivalent compensation according to those agreements, and has therefore asked that he be granted 20 per year from the goods of the rebels of Bourg until his own lands and rents in Blaye should be recovered. The king, on account of Belhade’s service in the capture of the said town, has agreed to this request.

By petition of C.

On 10 June 1341.
For Arnaut-Gassie [du Foussat].

30 May 1342 . Windsor .

Grant to Fossato, de Arnaut-Gassie du Foussat, kt , Toartz lord of Thouars , for his good deeds while in the king’s service, that he may have and hold the land of Berinis 1 with its appurtenances for the whole of his life, or until he should be restored to his lands, places, goods and possessions that have been lost and destroyed on account of his service to the king. Foussat has shown that Edmund [of Woodstock], formerly earl of Kent , the king’s uncle, when he was lieutenant in Aquitaine for king Edward II gave and granted to him the land of Berinis as compensation for his lost lands, to hold for life or until his plundered lands and places should be restored to him, along with compensation for his damages. Foussat has held this land ever since, and still holds it, but the earl’s letters have been burnt during the present war, and he has received neither restitution of his lost lands nor amends for his damages and losses. He has therefore asked that the king might confirm and ratify the earl’s aforesaid grant, to hold in the abovesaid form, and the king has granted this, any other gift made to the contrary notwithstanding.

By petition of C.

Possibly Berine, com. Barbaste, arr. Nérac, dép. Lot-et-Garonne.

3 June 1342 . Windsor .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to permit Arnaut-Gassie du Foussat to have full and peaceful possession of the land of Berinis with its appurtenances for the whole of his life, or until his lost lands should be restored to him. They are not to trouble him in any way, or to allow him to be troubled by any others.

By K. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Guiraut de Tastes .

Grant to Guiraut de Tastes, Sancta Cruce, de lord of Sainte-Croix[-du-Mont] , damoiseau , that his wines grown within the territory and Sancto Makario, de jurisdiction of the town of Saint-Macaire , and in his own place of Sainte-Croix-du-Mont , should be quit from the custom due to the king, in the same way as wines of the other inhabitants of Saint-Macaire , provided that he contributes to the charges incumbent on that town, and to its keeping, in the same way as the other inhabitants. Tastes has requested that he may be able to ship his wines from Saint-Macaire to Bordeaux without paying these customs, as partial recompense for the great damage and harm he has suffered on account of his faithful service to the king in Saint-Macaire and elsewhere in Aquitaine.

By petition of C.

For the jurats and entire community of the town of Saint-Macaire.

Same as above

Grant to the Sancto Makario, de jurats and whole community of the town of Saint-Macaire that the king will compensate the people of that town for their losses as soon as he possibly can. The people of the town have shown how, on the orders of Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, houses formerly standing in the suburbs were destroyed and knocked down, for the greater security and safety of the town, and their vines and other possessions were destroyed and consumed. These losses have been estimated at 121,969 l.bord. 17 s. , according to information produced by the seneschal and sent to the king in England, and they have asked that the king order suitable payment or other satisfaction be made to them. The king conscious of the condition of those people affected, has promised to make payment, provided that if any person has already secured satisfaction for their losses, then their portion should be subtracted from the abovesaid sum.

By K. and petition of C.


Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to inspect the various letters and information relating to payments to the Sancto Makario, de people of Saint-Macaire , and to make payment or satisfaction accordingly. The jurats and community of Saint-Macaire have shown that the damages and losses which they have suffered as a result of the demolition of the houses in the suburbs of their town, and for the vines and other things that were destroyed or consumed, was estimated at 121,969 l.bord 17 s. , according to the information of the seneschal of Gascony and sent to the king in England, and have asked that payment or other satisfaction be made to them. The king, conscious of the condition of those affected, has promised to make satisfaction as quickly as he can, but also understands that certain individuals have already been satisfied for their losses, and have letters of obligation for those sums. He has therefore sent his letters to the seneschal and constable, together with the information, ordering them to inspect his letters, those issued by them on this matter, and the aforesaid information, and, having examined the particulars of the sums contained within them and having taken further advice on payments made to those individuals, they are to do what is just and according to reason.

By K. and C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Pons de Saint-Christoly .

Order to the captain and seneschal of Gascony to provide Sancto Christole, de Pons de Saint-Christoly , one of the inhabitants of the town of Burgo, de Bourg , with compensation for his losses from the goods of the king’s rebels. Saint-Christoly has shown that he lost all his possessions and goods when Bourg was taken and occupied by the king’s French enemies, for which he has so far received no restitution or compensation, and has therefore asked that he be granted 20 per year from the issues of the duchy until other provision might be made to him to the same value.

By petition of C.


20 June 1342 . Woodstock . For Bernat de Béarn, called l’Aspès .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to compel whichever public notaries in the duchy of Aquitaine have certain instruments of obligation in their possession to deliver them to Bearn, Aspes Bernat de Béarn, called l’Aspès , without delay, according to the fors and customs of those parts. For his good service to the king and his father, the king previously gave and granted to Béarn that fine in which Feugas Guilhem de Heugas and his sureties were bound to the king for Heugas’s escape from prison, where he was detained for a certain felony. 1 Béarn, his heirs and assigns, are to have and receive this from the people, lands and places thus obliged, in the same manner as it would have been due to the king if it had not been granted to Béarn, as is contained in the king’s letters patent.

By K. and petition of C.

On this matter, see entry in C 61/42 .

12 June 1342 . Westminster . For Gaubert de Meyrac, lord of Théobon .

Inspeximus and confirmation of certain letters given under the seal of the king’s court of Gascony and the seals of Usus Maris Antonio Usodimare , lieutenant of Usus Maris Niccolò Usodimare , constable of Bordeaux, and Mayraco, de Gaubert de Meyrac, Teubone lord of Théobon .

29 March 1340 . Hyson parish of Izon .

Letters testifying to the agreement made between the lords Oliver de Ingham, kt , seneschal of Gascony, and Antonio Usodimare, lieutenant of Niccolò Usodimare, constable of Bordeaux, in the king’s name on the one part, and Gaubert de Meyrac, lord of Théobon, on the other. Meyrac, freely coming to the king’s service and obedience, has performed fealty and sworn obedience to the seneschal for his place or castle of Théobon and his other lands in the duchy of Aquitaine, just as he and his predecessors, as lords of Théobon, were accustomed to do to the lord king and duke or his predecessors, or whoever else had power to receive this. The seneschal has made the same oath to Meyrac as his predecessors as seneschal were accustomed to make, and Meyrac has promised to serve the king faithfully, and to serve the seneschal during the present war with 10 mounted men-at-arms and 25 foot-serjeants, at the customary daily wage, and with more if he can bring more.

The seneschal has promised Meyrac that, if the king should make peace or truce with the king of France, then the king would support Meyrac and his associates and household, together with his said place and other properties, and will not abandon them outside the peace. And Meyrac promised faithfully to make war alongside the king and the seneschal, together with his men, against the king of France, his people and anyone else making war in the duchy, for the salvation and defence of the duchy, whenever requested. And the seneschal and lieutenant gave to Meyrac 250 l.bord. for himself and his men, horses and foot-soldiers, and promised to give him another 250 l.bord. at Pentecost next, or before if possible, if and when Meyrac publicly and openly declares himself alongside the seneschal in the war against the king of France and his people. The seneschal and lieutenant also promised that they would write and ask the king to grant to Meyrac and his heirs the five parishes near the place and castle of Théobon , 1 namely the parishes of Margayron Margueron , Sancto Nazario, de Saint-Nazaire , Sancto Chestier, de Saint-Astier , Furc 2 and Breniato, de Bernac with their appurtenances. And they promised that, if and when Meyrac requested, they would garrison the said castle with suitable people, with the victuals and artillery necessary for its custody and defence, as was customary in similar times of war and necessity, for making war against the king’s enemies. If Meyrac should supply his own victuals and artillery in the castle, or if any should be found there during any period when it is garrisoned by the seneschal, then those will be assessed and the full value paid to Meyrac as quickly as possible, and a suitable captain, acceptable to Meyrac, will also be appointed. The fruits and rents of the said castle should always be saved to Meyrac, who should appoint one of his fellows to receive them. The seneschal and lieutenant also promised that, if the said castle should be occupied or destroyed by enemies, through lack of victuals and artillery or otherwise, or if his fellows should suffer loss, then they will give and restore those losses, and will grant to Meyrac another equivalent castle, with similar rents and value, in another part of the duchy, as near as possible to the previous one if such can be found. And if nothing can be found in the duchy, then they will make assignment to him in England, to the equivalent or greater value, until his castle and its appurtenances should be restored to him, along with the other goods of him and his fellows. And they promised, on behalf of the king, to assign to Meyrac an annual rent of 100 l.t. , payable for life from the customs of Bordeaux, until he might obtain a grant in another suitable place from the king to him and his heirs in perpetuity. And since Meyrac and his fellows, because he came to the king’s service, have been condemned by the people of the king of France from the time he joined the war, the seneschal and lieutenant promised that, if and when the king should make peace with the French king, that peace would free Meyrac and his fellows from any penalty. Furthermore, they will write and ask that the king should grant a gift of 50 l.t. to Meyrac, which they will pay as quickly as possible. They also promised that they would arrange for the king to accept the fealty and homage of Meyrac and his fellows without any intermediary. They also promised that before the coming feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist 3 (within which time, if he should be deprived by the French or disturbed by war, the seneschal should be bound to assist him), they will write to the king, notifying him of this agreement, and asking that everything contained above should be granted and confirmed in perpetuity under the king’s great seal of green wax. Sealed with the seals of the court of Gascony, the lieutenant, the constable, and Meyrac.

Inspeximus of other letters sealed with the seal of the court of Gascony:

29 May 1341 . Bordeaux .

Letters of Oliver de Ingham, kt , seneschal of Gascony, ordering that, with the truce made between the king and the king of France due to end on the morrow of the following feast of St John the Baptist, 4 Mayraco, de Gaubert de Meyrac, Thembone lord of Théobon , should place into the king’s hands all the goods, rents and money of the parishes of Monte Talhaco, de Montaillac and Mala Romex Malromé , and of other surrounding parishes and any other places of those parts being in the land obedient to the French king. Meyrac is to govern those places in the king’s name, for as long as it pleases the king, his lieutenant Hugues de Genève or the seneschal, and all inhabitants who wish to come to the king’s service and fealty are ordered to obey him, and to swear fealty to him in the name of the king and the seneschal. Given under the seal of the court of Gascony.

By K. and petition of C.

The castle of Théobon, mainly rebuilt in the 17th century, still has some windows from the 14th century.
Parish not identified.
On 24 June 1340.
On 25 June 1341.

1 June 1342 . Westminster . For the jurats and whole community of Saint-Macaire .

Grant to the Sancto Makario, de jurats and whole community of Saint-Macaire on account of their service and the many dangers and sacrifices they have suffered, that they may continue to enjoy all the franchises, privileges, liberties, ordinances and free customs previously granted to them by the king and his progenitors, without impediment from the king or his officers.

By K. and petition of C.

For the jurats and whole community of Saint-Macaire, concerning the creation of a mayor.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to the Sancto Makario, de jurats and whole community of Saint-Macaire that they may have a mayor, for the secure rule and safety of their town, nominated, ordained and appointed by the king or his seneschal from amongst the burgesses of the town, with the same powers as mayors in other cities and towns in the duchy. The people of Saint-Macaire have shown by their petition before the king and his council that other great towns of the duchy have a mayor, and have asked that the king allow them to elect and create a mayor of their own.

By K. and petition of C.


Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant to allow the community of Saint-Macaire to have a mayor from amongst the burgesses of their town, according to the tenor of the king’s letters, provided that the mayor is nominated, ordained and appointed by the king, the seneschal or his lieutenant as aforesaid.

By K. and petition of C.

For Bonifaci de Cahors.

1 June 1342 . Westminster . 1

Grant to Caours Bonifaci de Cahors, Sancto Makario, de burgess of Saint-Macaire , both for his service in the present war in Gascony and as compensation for the damages and losses which he has sustained, of the baylie of the prévôté called la Caustroust , 2 which is worth 15 per year, and is now in the hands of the king’s enemies and rebels. He is to have this, with all appurtenances, for the whole of his life, as soon as it should come back into the king’s hands, taking 10 or the equivalent in other money per year, and answering to the constable of Bordeaux for any surplus.

By p.s. and petition of C.

A note in the margin states extractus .
Place not identified.

Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to deliver possession of the said baylie to Caours Bonifaci de Cahors or his attorney, as soon as it should come into the king’s hands, to hold according to the tenor of the said letters.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . Protection for Gassion de Lamarque, lord of Sémignan, and others .

To all seneschals, constables, castellans, prévôts, ministers and all other bayles and others appointed in the duchy of Aquitaine.

Order to maintain, protect and defend la Mark Gassion de Lamarque, Sanynan lord of Sémignan , and Casaus Guilhem de Cazaux of Brugges Bruges , their men lands, goods, rents and all rightful possessions, from all undue injury and violence, and to restore without delay anything done to them to the contrary, as is just. The king, wishing to show favour to them, has taken them into his protection, defence and special safe-keeping, during his pleasure.

By petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . Concerning the supervision of the city of Bayonne .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant to inspect certain buildings in the city of Bayonne , and if it appears that the city may be in danger if those buildings are not demolished or removed, and that removing them will allow the city to be better protected, then the officials of that town should be allowed to remove and destroy them, or as many of them as is necessary for the king’s advantage and the safety of the city. The mayor, jurats, hundred peers and community of Bayonne have shown the king that there are certain buildings in the lower part ( baseriis ) of the city, towards the new gate, which, unless they are demolished and quickly removed, will cause great danger to the city because that area is not properly fortified, and have petitioned the king and his council to grant them licence to remove or demolish those buildings, or as many as necessary, so that the city might be better protected against the aggression of the king’s enemies.

By K and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For the mayor, jurats, hundred peers and community of the city of Bayonne .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to repay the 2,000 florins which the Baion' people of Bayonne loaned to Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, for the king’s business. The mayor, jurats, hundred peers and community of Bayonne have shown that they loaned this money to Ingham, as appears by letters in their possession, sealed with the seals of the court of Gascony and the constable, and have requested payment or other satisfaction. The seneschal and constable are to view the letters, and if the money was loaned and not re-paid, then they should make payment as quickly as possibly, receiving the letters in return. The constable shall have due allowance in his account.

By K and petition of C.


Same as above For Pey de Poyanne, mayor of the city of Bayonne .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to make speedy and suitable payment to Puyano, de Pey de Poyanne , Baion' mayor of Bayonne , of the arrears of his annuity of 50 , and of the annuity henceforth, from the lands or goods of the kings rebels and enemies in those parts, or from other rents or things pertaining to the king, ceasing any excuses or delays. Poyanne has shown that various sums are in arrears from this annuity, which the king granted to him for life for his good service, and has requested payment. They are to take letters of quittance acknowledging receipt of the sums paid, and the constable shall have due allowance in his account.

By K and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Guilhem Celer of Saint-Macaire .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to allow to Celer Guilhem du Celer , Sancto Makario, de burgess of Saint-Macaire , a sum of 100 , or the same value in other money, from the customs on his own wines loaded in the city of Bordeaux , or to make suitable payment or other assignment to him elsewhere. By his petition before the king and his council, Celer has asked that he might be granted a sum of money as compensation for the damages and losses he has sustained in the king’s service in the war, and in relief of his estate. The constable shall have due allowance in his account.

By petition of C. and by p.s.

For Guilhem-Sans, lord of Pommiers.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to Guilhem-Sans [III de Pommiers], Pomeriis lord of Pommiers , for his laudable service to the king, of the custom of Roan Royan taken and collected within the king’s castle of Bordeaux , with all its rights, monies and other appurtenances, to receive by him or his attorney for the whole of his life. Pommiers has requested, by his petition before the king and his council, that he may be granted this custom, as partial compensation for all the damages and losses he has suffered to his lands, tenements, goods and chattels during the present war on account of his service to the king, and the king has granted this, any previous gift to de la Bret Bérart [I] d’Albret or others notwithstanding. After Pommiers’ death, the custom is to revert to the king and his heirs.

By petition of C. and by p.s.


Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to deliver the said custom to Guilhem-Sans de Pommiers , to have according to the aforesaid letters. The constable shall have due allowance in his account.


Same as above For Johan d’Escouet .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to enquire into the service of Master Stuet Johan d’Escouet, clerk , the damage he has suffered and the position which he might hold of the king, and, if he is suitable, they should retain him as one of the king’s council, receiving a suitable annual fee for that office for the whole of his life. Escouet has stated that he has been in the king’s service in the city of Aquen Dax and elsewhere in Aquitaine for twelve years and more, 1 but has suffered such damage from the king’s enemies and rebels that he is no longer able to maintain his estate, or to continue in the king’s service, unless he receives assistance, and has requested that he be granted a suitable annuity. 2

By petition of C.

From c.1330.
For Johan d’Escouet’s original petition, see TNA, SC 8/197/9801.
For Guilhem Savignac.

Same as above.

Grant for life to Savynak Guilhem Savignac, clerk , that he may take 12 per day from the issues of the Baion' prévôté of Bayonne or another suitable place. Savignac has shown by his petition before the king and his council that he has been in the service of the king and his father, king Edward II , for a long time without any remuneration, and has asked that the king might provide him with suitable payment.

By p.s. and petition of C.


Same as above.

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to allow Guilhem Savignac to have 12 per day for life from the issues of the Baion' prévôté of Bayonne or another suitable place, according to the tenor of the aforesaid letters. The constable shall have due allowance in his account.

By p.s. and petition of C.

For Master Arnaut de Lamolère.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to Master Moleria Arnaut de Lamolère, king’s clerk , as payment for his service and the relief of his estate, and in place of the fee of 100 l.t. which he ought to receive each year as one of the king’s council, of an annuity of 50 , or the equivalent value in other money, to receive for life from the king’s customs at Bordeaux or from other issues of the duchy, from the hands of the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant. Lamolère, by petition before the king and his council, has shown that he has been in the service of the king and his father for more than twenty years, 1 in Aquitaine and elsewhere, and has sustained many damages during the wars as a result. Edward II had granted him the office of judge of the court of Gascony, with the customary wages, for the better maintenance of his estate, but he has been removed from that office, and has therefore requested that, as reward for his service and the better maintenance of his estate, the king might grant him a suitable sum of money. For his service, the king has commanded that Lamolère should be retained for life as one of his council, receiving the said fee of 50 marks each year, and, if he should happen to be sent as a messenger to more distant parts on the king’s business by order of the king’s council, he is to receive a further 20 s.t. per day for his expenses. 2

By p.s. and petition of C.

From c.1322.
For the appointment of Lamolère as judge of appeals of the court of Gascony in 1324, see entry 027 in C 61/36 .

Same as above.

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant to pay Lamolère the said 50 each year, or its equivalent in other money, from the issues of the customs of Bordeaux or other issues of the duchy, according to the aforesaid letters, for which he shall have due allowance in his account.

By p.s. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Guilhem de Blaye, son of Jaufré-Rudel .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant to call together the king’s procurator and other lawful men of those parts, and to gather information into the rights of Guilhem de Blaye in the manor of Bran in Xancton Saintonge . Guilhem de Blaye, king’s valet , has complained that his father, de Rudelli Jaufré-Rudel[V de Blaye], formerly lord of Blaye , gave and granted him the manor of Bran with appurtenances, 1 now occupied by the king’s enemies and rebels, long before that occupation, together with all the charters, letters and public instruments relating to that grant. However, those documents were lost when the king’s enemies captured the town of Burgh Bourg , 2 and he therefore asks the king to accept and confirm this gift, and also to grant that he may enter that manor as soon as it comes back into the king’s hands, and hold it to him and his heirs in perpetuity, notwithstanding that the charters have been lost. The king, wishing to do what is just, orders the seneschal to make inquiry, and if the manor ought to pertain to Guilhem de Blaye, then it should be restored to him and his heirs, whenever it should return to the king’s hands, and the seneschal should place him in possession and maintain, protect and defend him according to the fors and customs of those parts.

By p.s. and petition of C.

Guilhem de Blaye was surely a bastard son of Jaufré-Rudel V de Blaye, as he did not succeed his father at the head of this lordship.
In 1339.

1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Hélias de Lescours, kt .

Grant to Curiis, de Hélias [II] de Lescours , for his good and laudable service in the duchy of Aquitaine, that he and his heirs may have and enjoy in perpetuity all the franchises, liberties and other customary freedoms enjoyed by Sancto Emiliano, de burgesses of the town of Saint-Émilion , without impediment from the king or his heirs, the seneschal of Gascony or his other officers, and that he and his heirs should be free from all manner of causes and exactions, in the same manner as other burgesses of that town.

By K. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Bernat-Etz, lord of Albret .

Grant to Bernat-Etz [V], Lebreto, de lord of Albret , that he or his deputy, for a period of ten years from the day of these letters, may take a custom of 8 d.t. per pound, according to their value, from all saleable goods and merchandise coming to his castles and places or their districts, or travelling through for trade, namely 4 d.t. per pound from the buyer and 4 d.t. per pound from the seller. Albret, by his petition before the king and his council, has requested that he might be granted this custom, in aid of repairs to the defences and fortifications of his castles and places of Nerac Nérac , Chastel Gelous Casteljaloux , Milan Meilhan , Sora Sore and Tartas , situated on the frontier with the king’s enemies, as well as the protection and defence of the inhabitants there and those travelling through. The king has granted this, mindful of the costs that Albret has suffered in repairing those castles and places, the costs which are yet to come, and the defence which such repairs will provide for his subjects in those parts. 1

By petition of C.

For the original petition of the lord of Albret, see TNA, SC 8/159/7923.

1 June 1342 . Westminster . For the jurats and whole community of Saint-Macaire .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant that the Sancto Makario, de people of Saint-Macaire should be permitted to continue to enjoy the freedom and immunity from the toll and custom of Bordeaux previously granted to them, and should not be troubled to the contrary in any way. The jurats and community of Saint-Macaire have shown how the king previously granted that the wines which they then had should be free and immune from this toll and custom, in the same way as burgesses living in the town of Bordeaux, and, from wines which they should happen to buy, they should give and pay only as much for the custom as people from Agen’ Agenais and the parts of Tholos' Toulousain were accustomed to pay. The king had also granted that their ships called corals , 1 coming and going carrying wines and other victuals to Bordeaux, as well as loading wine and victuals into those same ships at Saint-Macaire and at Marmanda Marmande , should be free and quit from this same toll and custom for as long as the king pleases. They have asked that this freedom and immunity might continue, and the king, mindful of their service and the various dangers and losses they have suffered, has granted this request.

By K. and petition of C.

The couraux or corals (singular: courau or coral ) were flat-bottomed river boats with a capacity between 20 and 100 tuns. They were used on the river Garonne down to Bordeaux to transport mainly wine and grain.

Same as above For Bidau, lord of Poudenx .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant to account with Bidau [II de Poudenx], Podenx lord of Poudenx , or his attorney, if he has not already done so, regarding various sums of money which he has claimed are owed to him for horses lost in the king’s service during the wars in Aquitaine, and for which he has requested suitable payment or assignment. Whatever is found to be owed to Poudenx should then be paid, from the first money sent to the duchy by the king for his business or from the issues of the duchy, according to the order of the king’s captain sent to those parts and the seneschal or his lieutenant, having consideration for the difficulty of the king’s business there, or the constable should make other suitable satisfaction without delay, or make allowance of these sums against the debts owed to the king by Poudenx. For this, the constable shall have due allowance in his account.

By K. and petition of C.


20 June 1342 . Wodestok Woodstock . For Ramon, vicomte of Fronsac .

Ratification and confirmation to Ramon [VI de Fronsac], Fronciaci vicomte of Fronsac , of all the agreements contained in a certain indenture made with Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony and Usus Maris Antonio Usodimare , lieutenant of Usus Maris Niccolò Usodimare , constable of Bordeaux, on behalf of the king, by which Fronsac came to the king’s obedience and gave and oath of homage and fealty to him.

By K. and C., and by petition of C.


Same as above For the lord and inhabitants of Sainte-Bazeille and Landerron .

Grant to the Sancta Basilia lord of Sainte-Bazeille and Landaron Landerron , 1 and the inhabitants of those places, for their good service to the king, the many damages they have suffered on account of their adherence and the various dangers they have encountered, that they or their heirs should not be tried for anything done outside the assize of Basades Bazadais , but that justice there should be done as it has customarily been done hitherto, provided that this grant does not prejudice anyone else in any way. 2

By petition of C.

Alixandre de Caumont .
For the original petition of Alixandre de Caumont, see TNA, SC 8/165/8249 (third item).
For Guilhem de Lart, doctor of law.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to Lardo, de Guilhem de Lart, king’s clerk , doctor of laws , for his faithful service to the king and for the damage and harm he has sustained as a consequence of his adherence, of the office of Agenn’ juge-mage of Agenais in the duchy of Aquitaine, now partly in the king’s hands and partly in the hands of his enemies. He is to hold this with everything pertaining to the office, when they should come into the king’s hands, for as long as he bears himself well and faithfully in that office, receiving the customary wages and fees, and notwithstanding any previous gifts or grants of this office to others made by the king to the contrary.

By p.s. and petition of C.


Same as above.

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the seneschal of Agenais to deliver the aforesaid office to Guilhem de Lart , with all things pertaining to it, according to the tenor of the king’s aforesaid letters, notwithstanding any previous gifts of this office to others made by the king to the contrary.

By p.s. and petition of C.

For Galhart, lord of Agassac.

1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster .

Grant for life to Galhart [d’Agassac], Garsak lord of Agassac , for his good service in the war in Gascony and in recompense for the damages and losses he has sustained, of the baylies of Chaumpaignes Champagne and Lautras Nancras with their rents and customs, the Bacone forest of Baconnais and everything else pertaining to those places, currently in the hands of the king’s enemies, to have together with mere and mixed authority, high and low jurisdiction and all other profits and emoluments pertaining to them, as soon as those places should return to the king’s hands, any other gifts, grants or assignments made to the contrary notwithstanding, saving always to the king the superior resort, service and chevauchée of the men and tenants of those places, such that they, at the order of the king or his heirs or the seneschal of Gascony, should be prepared to set out whenever the king or seneschal should ride to war in the duchy, for the defence of those parts, as they were bound to do before this present grant. On Agassac’s death, the baylies and their appurtenances are to revert entirely to the king and his heirs. 1

By p.s. and petition of C.

For the original petition of Galhart d'Agassac, see TNA SC 8/169/8411 (first item).

Same as above.

Order to the seneschal of Gascony to deliver the aforesaid baylies to Galhart d'Agassac , together with all rents and customs, the said Bacone, de forest of Baconnais and all other things pertaining to those places, as soon as they come into the king’s hands, to have with mere and mixed authority, high and low jurisdiction and all other profits and emoluments pertaining to those places, according to the tenor of the king’s aforesaid letters, any previous gifts, grants or assignments to the contrary notwithstanding.

By p.s. and petition of C.


3 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For Fortaner de Lescun .

Grant to Lescune, de Fortaner [V] de Lescun , on account of his faithfulness and generosity, his laudable deeds and the good place which he holds with the king, and as recompense for his great labours and expenses, both past and future, of the bastide of Genne Geaune , the place of Pymbo Pimbo , the Miremont castle of Miramont in the land of Tursano, de Tursan and the bastide of Ponte Regine Pont-la-Reine in the land of Silhossa Chalosse , now occupied by the king’s French enemies, whenever they should come into the king’s hands or when he is able to recover them. Lescun and his heirs are to hold these, together with those rights, jurisdictions, profits and everything pertaining to them, for the same service by which they were accustomed to be held before the occupation, notwithstanding any other gift of these bastides and places, or any of them, made by John de Haustede, former seneschal of Gascony, or any other of the king’s ministers.

By p.s.


1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For Ramon, vicomte of Fronsac . 1

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to permit Ramon [VI de Fronsac], Fronceaco, de vicomte of Fronsac , to have and receive the 280 l.t. which Coupable Jean Coupale renders to the king each year for the office of Umbrarie prévôt of the Ombrière of Bordeaux , and to deliver to him the customs, rents, profits and emoluments of the Leybourn prévôté of Libourne and the goods of the rebels of Libourne and Sancto Emiliano, de Saint-Émilion , to a total value of 700 l.t. per year. The king, mindful of Fronsac’s service and the damages and losses he has suffered through his adherence to the king in the present war, and wishing to provide suitable remuneration, has granted and assigned these items to him, to have until his damaged places should be restored, any other assignment or gift to the contrary notwithstanding. If these amount to more than the said 700 l.t. , then Fronsac should answer for the excess, and if they do not reach that value, then he should be satisfied for the shortfall from elsewhere, as is fully contained in the king’s letters patent. For this, the constable of Bordeaux shall receive due allowance on his account.

By K. and petition of C.

A note in the margin states extractus .

1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For Menaut de Toulouse .

To all seneschals, constables, prévôts, bayles, ministers and other officials in the duchy of Aquitaine.

Appointment of Tolouse Menaut de Toulouse, Baion’ citizen of Bayonne , as serjeant-general in the duchy of Aquitaine , receiving the same as other serjeants-general are accustomed to receive, provided that he conducts himself well in that office, and gives oath that he will execute it faithfully.

By K. and petition of C.

For Bernat de Béarn.

1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster .

Grant to Bearn, Aspes Bernat de Béarn, called l’Aspès , that he should receive a sum of 34 l. 10 s. 10 d. each year from the issues of the customs of Bordeaux , from the hands of the collector there, for life or until the king should order that he receive the sum in another suitable place. Béarn has shown to the king that his father, Edward II , previously retained him in his service, along with 25 horsemen, and granted that he should receive 100 each year for life. The king later confirmed this by his letters patent, granting that he should receive this sum annually from certain lands and places in the duchy. However, the true value of those places does not amount to more than 65 9 s. 2 d. per year, according to information provided by Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, and returned into the king’s chancery. Béarn therefore requested that he be assigned the shortfall from the rents and issues of the Aquen prévôté of Dax , but the king, understanding that that prévôté has been otherwise committed and not wishing to disturb it, desires to provide Béarn with a suitable alternative, in full satisfaction of the said 100 l. .

By p.s. and petition of C.


Same as above.

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to make assignment of the said 34 l. 10 s. 10 d. to Bernat de Béarn from the issues of the customs, according to the tenor of the said letters.

By p.s. and petition of C.

For Pey de Martillac, castellan of Saint-Macaire.

1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster .

Grant to Martilliac Pey de Martillac, Sancto Makario, de castellan of Saint-Macaire , of the custody of the said castle and castellany for the whole of his life, receiving 2 each day for his fee and wages from the issues of the castellany, by the hand of the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant. Martillac has shown by his petition before the king and his council that he has been in the service of the king and his father for more than thirty years, 1 in the wars in Scocia Scotland and Gascony, and his lands and goods in Gascony have been totally lost to the king’s enemies and rebels. He has therefore asked that he may be granted the custody of this castle and castellany, which he currently holds at the king’s will, for the whole of his life, and the king, mindful of the burdensome costs and labours which Martillac has incurred, especially in the last war in Aquitaine, and the dangers and losses he has suffered, has granted this to him, with the said fee and wage. After his death, the castle and castellany are to revert entirely to the king and his heirs. 2

By p.s. and petition of C.

From c.1312.
For what is the original petition, see TNA SC 8/293/14623. There Martillac explains he held the castle of Saint-Macaire for twelve years at 12 per day as wages. He requests to be paid from now on 2 per day as he cannot live and keep this castle with such modest wages.

Same as above.

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to deliver the keeping of the said castle and castellany to Pey de Martillac , to hold for the whole of his life according to the tenor of the aforesaid letters, and that the constable should pay to Martillac 2 s. per day for his fee and wages, from the issues of the castellany or the issues of the duchy, for which he shall have due allowance in his account.

By p.s. and petition of C.

For Bernat-Guilhem de Bruges, citizen of Bordeaux.

3 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster .

Grant to Bernat-Guilhem de Bruges, citizen of Bordeaux , that he may bring or send his wines into the king’s realms and power, free from the customs due to the king, for a term of three years from the date of these letters. On 20 January 1341, at the request of Bruges and in recompense for his service in the war in Gascony and for the damages and losses he had sustained, the king granted that Bruges might bring or send his own wines into England and elsewhere within the king’s power, on both sides of the sea, free from the customs due to the king, to last during the king’s pleasure. However, Bruges, by his petition shown before the king and his council, has asked that this grant be made for a certain period of time. The king also wishes that Bruges should be quit from the same custom from the said 20 January, provided that he does not claim the wines of others as his own. 1

By p.s. and petition of C.

For the original grant to Bruges, see entry in C 61/52 .

Same as above.

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, that they should permit Bernat-Guilhem de Bruges or his attorney to be free from all customs on Bruges’s own wines, loaded by him and his men in the duchy, from the said 20 January 1341 until the day of these letters, and for a term of three years thereafter, according to the tenor of the king’s said letters, and that they should not molest or harm him in any way, provided that he does not claim the wines of others as his own. And the constable shall be discharged accordingly.

By p.s. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For Guilhem-Forton d’Eyressan .

Grant to Forthonis, Ayressano, de Guilhem-Forton d’Eyressan , that he may have and exercise the office of king’s serjeant-general in the whole duchy , with everything pertaining to it. Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, created, made and constituted Eyressan as king’s serjeant-general, on account of his fidelity and probity, to hold during the king’s pleasure, as appears by his letters, and the king, having heard laudable testimony of Eyressan’s good deeds, has granted that he may have this for as long as he bears himself well and faithfully in that office.

By petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For Guilhem de Blaye .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant to account with Guilhem de Blaye , if he has not already done so, concerning various sums of money owed to him, and to make suitable payment or assignment of whatever is found to be due without delay from the issues of the duchy. Guilhem de Blaye has shown that he is owed various sums of money by the king, for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot, and for horses lost in the king’s service, from the time when they served the king in his wars in the duchy, and has asked the king to order that suitable payment or assignment be made to him. The constable shall have due allowance in his account.

By K. and petition of C.


Same as above For Andriu, lord of Budos .

Similar order to the constable of Bordeaux to account with Andriu [I de Budos], lord of Budos , making payment or other suitable satisfaction to Budos or his attorney without delay, either from the first money sent by the king or from the issues of the duchy, according to the order of the captain who the king is sending to those parts and the seneschal or his lieutenant, and having consideration for the difficulty of the king’s business there.

By petition of C.

For Ramon, vicomte of Fronsac.

Same as above. 1

Grant and assignment to Ramon [VI de Fronsac], Fronceaco, de vicomte of Fronsac , on account of the service he has provided, the many dangers he has faced and the damages and losses he has suffered as a result of his adherence to the king in the present war, of those 280 l.t. which Coupable Jean Coupale renders to the king each year for the office of prévôt of the Ombrière of Bordeaux, together with the customs, rents, profits and emoluments of the Leybourn prévôté of Libourne and its appurtenances, and the goods of the rebels of Libourne and Sancto Emiliano, de Saint-Émilion , to a total value of 700 l.t. per year, to have and hold until his lost places should be recovered. If these should amount to more than the said 700 l.t. , then Fronsac should answer for the excess, and if they do not reach that value, then he should have suitable satisfaction for the shortfall from elsewhere, any other assignment or gift to the contrary notwithstanding. 2

By K. and petition of C.

A note in the margin states extractus .
See the related entry: entry 94 .

26 June 1342 . Woodstock .

Order to Jean [Coupale], Umbrarie prévôt of the Ombrière of Bordeaux , that he should henceforth pay the said 280 l.t. to the aforesaid vicomte of Fronsac , for as long as he holds that prévôté, answering to him according to the king’s aforesaid letters, any other grant or gift to the contrary notwithstanding. For this he shall have due allowance from the king.

By petition of C.

For Ramon-Guilhem de Lamothe.

Same as above. 1

Grant to la Mote Ramon-Guilhem de Lamothe, king’s serjeant-at-arms , that he may have the lands of Dunsos Galhart Dussos in the town of Sancto Makario, de Saint-Macaire and Benauges and in the Ryouns jurisdiction ( potestas ) of Rions , currently in the king’s power, receiving 10 from them per year, or the same value in other money, for the whole of his life or for as long as those lands remain in the king’s hands. Lamothe has complained that the lands and tenements, goods and chattels which he had in the town of Langoun Langon have been occupied and detained from him by the king’s enemies, and that Galhart Dussos, an enemy and rebel of the king, has totally destroyed the houses belonging to him and his brother Galhart [de Lamothe] in that town because they have remained in the king’s obedience and fealty. He has therefore requested that the king grant him the lands formerly held by Dunsos, as remuneration for his service and compensation for the damages he has suffered. If the value of these lands should exceed 10 l. per year, then Lamothe should answer to the constable of Bordeaux for the excess.

By K. and p.s.

A note in the margin states extractus .

26 June 1342 . Woodstock .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to deliver full and peaceful possession of the aforesaid lands to Ramon-Guilhem de Lamothe , to hold according to the tenor of the king’s aforesaid letters.


20 June 1342 . Woodstock . For Pey de Saint-Paul .

Order to the king’s captain and seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux that they should gather information concerning the service performed by Sancto Paulo, de Pey de Saint-Paul and his brother Mericus Méric[de Saint-Paul] , valets of Alixandre de Caumont and of the Teubon lord of Théobon , and their resultant losses, and should pay them a reasonable sum from the money sent by the king, or from the issues of the duchy, in order to maintain their estate. The brothers have complained that, as a result of their service to the king, they have lost all the rents and goods which they had of their own inheritance in the town of Brakerak Bergerac , now in the power of the king’s enemies, to the value of 100 l. per year, without receiving any compensation, and have asked that they might be paid a sum of money to maintain their estate until their inheritance should be recovered. The constable shall have due allowance in his account. 1

By petition of C.

For the original petition, see TNA SC 8/165/8249 (fifth and final item).
For Pey Béguey of Bordeaux.

1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to investigate the request of Bigere Pey Béguey of Bordeaux , and to certify the king of their findings. Béguey has complained that his lands, worth 60 per year, have been occupied by the king’s French enemies as a consequence of his service to the king, and has requested that, as recompense for his loss, the king might grant to him and his heirs the high and low jurisdiction and mere and mixed authority pertaining to the king in the parishes of Sancto Medard, de Saint-Médard and Deysyns Saint-Martin-d’Eysines , of Salaunas Salaunes and Sales Salles , not exceeding an annual value of 10 . They are to certify, by inquisition or other means, which lands and rents of Béguey have been occupied and detained, their location and value, whether such a grant would be to the harm of any others, and what the value of that jurisdiction might be, and to send their findings to the king under the seal used in the duchy.

By petition of C.


Same as above

Ratification and confirmation to Bigere Pey Béguey , burgess of Bordeaux , of letters patent of Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, sealed with the seal of the court of Gascony, by which he was retained, together with nine men-at-arms and thirty foot-serjeants, at the king’s wages and during the king’s pleasure. Provided always that he retains men-at-arms and footmen of the necessary condition, as he ought.

By petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For Pey Béguey .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to account with Biger Pey Béguey, burgess of Bordeaux , concerning the wages owed to him for the time when he was in the king’s service during the wars in the duchy, and to make payment or suitable satisfaction to him without delay from the issues of the duchy for whatever is found to be owed. For this he will have due allowance in his account. Béguey has complained that the king owes him various sums of money for his wages, and compensation for horses lost in the king’s service, and has requested payment.

By petition of C.


10 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For Fortaner de Lescun .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to account with Lescune, de Fortaner [V] de Lescun regarding his wages, if he has not already done so, and, having viewed his bills, to pay to him whatever is found to be due, from the issues of the duchy or from the money sent to Gascony in the company of the captain, deducting those sums already paid to him in England , according to the advice of the captain and seneschal. Lescun has shown that during the wars in the duchy in the time of both the king and his father, he was retained by Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, to serve against the king’s adversary of France, 1 and was also appointed as Sancto Sever, de captain and keeper of the town of Saint-Sever and other nearby places and areas. For this, many sums of money are owed to him for the wages of himself and his men, both horse and foot, as shown in various bills of the constable now in his possession. As a result of this delay in payment, he is indebted to various creditors, and has asked that the king order that suitable payment be made, so that he is able to maintain his position in the king’s service. The constable is to receive the said bills from Lescun, and letters of quittance acknowledging the payment, and for this he shall have due allowance in his account.

By petition of C.

Philip VI of Valois.
For Bernat de Béarn, called l’Aspès.

1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster .

Grant to Bearne, de, Aspes Bernat de Béarn, called l’Aspès , in consideration of his great service to the king and his father, and the damages and losses which he has suffered, of those lands which had previously been held by Feugas Guilhem de Heugas , and which had come into the hands of the king’s father after Heugas’s conviction for felonies committed within the duchy, and on account of his banishment, execution of which had been suspended because Heugas had broken out of prison and fled. Béarn is to render to the king the true value of those lands each year, subtracting it from the 100 l. which the king is bound to pay Béarn each year for life. The king’s father, Edward II , by his letters patent, had granted these lands to Bernat de Béarn on these terms, and the king has granted that Bernat de Béarn should have and hold those lands, with their places, rights, rents, issues and all appurtenances, to him, his heirs and assigns in perpetuity, for the due and customary services, and releasing whatsoever action, right and claim the king has in those lands or their appurtenances, subtracting their value from the payment of the said 100 l. . Grant also to Bernat de Béarn of that fine which Guilhem de Heugas and his sureties incurred on account of his flight and breach of his arrest, to receive from the persons, lands and places obliged to it, in the same manner as the king would otherwise have received it.

By p.s. and petition of C.


Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to permit Bernat de Béarn , his heirs and assigns, to have and hold the abovesaid lands, with all places, rights, rents, issues and appurtenances, and to have, levy and receive the said monetary penalty, according to the tenor of the aforesaid letters.

By p.s. and petition of C.

For Johan de Lafitte of Bonnegarde.

1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster .

Grant to de la Hite Johan de Lafitte of Bonegarde Bonnegarde , who has been so impoverished on account of the war in the duchy of Aquitaine that he no longer has enough to be able to live or to maintain his estate, that he should have and receive 40 each year for life from the issues or appurtenances of the lands of Garde within the baylie of Bonnegarde , by the hand of the bayle of that place or his lieutenant there.

By petition of C. and p.s.


Same as above

Order to the Garde bayle of Bonnegarde or his lieutenant to deliver to Johan de Lafitte the said 40 each year, or its equivalent in other money, from the issues of those lands, according to the form of the king’s letters. For this he will have due allowance in his account.

By petition of C. and p.s.


1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For Ramon de Miossens . 1

Grant to the king’s valet, Mille Sanctis, de Ramon de Miossens, Malo Leone, de castellan of the castle of Mauléon , as remuneration for his long service to the king and his progenitors, that he may have and hold the custody of that castle and castellany for life, in the same manner as he currently holds it. He is to render to the constable of Bordeaux the same as he has hitherto been accustomed to render, and after his death, the castellany should revert to the king and his heirs.

By petition of C. and by p.s.

A note in the margin states extractus .

30 May 1342 . Windsor . For Reynold de Bixley . 1

Grant to Bysquele Reynold de Bixley , for his service to the king and the place he holds in the duchy, that he may have the Penne in Ageneys baylie of Penne-d’Agenais and the rent of the land called Dufford Durfort , with the castellany of Penne-d'Agenais and the castellany and Mont Segur prévôté of Monségur , which are now in the hands of the king’s rebels and enemies, as soon as they should return to the king’s hands. Bixley has requested, by his petition before the king and his council, that he may have these in recompense for his service in the duchy of Aquitaine and elsewhere, and he is to hold them for life, receiving 100 marks sterling from them each year. If they should amount to more than that sum, he should answer to the constable of Bordeaux for the surplus. Grant also that he should have and receive 30 each year from the customs of Bordeaux until those places should return into the king’s hands, as requested. 2

By p.s.

A note in the margin states extractus .
For Bixley’s original petition, see TNA, SC 8/186/9291.
For Guilhem du Celer.

1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster .

Grant to Celer Guilhem du Celer , Sancto Makario, de burgess of Saint-Macaire , of the castellany of Marmande with its appurtenances, now in the hands of the king’s enemies and rebels, to have for life as soon as it should come back into the king’s hands. Celer, by his petition shown before the king and his council, has requested that, as recompense for the damages and losses he has suffered in the king’s service in the present war in Gascony, he be assigned a suitable sum of money by which he might maintain his estate and continue in the king’s service. The king, on account of the laudable testimony he has heard of Celer’s good deeds, has granted this to him, receiving the customary wages and fees, any other grant to the contrary notwithstanding.

By p.s. and petition of C.


Same as above

Order to the seneschals of Gascony and Agenais , and to the constable of Bordeaux and the treasurer of Agenais , or their lieutenants, that they should deliver full and peaceful possession of the said castellany to Guilhem du Celer as soon as it should return to the king’s hands, according to the tenor of the king’s letters.

By p.s. and petition of C.

For Gassie de Conques.

Grant to Konkes Gassie de Conques, Sancto Makario, de burgess of Saint-Macaire , for the damage and loss that he has sustained on account of remaining in the king’s allegiance and fealty, and for the service he has given, of the baylie called Alagreere Lagruère in Agenes Agenais , now occupied by the king’s enemies and rebels, to hold for term of his life as soon as it should return to the king’s hands. Conques has shown that he has lost all his lands, tenements, goods and chattels in Saint-Macaire on account of the war in the duchy, and has nothing by which he might live or maintain his estate without assistance, and the king, having consideration for these losses, has granted him this baylie for life, as soon as it should return to his hands. Conques is to receive 40 l.bord. each year from that baylie, and if its value should exceed that sum, then he should answer to the constable of Bordeaux for the surplus. 2

By p.s. and petition of C.

A note in the margin states extractus .
For the original petition, see TNA, SC 8/200/9997 (first item).

Same as above

Order to the seneschals of Gascony and Agenais , the constable of Bordeaux and the treasurer of Agenais , or their lieutenants, that they should deliver full and peaceful possession of the said baylie to Gassie de Conques as soon as it should return to the king’s hands, to hold according to the tenor of the king’s letters.

By p.s. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For Sénebrun, lord of Lesparre .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to maintain and defend Sénebrun [V de Lesparre], lord of Lasparre Lesparre , in his possession of the paderie of Médoc . 1 The king had previously granted that paderie to him by his letters patent, to have for the whole of his life on account of the service which he has provided, any assignment or gift to the contrary notwithstanding. 2

By K and by petition of C.

The paderie of Médoc was an office in charge of the pastures used by herds in the peninsula of Médoc coming from Pyrénées (Béarn and Basque Country) in transhumance for the Summer.
For details of this grant to Lesparre, see entry in C 61/41 . For the original petition, see TNA, SC 8/282/14077.

20 June 1342 . Windsor . For Gassion de Lamarque, damoiseau .

Order to the seneschal of Bordeaux 1 or his lieutenant to hear the complaint of Marchia Gassion de Lamarque, damoiseau , Samihano, de lord of Sémignan , and Johana [de Caupenne] his wife, and, having called the parties together, to do what is just according to the fors and customs of those parts. Gassion and Johana have shown by their petition before the king and his council that Cauapenna Hélias [de Caupenne], former lord of Caupenne, kt , and Auda [de Tiran] his wife, parents of Johana, at the time of Johana’s marriage to her former husband Luxa Arnaut[-Lop I] de Luxe , granted her certain annual rents worth 40 l.bord. as dowry, assigned upon sufficient places within the duchy, and also promised to pay her 40 l.bord. annually until this assignment should be made. Afterwards, Auda [de Tiran] recognised that she owed Johana 1000 l.t.parv , obliging herself and her property to this payment, specifically all her rents in the place called Abernonas Bernones , such that, if she did not pay Johana this 1,000 l. during her lifetime, then Johana should hold those rents after her death until that sum should be fully paid. This sum was not paid, and Johana took those rents after Auda’s death, but Ramon-Guilhem [de Caupenne], lord of Caupeyne Caupenne , Auda’s heir, has now ejected them from those rents, and has refused to pay them both the annuity of 40 l. and the aforesaid 1000 l. . Furthermore, Auda, in her will, bequeathed to Johana, for the whole of her life, all her rents in the places of Galhano, de Gaillan[-en-Medoc] , Manissano , 2 Ordenaco, de Ordonnac in Medulco, in Médoc and the salinis de Solaco saltpans of Soulac , and a further 300 l.bord to be received from those rents. Johana gained possession of these after Auda’s death, but the constable of Bordeaux has unjustly disseised her of them, to the couple’s great cost. They have requested remedy, and the king wishes to do what is just.

By petition of C.

The popular name of the seneschal of Gascony was 'seneschal of Bordeaux'.
Not identified.

1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For Pey de Grailly .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant to call before him all those by whom he might be better informed regarding the claims of Greyly Pey [II] de Grailly, Benaugar’ vicomte of Benauges , as well as the king’s procurator in [the duchy of Aquitaine], and having heard what ought to be done on behalf of the king, Grailly and Guiraut de Tastes, he should do what is right according to the fors and customs of those parts. Grailly has shown that whereas the place or bastide of Sancta Crucis de Monte Sainte-Croix-du-Mont was of his fee, and was hitherto accustomed to be held as of his vicomté by homage and fealty, Guiraut de Tastes , father of Guiraut de Tastes , now deceased, plotting to disinherit him, asserted in the court of Edward II , that the fee was held of the king, and that homage and fealty was therefore due to the king’s father, to the prejudice and loss of his vicomté. He has therefore requested remedy, and the king wishes to do what is just and reasonable.

By K and by petition of C.

For the mayor, jurats and community of the town of Bourg. 1

1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to pay to the Burgo, de mayor, jurats and community of the town of Bourg whatever sums are due to them from the issues of the duchy, or to make other satisfaction without delay. The people of Bourg have shown by their petition before the king and his council that they loaned 230 gold florins called reaus to the seneschal and constable before the town was captured by the king’s enemies of France in the war, 1 and a further 70 gold crowns after the town’s capture, and have requested repayment. For this the constable shall have due allowance in his account.

By K. and petition of C.

In 1339.

Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to pay 310 l.bord to the Laybourn merchants of Libourne and Burdegala Bordeaux without delay, from the issues of the duchy or by other competent assignment. The Burgo, de mayor, jurats and community of Bourg have shown that they owe 310 l.bord. to certain merchants of Libourne and Bordeaux for victuals bought by them for the provisioning of their town, and have asked that the king order payment of this sum. For this the constable shall have due allowance in his account.

By K. and petition of C.


Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, and to the Burgo, de captain of the town of Bourg , to see that the men-at-arms and serjeants garrisoning the town of Bourg are sufficient, and to receive 200 l. from the money currently in the possession of Bernat-Etz [V], Lebreto, de lord of Albret for this reason, to be distributed amongst the men according to their status and need, for the secure custody of the town of Bourg . The mayor, jurats and community of Bourg have shown by their petition before the king and his council that they lost their goods when their town was captured by the king’s enemies of France, 1 and although the town was later re-taken, 2 they do not have the resources to provision the town, and have therefore asked the king to provide them with victuals and other necessaries, and also with men-at-arms and others. The king, wishing to provide for the security of the town and by the advice of his council, orders that the people of Bourg should have 200 for the wages of 30 men-at-arms and 200 serjeants staying in the defence of the town, and the king will order Albret to deliver the money.

By K. and petition of C.

In 1339.
In 1341.

Same as above

Order to Bernat-Etz [V], Lebreto, de lord of Albret , that, in accordance with the previous grant, he should deliver 200 to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, for the abovesaid reason. Order to the seneschal and constable to receive that money from the lord of Albret, and to distribute it as they see fit amongst the men-at-arms and serjeants garrisoning the town of Bourg , according to their status or need, for the greater security of the town.

By K. and petition of C.


Same as above

Grant to the Burgo, de mayor, jurats and community of Bourg that henceforth the inhabitants of the castellany of Bourg, both noble and others, should be compelled to pledge their goods and possessions within that town towards its safety in times of war in the duchy, and should assist in its defence, as is just. The people of Bourg have shown by their petition before the king and his council that several inhabitants of that castellany , both nobles and others, have refused to allow their goods and possessions to be put towards the safety and provisioning of the town during time of war, or to assist in its defence, and have asked that the mayor might be allowed to compel them to do this, if the need should arise. The king wishes to provide for the safety and defence of the town during time of war by all reasonable means.

By K. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For Arnaut-Gassie du Foussat .

Ratification and confirmation to Fossato, de Arnaut-Gassie du Foussat, kt , Toartz lord of Thouars , for his service to the king, of the gift and grant made to him by Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, by letters under the king’s seal used in Gascony, of the lands, rents and goods which were formerly of Monte Pesato, de Guilhem-Ramon de Montpezat, damoiseau , and afterwards of Trenquelionis Trencaléon[de Montpezat] , his daughter, now wife of the son 1 of la Mota Pey de Lamothe , the king’s rebel and enemy. 2 This property is in the king’s lordship and power, having been confiscated on account of that rebellion. Foussat or his attorney are to hold them, together with all rights, issues and appurtenances, during the king’s pleasure, as the seneschal’s letters show.

By K and by petition of C.

Also named Pey de Lamothe .
On the Lamothe family genealogy (called there as 'La Mota'), lords of Roquetaillade and Langon, see Marquette, J. B., 'Roquetaillade, la terre, les hommes', Cahiers du Bazadais , no. 53-54 (1981), pp.16-20 (with a genealogical chart p.17). If we combine the data of this entry to those of entry entry in C 61/84 , it appears that three successive Pey de Lamothe followed one another as lord of Roquetaillade: the grandfather , the father and the son .

Same as above For Arnaut de Tastes .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to take advice concerning the request of Arnaut de Tastes, king’s valet , that he may strengthen and crenellate his house within the Lasparra honour of Lesparre with a wall of chalk and stone, and make it into a castle or fortalice for the repulsion of the king’s enemies and rebels, and for the safety and defence of those parts. The king, wishing to grant this request provided it is not to the damage or prejudice of him or any other, orders that they investigate the place where the house is situated, and if such a castle would be to the good of the king and the safety of the land, then they should grant licence to Tastes in the king’s name. Tastes and his heirs should be responsible for defending any such castle at their own cost in time of war, and should be bound to hand it over to the king and his heirs and to the seneschal of Gascony if ordered, during war or peace.

By K. and petition of C.

Concerning protection.


25 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . Concerning attorney .

Letters of general attorney in England until Easter next 1 to Hugh le Despenser , who is setting out to Gascony in the king’s service and on the king’s orders, nominating John de Alveton and William de Osberston , clerks, alternatively.

The chancellor received the attorneys.

On 13 April 1343.
For the men of the town of Mézin.

1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster .

Pardon to the Medicino, de men of the town of Mézin , on account of their good deeds, of any forfeitures incurred by them in the town or its appurtenances or elsewhere, from the beginning of the war in the duchy until the date of these letters. The men have requested such pardon by their petition before the king and his council, and the king has granted this, wishing that they should not be molested or troubled by the king, his heirs or his ministers on this account. Any on-going process against anyone on this matter should be revoked and annulled.

By p.s. and petition of C.


Same as above

Order to the seneschals of Gascony and Agenais , or their lieutenants, that the men of Mézin and their heirs should not be molested or troubled in any way for any forfeitures incurred since the beginning of the war, and any process against them on this matter should be revoked and annulled, according to the tenor of the aforesaid letters.

By p.s. and petition of C.


Same as above For Arnaut-Gassie [de Saint-Jean] .

Confirmation to the king’s valet, Sancto Johanne, de Arnaut-Gassie de Saint-Jean , of an earlier grant made to him by Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, and Usus Maris Antonio Usodimare , lieutenant of the constable of Bordeaux, of the temporalities of the Sancto Sever abbot of Saint-Sever , the king’s enemy and rebel. 1 This had been granted to Arnaut-Gassie de Saint-Jean as compensation for the Pounthous baylie of Pontonx , which he had previously received from the king, but which has since been granted to Bernat-Etz [V], Lebreto, de lord of Albret , in exchange for certain other lands. 2

By p.s. and petition of C.

Guilhem de Poyartin , abbot of Saint-Sever between 1317 and 1357. See Chartes et documents hagiographiques de l'abbaye de Saint-Sever (Landes) (988-1359) , ed. G. Pon and J. Cabanot, II (Dax, 2010), p.741. On his commitment towards the king of France, see Barnabé, P., ‘L’abbé dans le siècle. Ses relations avec le duc d’Aquitaine et les Saint-Séverins (milieu du XIIIe siècle-1360)', Abbaye de Saint-Sever. Nouvelles Approches documentaires (988-1360) (Dax, 2009), pp.220-1.
For the grant of Pontonx to Arnaut-Gassie de Saint-Jean on 30 May 1336, see entry in C 61/48 . For the later grant to Albret on 7 October 1341, see entry in C 61/53 .

1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . Concerning protection .

To all seneschals, constables, castellans, prévôts, ministers and all other bayles and faithful people in the duchy of Aquitaine.

Order to maintain, protect and defend the Burgo, de abbot and convent of Saint-Vincent of Bourg , their men, tenants, lands, goods, rents and all their possessions, from all undue injury and violence, and to restore without delay anything done to them to the contrary, as is just. The king, wishing to show favour to them, has taken them into his special protection, defence and safe-keeping.

By petition of C.


Same as above For the councillors and community of the town of Saint-Macaire .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant, if he has not already done so, to account with those men of the town of Sancto Makario, de Saint-Macaire who are owed wages for their time in the king’s service during the war, and to make payment or other suitable satisfaction for any sums found to be owed from the issues of the duchy. The councillors and community of the town of Saint-Macaire have complained that various sums of money are owed as wages to men who were retained by the seneschal during the war, and have asked that the king order that payment be made. For this the constable will receive due allowance in his account.

By K. and petition of C.


3 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For Guilhem Campagne .

Grant to Campayne Guilhem de Campagne , on account of the laudable testimony which the king has heard of his good deeds, that he may receive 250 from the custom of wines which Berneterre Arnaut de Bernetere and Ramon de Plassar have loaded at Bordeaux , and another 250 from the issues of the king’s great custom at Bordeaux, or from other issues in the duchy, by the hand of the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant. Campagne, by his petition shown before the king and his council, recounted how he had lost an estimated 3000 crowns worth of goods and chattels during the capture of the town of Blavie, de Blaye , 1 as shown by information gathered on the king’s orders and sent to him in England , and has therefore requested payment of 500 , the equivalent value.

By p.s. and petition of C.

Blaye had been stormed from the river side on 20 April 1339 by some Genoese and French led by the Genoese Aitone (or Antonio) Doria - appointed the same year as admiral of France by King Philip VI of France - and the seneschal of Saintonge Itier de Magnac (seneschal of Saintonge from 1334 to 1340). See Sumption, J., Trial by Battle. The Hundred Years War I (London, 1990), p.258. Aitone Doria was at the head of 40 Genoese galleys. Several Gascon nobles of the English party had been taken prisoner during this attack (among them Bérart I d'Albret and Guilhem-Ramon de Caumont ) and were kept prisoners on galleys (see TNA, E 101/166/11, m. 32 and 33).

26 June 1342 . Wodestok Woodstock . For Alixandre de Caumont .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant that, having viewed the letters relating to this matter, he is to deliver to Cavo Monte, de Alixandre de Caumont, co-lord of Sancte Basilie, de Sainte-Bazeille and Landeron Landerron , possession of anything pertaining to the king in those places, whenever they shall come into the king’s hands, saving to the king the superior homage and resort. For the good and laudable service performed by Caumont, and because he previously took the king’s part in the present war in Gascony and became the king’s sworn and obedient liege man, and as compensation for his losses on account of that service and adherence, Bernat-Etz [V], Lebreto, de lord of Albret , and Geneva Hugues de Genève, lord of Varreys Varey and Hanton Anthon , the king’s lieutenants in Aquitaine, and Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, granted Caumont and his male heirs everything which the king had or ought to have had in Sainte-Bazeille and Landerron, and the king has confirmed this.

By petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For Bidau, lord of Poudenx .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant to account with Bidau [II de Poudenx], Podenx lord of Poudenx , or his attorney, if they have not already done so, regarding the wages owed to him, and to make payment or suitable satisfaction of whatever is found to be owed without delay, from the first money sent by the king or from the issues of the duchy, according to the orders of the captain sent by the king to those parts and the seneschal or his lieutenant there, and having due consideration for the difficulty of the king’s business there. Poudenx has shown that he is owed various sums of money for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot, for the time when they were in the king’s service in the wars in Aquitaine, and has asked that payment or suitable assignment be made. For this the constable shall have due allowance in his account.

By petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For Pey de Grailly and Johan de Grailly .

Grant to Greyly Pey [II] de Grailly, Benaugearum vicomte of Benauges , and Greyly Johan [II] de Grailly, Buche captal de Buch , that, from all saleable goods and merchandise coming to their places or districts, or passing through for commercial reasons, they may take 6 d. in the pound from the purchaser and 6 d. in the pound from the vendor, according to an estimate of the value of those goods. The vicomte and captal, by their petition before the king and his council, have shown that they have suffered burdensome costs in repairing the defences and fortifications of their castles, fortalices and other places situated on the frontier with the king’s enemies, and have requested that they be allowed to take a certain sum from each 20 s. of goods and merchandise passing through their lands, for a suitable time. The king, conscious of the costs they have endured and continue to endure, has granted this to them, to last for ten years from the date of these letters.

By petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For Arnaut-Ramon, vicomte of Orthe .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony, the prévôts and mayors of Aquis Dax and Baiona Bayonne , the Malo Leone, de castellan of Mauléon and the bayles of Pellione, de Pouillon and Fastingiis, de Hastingues , or their lieutenants, to permit Arnaut-Ramon [IV d'Aspremont], Dortie vicomte of Orthe , to have and exercise high and low justice in his vicomté, freely and without any impediment, together with all rights, issues and other appurtenances pertaining to that justice, according to the form of the king’s letters, and to maintain, protect and defend Orthe in his possession. Orthe, by his petition before the king and his council, has shown that his vicomté and his other lands and places are situated on the frontiers of the king’s enemies of Navarra Navarre , Bearne, de Béarn and the Bascullia Basque Country , and that various robberies, homicides, raids and arsons are perpetrated there, both by malefactors from within the vicomté and by the king’s enemies and rebels and many others, because he has not previously had the power to exercise high and low justice there, or to punish such crimes. He has therefore asked that he be granted these powers, and the king, on account of Orthe’s service, which has not been without great costs, burdens and labours, has granted that Orthe and his heirs may have and exercise such justice in his vicomte in perpetuity, with all rights and charges pertaining to it, just as the king’s ministers were accustomed to have there, saving to the king superior resort, service and chevauchée, namely that, on the order of the king and his heirs, or the seneschal of Gascony, the men of that region should be prepared to set out in the service of the king and his heirs, whenever they or the seneschal should ride to war in defence of the duchy, just as they were bound to do before the present grant. All the people of the vicomté are to be attendant to Orthe in the exercise of this justice.

By petition of C. and p.s.


1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For Guilhem du Celer .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to gather information concerning the costs and expenses incurred by Celer Guilhem du Celer , Sancto Makario, de burgess of Saint-Macaire , both by hearing Celer’s account and by any other means, and, on account of Celer’s good service, to make payment or other assignment to him upon the toll of Marmandia Marmande , currently in the hands of the king’s enemies. Celer, by his petition before the king and his council, has shown that, on the orders of Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, he incurred great costs and expenses in the construction and repair of certain machines of walls 1 and retracte ( circa contructionem et reparationem quorumdam ingeniorum murorum et retractarum ), and of some ships called couraux ( curales ), 2 and on other works for the safe and secure keeping of the town, and has asked that he may be compensated. The constable shall have due allowance in his account. 3

By p.s. and petition of C.

They were probably war machines like trebuchet or large crossbows put on the walls of the towns to defend them.
The couraux or corals (singular: courau or coral ) were flat-bottomed river boats with a capacity between 20 and 100 tuns. They were used on the river Garonne down to Bordeaux to transport mainly wine and grain.
The 'marine carpenters' were often the same persons as the builders of war machines, as they have a deep knowledge of the wood, the iron parts and pulleys.

1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For Guilhem-Sans, lord of Pommiers .

Grant to Guilhem-Sans [III de Pommiers], Pomeriis lord of Pommiers , that he be retained in the king’s service, together with his 10 men-at-arms and 25 foot-serjeants, for as long as he bears himself well and faithfully, taking 12 per day for each man-at-arms and 2 per day for each serjeant. Pommiers, in his petition before the king and his council, requested that he be retained by the king in this manner, and the king, on account of the laudable testimony he has heard of Pommiers’ good service and constant fidelity, has agreed to this, wishing that he receive the said wages in time of war from the issues of the toll of Marmandia Marmande , now in the hands of the king’s enemies and rebels, as soon as that toll should return to the king’s hands, and in the meantime from the issues of the customs of Bordeaux , by the hands of the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant there.

By petition of C.


Same as above For the mayor, jurats and community of the city of Bordeaux .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to do what is just and reasonable concerning a certain place for the minting of money in Bordeaux. The mayor, jurats and community of Bordeaux have shown by their petition before the king and his council that Haveryng Richard de Havering , when he was constable of Bordeaux and lieutenant of the seneschal of Gascony, 1 with the permission of the then mayor, jurats and community of the city, constructed a building called apentoys 2 for the minting of money in a certain place of the Umbraria Ombrière of Bordeaux which was said to be their common, on condition that the building should be removed at the will of the said mayor, jurats and community of the city. Now, for certain reasons, they have requested that the king order that that place be delivered to them quickly, in accordance with letters of both Havering and John de Haustede , later seneschal of the duchy, 3 which the king has inspected, and which show that these claims are true. Therefore, wishing to do what is just and according to reason, the king orders the seneschal and constable to inspect those letters, and, if the mayor, jurats and community have not received any compensation for this place from the king, his predecessors or his officers, and if no evidence is found by which they ought to be excluded from their action, then they should restore that place to them without delay, along with any costs they have incurred, so that they might wish to allow that place to be returned for the minting of money at some future time. 4

Between 1305 and 1308.
In Anglo-Norman, a ‘penthouse’ or ‘outbuilding’.
From 1327 to 1331.
On the same matter in 1324, see the related entry entry 344 in C 61/35 . In 1335, the mayor and jurats of Bordeaux claimed that the king's money was not struck there anymore: entry in C 61/47 . On the buildings used for the minting of the king's money at Bordeaux, see entry 170 .

28 June 1342 . Wodestok Woodstock . For Fortaner de Lescun .

Ratification and confirmation to Lescune Fortaner [V] de Lescun of letters patent issued under the king’s seal used in Gascony by Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, giving, granting and assigning to Lescun, for his good service, the places and rents of the castles of Mugroun Mugron and Lorquenc’ Lourquen , taken into the king’s hands following the forfeiture of Ramon-Arnaut [de Coarraze], Coaraz lord of Coarraze , who has adhered to the king’s adversary of France. 1 These castles were previously in the hands of Lescun, for the 2,000 l. owed by Coarraze to Lescun for the marriage of his daughter, who Lescun married while Coarraze was still in the king’s fealty.

By p.s.and petition of C.

Philip VI of France.
For Guilhem-Reynaut de Grézillac.

4 March 1342 . Westminster . 1

Appointment for life of Grasillaco, de Guilhem-Reynaut de Grézillac as king’s serjeant-general in the duchy of Aquitaine , receiving the customary fee, provided he acts well and faithfully in that office and swears to perform it faithfully. Order to all people in the duchy to be attendant to him in all things pertaining to that office.

By petition of C.

A note in the margin states extractus .

Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, that, having accepted his oath, they should admit Guilhem-Reynaut de Grézillac to this office.


20 June 1342 . Wodestok Woodstock . For Alixandre de Caumont .

Order to the captain and seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to enquire into the condition of the men and towns of Cavo Monte, de Alixandre de Caumont, co-lord of Sancte Basilie, de Sainte-Bazeille and Landaron Landerron , and the losses they have suffered, and to send sufficient equipment, victuals and other necessities in order that they can be defended against attacks by the king’s enemies. Cavo Monte, de Alixandre de Caumont, lord of Sancte Basilie, de Sainte-Bazeille and Landeron Landerron , and the communities of those towns have shown that when they came freely to the king’s obedience, they lost all the buildings, grain and vines which they had outside those towns, amounting to 24,000 l.t. , for which they have received no recompense. Their towns are situated on the frontier with the king’s enemies, but they do not have the equipment and other necessities to fortify themselves against invasion by those enemies, and are unable to defend those towns without help from the king. They have therefore requested the aforesaid sum, for the provisioning of their towns, and the king wishes to assist them as far as he is able.

By petition of C. and p.s.


28 June 1342 . Mortelak Mortlake . Concerning protection .

Letters of protection with clause volumus for one year granted to Oliver de Ingham , who is setting out to Gascony in the king’s service and on the king’s orders.

By K.

Concerning attorney.

25 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster .

Letters of general attorney in England until Easter next 1 to Hugh le Despenser , who is setting out to Gascony in the king’s service and on the king’s orders, nominating Grymesby Edmund de Grimsby, clerk , and John de Alveton .

The chancellor received the attorneys.

On 13 April 1343.

22 June 1342 . Wodestok Woodstock .

Letters of general attorney in England for one year to Oliver de Ingham , who is setting out to Gascony in the king’s service and on the king’s orders, nominating Peter de Ty, kt , and John[de Ingham] , son of Robert de Ingham .

Thomas de Brayton received the attorneys.


Same as above

Similar letters of general attorney to Oliver de Ingham , for the same time, nominating John [de Ingham] , son of Robert de Ingham , and Ralph de Ingham, clerk .

Thomas de Brayton received the attorneys.


24 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For the abbot of the monastery of Saint-Vincent [of Bourg]. .

Order to the captain of the duchy of Aquitaine and the seneschal of Gascony to have consideration for the troubles of the Burgo, de abbot and convent of Saint-Vincent of Bourg , and how they might be relieved and supported, and to provide assistance as deserved, so that they should be suitably comforted and restored. The abbot has shown that his monastery has lately been destroyed by the king’s French enemies, who took the town of Bourg 1 and held it for a long time, 2 and thus they have scarcely anything by which they may live unless they receive relief from elsewhere. They have asked that the king might provide money to help restore their situation, and the king, with pious compassion for their estate, which has been miserably reduced by devastation and other adversities during these wars, wishes to assist them as much as he is able.

By petition of C.

In 1339.
Until 1341.

1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For Per-Arnaut de Sault, clerk .

Grant to Saltu, de Per-Arnaut de Sault, clerk , for his good service, that he may have and receive 10 per year for life from the issues of the king’s custom of Burdeg Bordeaux . 1

By p.s. and petition of C.

For what may be Sault’s original petition, see TNA, SC 8/31/1527. There Per-Arnaut de Sault asserts he is a clerk of the household of the lord of Albret . He explains that him and his family have suffered many damages following their service to the king in Gascony and Scotland , so that his family cannot help him as before as he is following law studies. Sault requests the king to have for life a sum of 20 each year on the customs of Bordeaux or elsewhere in the duchy of Aquitaine.

1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For the mayor, jurats and hundred peers of the city of Bayonne .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant to account with the Baion’ mayor, jurats, hundred peers and community of Bayonne , or their attorney, and to make payment or satisfaction to them without delay for whatever sums of money were reasonably spent by them on the preparation and supply of ships of war. The people of Bayonne, by their petition shown before the king and his council, have claimed that they spent 3,000 on the costs and expenses of preparing and equipping their ships of war, and have asked that the king might order payment or other satisfaction. The king wishes to respond to the request as is just, and the constable shall have due allowance for this in his account.

By K. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For the mayor and jurats of the city of Bordeaux .

Grant to the Burdeg’ mayor, jurats and community of the city of Bordeaux , their heirs and successors, for the advantage of the king and themselves and according to the deliberations of the king’s council, that no wines grown beyond the town of Saint-Macaire and brought to Bordeaux , nor any wines brought there after the establishment of any truce or peace by anyone who has acted against the king in the present war, may be sold in the taverns within the city, its liberty or its jurisdiction. On the information of the mayor, jurats and community of Bordeaux, the king has learnt that there should be great benefit to the king and the citizens if such wines are not sold in the city taverns, since if any such wines are sold in taverns, then they ought to pay the petty custom called the issac ( issak ) to the king’s use, but if they are not sold in taverns, they will be placed for sale or loaded into ships there, for which the great custom would be paid.

By petition of C. and p.s.


30 May 1342 . Wyndesore Windsor . For Reynold de Bixley .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to deliver the Penne in Ageneys baylie of Penne-d’Agenais and the rents of the land called Dufford Durfort , together with the castellany of Penne-d'Agenais , and the castellany and Mont Segur prévôté of Monségur , now in the hands of the king’s enemies and rebels, to Bysquele Reynold de Bixley , to have for the whole of his life as soon as they might come into the king’s hands, and to allow him to have full and peaceful possession of them. In the meantime, the constable is to pay Bixley or his attorney 30 each year from the customs of Bordeaux , until those places should come into the king’s hands. Bixley, by his petition before the king and his council, has requested that he might be granted these places, to have for life as soon as they come into the king’s hands, and that in the meantime he might receive 30 each year. The king, for the service Bixley has performed and so that he should continue to do so in the future, and having consideration for Bixley’s position within the duchy, has granted these places to him, to hold for life once they come into his hands, receiving 100 marks sterling each year. If these places should exceed that amount, then he should answer to the constable of Bordeaux for the surplus. The constable shall have due allowance for these sums in his account.

By p.s. and petition of C.

For Arnaut-Gassie, lord of Thouars.

1 June 1342 . Westminster . 1

Grant to Fossato, de Arnaut-Gassie du Foussat, kt , Toartz lord of Thouars , of a moiety of the place of Altis Vineis Hautesvignes , pertaining to the king, to hold with all rights and appurtenances to the value of 8 per year, for life or until the king should be fully informed of the value of that moiety and the truth of Foussat’s claims. Foussat, by his petition before the king and his council, has shown that, during the time of truce previously agreed between the king and certain people of France, which ended at the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist last, 2 a moiety of Hautesvignes descended to Foussat by inheritance, but at that feast, because Foussat refused to adhere and obey the king’s enemies and rebels, his moiety was destroyed by them. The other moiety, the value of which does not exceed 8 , is recognised to pertain to the king by inheritance, and Foussat asked that the king might grant that to him, for the service that he has provided. If the value of the moiety should exceed 8 , then Foussat should answer to the constable of Bordeaux for the surplus.

By petition of C. and p.s.

A note in the margin states extractus .
On 24 June 1341.

Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to deliver to Arnaut-Gassie du Foussat a moiety of the aforesaid moiety which pertains to the king, 1 to hold with all rights and appurtenances up to a value of eight per year, for the whole of his life or until the king should be fully informed of the value of the moiety and of the truth of Foussat’s suggestion on this matter, according to the form of the aforesaid letters.

This appears to contradict the previous entry, where the full moiety was requested and granted, but corresponds to a later entry on this matter on this roll (m. 11d).

1 June 1342 . Westminster . For the community of the town of Bourg .

Grant to the Burgo, de mayor, jurats and community of the town of Bourg that if any burgess of their town should suffer forfeiture in their person or goods in the town or its neighbourhood, then the mayor of the town of Bourg , together with the castellan of the king’s castle of Bourg or his lieutenant, should have and execute cognisance of that forfeiture, for the duration of the present war in the duchy. The mayor and jurats, by their petition shown before the king and his council, requested that the mayor might have cognisance of such forfeitures, and the king, for the special affection that he bears for the town, has made this grant for the duration of the war.

By K. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For the community of the town of Bourg .

Order to the king’s captain sent to the duchy of Aquitaine , the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to make speedy payment or other suitable satisfaction to the Burgo, de mayor, jurats and community of Bourg of whatever sums of money are found to be owed to them, by an account made with them or by letters obligatory or any other legitimate manner. The mayor, jurats and community of Bourg have shown by their petition before the king and his council that their goods, both moveable and immoveable, have been destroyed by the king’s enemies and rebels who have invaded those parts, and thus at present they do not have sufficient means to live by, or to defend their town against the hostile aggression of their enemies, unless the king gives them speedy assistance, and pays to them the various sums of money owed to them, both those sums loaned by them to the king for the defence of his rights in those parts, and the wages owed to them for the time they were in the king’s service. They ask that these sums be paid to them speedily, and the king, on account of their service to him and in consideration of the damages and dangers which they have suffered in preserving his honour and rights, orders that payment or satisfaction be made to them, from his first money sent to Gascony or from the other issues of the duchy, but always taking into consideration the difficulty of the king’s business in those parts. The constable shall have due allowance for these sums in his account.

By K. and petition of C.

For Guilhem-Sans, lord of Pommiers.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to Guilhem-Sans [III de Pommiers], Pomeriis, de lord of Pommiers , on account of his service and the great losses and labours he has suffered, of the Insula Oleronis Île d’Oléron , with all its rights, profits and other appurtenances, to have for the whole of his life as soon as it should come back into the king’s hands by peace treaty or truce, or when it should be recaptured, or when Pommiers himself should enter and gain possession. Pommiers, by his petition before the king and his council, has asked that he be granted this island, currently in the hands of the king’s enemies of France, as partial recompense for his lands and tenements, goods and chattels, which have been plundered and wasted during the present war in the duchy as a result of his service to the king. He is to hold this for the due and customary services, any other gift or assignment to the contrary notwithstanding, and after Pommiers’ death it is to revert to the king and his heirs.

By p.s. and petition of C.


Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant to deliver the said island to Guilhem-Sans de Pommiers , with all its rights, profits and appurtenances, as soon as it should come into the king’s hands, to hold for life, according to the tenor of the king’s aforesaid letters.

By p.s. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For the mayor, jurats and community of the city of Dax .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant to view the charters and letters relating to the privileges of the people of Aquens’ Dax , and the king’s confirmation of them, and to permit them to exercise those liberties and privileges just as they ought to be, and not to molest or harm them unduly or permit others to do so, including the king’s officers of Bordeaux . The mayor, jurats and community of Dax have shown by their petition before the king and his council that although they, according to the liberties and privileges granted to them by the king’s progenitors and confirmed by the present king, are and ought to be quit and exempt from all taxes on their merchandise and other goods, the king’s men and officers of Bordeaux have exacted the custom called the great custom of wines from them in the said town of Bordeaux, contrary to those liberties and privileges. They have therefore asked that, as recompense for their service and the damage and depredations which they have endured during the wars and disturbances in the duchy, and for the safety of their city and the king’s rights and honour, they should not be bound to pay the great custom of wine or any other custom on their merchandise in the town of Bordeaux or its appurtenances, and the king, on account of the laudable testimony that he has heard concerning their good deeds, has granted this, and ordered that these taxes should not be collected, if their privileges are found to be as they have claimed.

By petition of C.


Same as above For Arnaut-Gassie du Foussat, lord of Thouars .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant to account with Fossato, de Arnaut-Gassie du Foussat, Toartz lord of Thouars or his attorney, if they have not already done so, concerning the wages owed to him and his men, and to make payment or other suitable satisfaction to him without delay of whatever is found to be owed, by this account or by any other means, from the first money sent to Gascony by the king or from the issues of the duchy, according to the order of the king’s captain sent to the duchy and the seneschal of Gascony, or their lieutenants there, having consideration for the difficulty of the king’s business in those parts. Foussat has shown that the king owes him various sums of money for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot, for the time when they were in the king’s service in the wars in the duchy, and has asked that payment or satisfaction be made. The constable shall have due allowance in his account.

By K. and petition of C.


Same as above For Bernat Ferrand . 1

Ratification and confirmation, at the request of Ferrandi Bernat Ferrand , of letters of the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux. The king has been informed by Ferrand that John Travers , when he was constable of Bordeaux, took into the king’s hands certain plots of land in the city of Bordeaux , adjacent to the castle of Bordeaux wall, which Ferrand and his ancestors had held of the king and his progenitors for a certain rent payable at the castle, and also detained certain buildings there for the minting of the king's money. 2 Ferrand has asked that those plots of land be returned to him, or, if the place for minting money is still needed, that the king assign him other lands or rents in a suitable place within the duchy, in exchange for those places. The king therefore ordered the then seneschal and constable, together with suitable members of the king’s council of those parts, to examine this matter, 3 and if it were found that such an exchange would be more beneficial to the king than restoring the places to Ferrand, then they were to make such an exchange in the king’s name, according to the customs of those parts. Otherwise they were to restore the places to Ferrand. The seneschal and constable found that the aforesaid places were valued at between 40 and 60 l.bord. per year, and that the place for coining money amounted to 40 l.bord. per year and no more, and thus they gave, assigned and delivered the aforesaid place for coining money to Ferrand, with all high and low jurisdiction, mere and mixed authority, homage, sporles and all other charges pertaining to that place, in the king’s name, by letters patent under the king’s seal used in Gascony, to hold to him and his heirs in perpetuity. If the value of that place should exceed the said 40 l.bord per year, Ferrand was to answer for the excess, and if it should not amount to that value, he should be given suitable satisfaction for the shortfall, and saving to the king the superior resort, service and chevauchée of the men of that place, namely that they should be prepared to set out with the king, his heirs or the seneschal whenever there should be war in the duchy, for the defence of those parts, as they were bound to do before the present grant.

By K. and petition of C.

A note in the margin states extractus .
On these buildings used for the minting of the king's money at Bordeaux, see entry 344 in C 61/35 , entry 148 .
For this earlier order, see entry in C 61/53 .

26 June 1342 . Wodestok Woodstock . For Léger de Lescours .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to account with Leodegarius, Lescourtz Léger de Lescours , 1 if he has not already done so, regarding wages owed to him, and to pay whatever is found to be owed without delay from the issues of the duchy. Lescours has complained that he is owed various sums of money for the wages of himself and others from the time he was in the king’s service in the wars in the duchy, of which little or nothing has hitherto been paid, and has asked that payment be made, so that he may again serve the king. The constable is to receive from Lescours any bills or letters relating to those wages, along with letters of quittance acknowledging receipt of the sums paid, and shall have due allowance in his account.

By petition of C.

From Saint-Émilion. For the history of his family and its genealogy, see Pépin, G., Aux origines du Château Ausone de Saint-Émilion : la famille noble de Lescours et la maison forte de Villeneuve , Aquitaine Historique , no.119 (2013), pp.2-10.
For Arnaut de Cazeneuve.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Gift and grant to Casanava Arnaut de Cazeneuve , for his good service in the wars in Gascony and in recompense for the damages and losses he has sustained, of the castellany and custody of the Lattoure castle of Latour , 1 now in the hands of the king’s enemies of France, to have for life as soon as that castle returns to the king’s hands, receiving the customary wages and fees. After his death, the castellany and custody are to revert to the king and his heirs.

By p.s. and petition of C.

Possibly Château Latour, com. Nérac, arr. Nérac, dép. Lot-et-Garonne.

2 June 1342 . Westminster .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to deliver the aforesaid castellany and custody with all appurtenances to Arnaut de Cazeneuve as soon as they come into the king’s hands, according to the tenor of the aforesaid letters.

By p.s. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Guilhem Cousin .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to enquire into the damages and losses suffered by Cousyn Guilhem Cousin on account of his service to the king in the war in Gascony, and to send their findings to the king without delay, under the seal used in the duchy. Cousin, by his petition before the king and his council, has shown that he has totally lost his lands, tenements, rents, goods and chattels on account of his service, and has suffered many other damages, and has asked that the king make a payment or other satisfaction to him in compensation. The king wishes to be better informed about these losses, and the merits of Cousin, so that he can do what is just and reasonable.

By K. and petition of C.


20 June 1342 . Westminster . For Pey de Grailly, vicomte of Benauges, and Johan de Grailly .

Notification to Greyly Pey [II] de Grailly, Benaugiarum, de vicomte of Benauges , and Greily Johan [II] de Grailly, Buche captal de Buch , that the king did not wish that his previous grant to them should apply to the Sancto Emiliano, de mayor, jurats and community of Saint-Émilion , nor that the privileges or liberties granted to the people of that town should be diminished in any way. The king had granted that, in aid of the repairs to the defences and fortifications of their castles, fortalices and other places situated on the frontier with the king’s enemies, they might take from all saleable goods and merchandise coming to their places or districts, or passing through for commercial reasons, 6 d. in the pound from the purchaser and 6 d. in the pound from the vendor, according to the estimated value of those goods. However, the people of Saint-Émilion are not to be charged this, and all their liberties, franchises and privileges, as shown in the charters of the king and his progenitors, are to remain in full in perpetuity.

By K.

For Arnaut-Ramon, [vicomte of Orthe].


1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant to account with Arnaut-Ramon [IV d'Aspremont], Dortie vicomte of Orthe , or his attorney, if he has not already done so, regarding the wages owed to him, and to make payment or other suitable satisfaction to him without delay of whatever is found to be owed to him, from the first money sent to the duchy by the king or from the issues of the duchy, according to the order of the captain sent by the king and the seneschal, or their lieutenants, having consideration for the difficulty of the king’s business there. Orthe has shown that he is owed various sums of money for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot, for the time when they were in the king’s service in the duchy, and has asked that suitable payment be made. The constable shall have due allowance for this in his account.

By K. and by petition of C.

Similar letters to the following concerning their wages, for the following reasons:


25 June 1342 . Westminster .

Arnaut, Arsaco, de lord of Arsac , for the wages of himself and his fellows for the time they were in the king’s service in Aquitaine.

By petition of C.


Berne, Aspes Bernat de Béarn, called l’Aspès , for the wages of himself and his fellows, etc.; Gassie-Arnaut, Sancto Cirico, de lord of Saint-Cricq[-Chalosse] , for the wages of himself and his fellows, etc.; Ramis, de Bernat d’Aramits, Aquen’ citizen of Dax , for the wages of himself and his fellows, etc.; Lescunho, de Arnaut de Lescun for the wages of himself and his fellows, etc.; Campania Pey de Campagne for the wages of himself and his fellows; Carco, de Pey de Bidones, called de Cartié , of Sancto Severi, de Saint-Sever , for the wages of himself and his fellows; Berne, de Ramon de Béarn, lord of Bone , 1 for the wages of himself and his fellows; Alixandre de Caumont, Sancto Bassech, de lord of Sainte-Bazeille , for the wages of himself and his fellows and the replacement of his horses lost in the king’s service in the war in Gascony, etc.;


1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Villenau Pey de Villenave , for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot; Galhart de Raus , for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot.


3 June 1342 . Westminster .

Farges Ramon de Fargues , for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot.


28 June 1342 . Woodstock .

Sancto Christoforo, de Pons de Saint-Christoly , for the wages of himself and his fellows; Balhard Amaniu de Belhade, Mota lord of Lamothe , for the wages of himself and his fellows and the replacement of his horses lost in the king’s service in the war in Gascony.


1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Sénebrun [V de Lesparre], lord of Lesperra Lesparre , for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot; Bernat de Folgairs , for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot; Galhart [d’Agassac], Garsak lord of Agassac , for his wages for the time, etc.; Gassie-Arnaut [d'Osserain], Osseranno, de lord of Osserain , for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot; Master Ramon-Arnaut de Spisaco , both for his fee and for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot, and for the replacement of his horses; Ramon [VI de Fronsac], Frounceak vicomte of Fronsac , both for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, horse and foot, from the time etc, and for the replacement of his horses; Monadier Johan Monadey, burgess of Bordeaux , for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot; Scossano, de Bernat d’Escoussans, Logoirano, de lord of Langoiran , both for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, horse and foot, from the time etc, and for the replacement of horses, etc; Maulyoun Johan de Mauléon, kt , for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot; Arnaut [de Curton], lord of Curton , for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot; Lya Bergunh de Lie , for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot.


1 July 1342 . Westminster .

Emerici Guilhem Aymeric , for the wages of himself and his men, both horse and foot.


1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Guilhem-Sans [III de Pommiers], Pomeriis, de lord of Pommiers , for the wages [of himself] and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot; Sancto Johane, de Pey de Saint-Jean , for the wages of himself and his men; Marrak Gaubert de Meyrac, Tiwebon lord of Théobon , for the wages of himself and his men, both horse and foot; Guiraut de Tastes , for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot; Radenore William de Radnor , for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot; Louis de Loras , 2 for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot; 3 Johan d’Eynard, 4 for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot.

Lordship not identified.
Obviously a mercenary noble coming from an important family noble of Dauphiné.
This mention and the following one have been added later with a different ink.
For a related entry on this noble mercenary from the county of Diois (now dép. Drôme), see entry in C 61/49 .

25 June 1342 . Westminster . For the mayor, jurats and community of the city of Dax .

Notification on behalf of the Aquen’ mayor, jurats and community of Dax that whereas the king has granted to Arnaut-Ramon [IV d'Aspremont], Dortie vicomte of Orthe , that he and his heirs might have and exercise high and low justice, together with ordeal of arms ( vadus armorum ) and power of cognisance of all crimes and excesses committed by any malefactors within his vicomté and in all places that he holds of the king, he does not wish or intend that this grant should in any way diminish the liberties and privileges previously granted by him and his progenitors to the people of Dax, or prejudice their rights. The king wishes that all the liberties, franchises and privileges granted to them should be preserved in perpetuity, as shown in the charters of the king and his progenitors.

By K.

For Guilhem du Celer, burgess of Saint-Macaire.

13 June 1342 . Westminster . 1

Grant to Celer Guilhem du Celer , Sancto Makario, de burgess of Saint-Macaire , that he may hold the custody of the toll of Marmande , as soon as it should come into the king’s hands. Celer had previously shown the king how he had incurred great costs and expenses in the construction and repair of certain machines of walls 2 and retracte ( circa contructionem et reparationem quorumdam ingeniorum murorum et retractarum ), and of certain ships called couraux ( curales ),>), 3 and in undertaking certain other works for the safe and secure keeping of the town of Saint-Macaire, on the orders of Oliver de Ingham , then and now seneschal of Gascony. 4 He had requested recompense for this, and the king, on account of Celer’s great service, ordered the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to gather information about these costs, and to make payment or other assignment to him of whatever is found to be reasonable from the issues of the toll of Marmandia Marmande , currently in the hands of the king’s enemies. The king, wishing to show his grace on this matter further, has now granted him this custody for life, receiving the customary fees and wages, provided that he finds security that he will act well and faithfully in levying the toll.

By p.s. and petition of C.

A note in the margin states extractus .
They were probably war machines like trebuchet or large crossbows put on the walls of the towns to defend them.
The couraux or corals (singular: courau or coral ) were flat-bottomed river boats with a capacity between 20 and 100 tuns. They were used on the river Garonne down to Bordeaux to transport mainly wine and grain.
The 'ship's carpenters' or 'marine carpenters' were often the same persons as the builders of war machines, as they have a deep knowledge of the wood, the iron parts and pulleys.

Same as above

Order to the seneschals of Gascony and Agenen’ Agenais , the constable of Bordeaux and the treasurer of Agenais , or their lieutenants, to deliver custody of this toll to Guilhem du Celer or his attorney as soon as it comes into the king’s hands, to hold according to the tenor of the aforesaid letters.

By p.s. and petition of C.

Concerning the payment of wages.


1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant to account with Caselys Pey de Cazalis of Bonagarda Bonnegarde , or his attorney, if he has not already done so, regarding the wages owed to him and his men, and for the replacement of his horses, and to make payment or other suitable satisfaction of whatever is found to be owed to him to him without delay from the issues of the duchy. Cazalis has shown that the king owes him various sums of money for the wages of himself and his men, both horse and foot, for the time that they were in the king’s service in the war in the duchy, as well as for the replacement of his horses lost in the king’s service, and has asked that suitable payment be made. The constable shall have due allowance for this in his account.

By petition of C.

Similar letters to the following concerning their wages paid to them for the following reasons, under the same date:


Same as above

Arnaut de Bride of Bonegard Bonnegarde , for the wages of himself and his men, both horse and foot; Arnaut, Cassalis lord of Cazalis , for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot.


3 June 1342 . Westminster .

Lebery Arnaut de Labeyrie , for his wages and for the replacement of one horse lost in the king’s service.

By petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Guilhem Barbe, Burgo, de mayor of Bourg , both for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, horse and foot, and for the replacement of his horses lost in the king’s service.

By petition of C.


Same as above

Cosyn Guilhem Cousin , both for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, horse and foot, and for the replacement of his horses lost in the king’s service; Master Auker Johan Augey , both for his wage, etc, and for the arrears of the fee granted to him by the king; Tolouse Bernat de Toulouse , both for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, horse and foot, and for the replacement of his horses lost in the king’s service; Grisak Arnaut-Guilhem Grissac , both for the wages of himself and his men, horse and foot, and for the replacement of his lost horses; Marchia Gassion de Lamarque, damoiseau , Semihano, de lord of Sémignan , both for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, horse and foot, and for the replacement etc.; Guilhem Guar of Bonegard Bonnegarde , for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot; Auger [de Doazit], Doazeto, de lord of Doazit , both for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, horse and foot, and for the replacement of his horses; la Roke Pey de Laroque , for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot, and for the replacement of his horses; Arnaut du Pian Dompino, de , notary , for his wages.


20 July 1342 . Westminster .

Bonus, Mancipio, Poy, de Bon Massip Dupuch , for the wages of himself and his men, both horse etc.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . 1

Faucoun Aymar Faucon , both for the wages of him and his men-at-arms, horse and foot, and for the arrears of his fee of 20 ; Bertran Toulignean , both for the wages of him and his men-at-arms, horse and foot, and for the arrears of his fee of 100 marks; Burgo, de Arnaut-Gassie de Bourg , for the wages of him and his men-at-arms, horse and foot, and for the replacement of his horses; Hélias de Tayac and Guilhem [de Tayac] , his son, for the wages of them and their men-at-arms, horse and foot, and for the replacement of their horses; Girau Johan Guiraut, Sancto Makario, de burgess of Saint-Macaire , for the wages of him and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot; Ryvaili Bertran de Rival and Ramon and Arnaut his sons, Bertran de Barran , Bertran de Lerin and Ramon [de Lerin] , his brother, for the wages of them and their men-at-arms, both horse and foot; la Dos Arnaut-Bernat de Lados , for the wages of him and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot; Radenore John de Radnor , for the wages of him and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot.


16 July 1342 . Westminster .

Lavadano, de Auger de Lavedan , for the wages of him and his men, both horse and foot.


25 July 1342 . Westminster .

Mareynh Ramon-Bernat de Marrein , for the wages of him and his men, both horse and foot.

This and the succeeding entries are dated simply ‘as above’. It has been assumed that this refers to the main body of the text, rather than the entry for Dupuch, which was seemingly inserted later.
For Ramon de Béarn.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to Bearno, de Ramon de Béarn , called de Bone , king’s valet, that he should have and hold the temporalities of the Sanctus Severus abbot of Saint-Sever in the places of Morgans Morganx and la Crabbe Lacrabe within the seneschalcy of Landes , for as long as they remain in the king’s hands on account of the abbot’s adherence to the king’s enemies. 1 If the abbot should return to the king’s obedience, then the abbot should recompense Béarn for all the costs he will have incurred in the enclosure, fortification and improvement of those places, as far as he is able to show and estimate. Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, took those temporalities into the king’s hands on account of the abbot’s forfeiture, and assigned them to Béarn for his own good service, to hold at the king’s will, provided Béarn enclose and fortify those places at his own cost. Béarn has now requested that he might hold those places for as long as they remain in the king’s hands, and that his costs be reimbursed should the abbot return to the king’s obedience.

By K. and petition of C.

Guilhem de Poyartin , abbot of Saint-Sever between 1317 and 1357. See Chartes et documents hagiographiques de l'abbaye de Saint-Sever (Landes) (988-1359) , ed. G. Pon and J. Cabanot, II (Dax, 2010), p.741. On his commitment towards the king of France, see Barnabé, P., ‘L’abbé dans le siècle. Ses relations avec le duc d’Aquitaine et les Saint-Séverins (milieu du XIIIe siècle-1360)’, Abbaye de Saint-Sever. Nouvelles Approches documentaires (988-1360) (Dax, 2009), pp.220-1.

Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant to deliver the said places to Ramon de Béarn , to have according to the tenor of these letters.

By K. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Arnaut de Varès .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant that, having gathered further information with the king’s council in the duchy, he should do whatever seems reasonable regarding the request of Bars Arnaut de Varès of Varès Baraseo, de . Varès, by his petition before the king and his council, has shown that a certain part of the Austabake king’s mill of Astarac within the seneschal’s Medicino, de jurisdiction of Mézin , together with its appurtenances and an annual rent of 100 s.morl. , are currently in the hands of the men and community of Mézin for a term of eight years of the king’s gift, and has asked that they might be granted to him after the end of that term.

By petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Guilhem-Bernat [d'Ornon] .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, and all the king’s other ministers in the duchy of Aquitaine, that they should not to do anything contrary to the form of the charters in the possession of Dornoun Guilhem-Bernat d’Ornon , or allow any others to do so. Ornon has shown that a certain exchange was previously made between Monte Acuto, de William de Montague , former seneschal of Gascony, in the king’s name, and Alaïtz [de Blaye], formerly lady of Blaye , whose heir Guilhem-Bernat d’Ornon is, regarding the castle and barony of Blaye and the prévôté of Camparian , as shown by charters, instruments and letters in his possession. He has asked that he be maintained in his possession of this prévôté, and the king wishes to do what is just and reasonable, ordering that anything previously done contrary to the terms of the exchange and charters should be restored.

By K. and by petition of C.

For Guilhem de Guar of Bonnegarde.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant for life to Guilhem de Guar of Bonegarde Bonnegarde , king’s valet, that he might receive 40 per year from the issues of the herbage of Garde and Bonnegarde, as recompense for his damages and losses in the king’s service. Guar, by his petition before the king and his council, has shown that he served the king at his own cost in the present war, in defence of the town of Bonagardia Bonnegarde , and suffered great damage and loss as a result, without receiving any remuneration from the king. He has therefore requested this payment so that he might maintain his situation, and the king has granted this, for these reasons and to encourage others to serve in the future. 1

By p.s. and petition of C.

For Guar’s original petition, see TNA, SC 8/172/8565.

Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony, the constable of Bordeaux and the king’s bayle of the town of Bonnegarde that they should allow Guilhem de Guar to have the said 40 per year for life from the issues of the herbage, according to the tenor of the king’s letters. For this they shall have due allowance in their account.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . Concerning the payment of wages .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant to account with Ramon [VI de Fronsac], Frouncyak vicomte of Fronsac concerning the outstanding wages owed to him, to view the bills in his possession, and to pay whatever is found to be owed from the first money received from the issues of the duchy. Fronsac has stated that he is owed various sums of money for the wages of him and his men, both horse and foot, during their service in the war in the duchy, as shown by various bills sealed with the seal of the constable of Bordeaux. He has requested payment, and the king, on account of the vicomte’s readiness in assisting with the king’s business in the duchy, has ordered that this be done. The constable is to receive those bills, and letters of acquittance testifying to the payment, and will have due allowance in his account. 1

By petition of C.

For Fronsac’s petition on this matter, see TNA, SC 8/343/16158 (third item).

1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Arnaut de Louberie .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant to view the letters of the king’s grandfather, Edward I , in the possession of Loberie Arnaut de Louberie , who has claimed that Edward I owed to la Roqua Johan de Laroque , Louberie’s uncle, whose heir he is, 61 4 s. 10 d. as the arrears of the 30 per year which Laroque had been granted for his sustenance, receivable at the king’s Exchequer, and also 13 16 s. 12 d. for the wages of Laroque and his company for the time they were in Edward I’s service. All of this is shown in letters, sealed with Edward I’s great seal, which are in Louberie’s possession, but although Laroque and Louberie have both previously sought payment, this has not happened. The constable is to inspect the letters, and if these sums have not been paid, and if they are due to Louberie, then he is to make payment or suitable satisfaction from the issues of the duchy, receiving the letters from Louberie, and will receive due allowance in his account.

By petition of C.

Concerning attorneys.

2 July 1342 . Tower of London .

Letters of general attorney in England for one year to Thomas [Chamberlain] , son of Chaumberleyn Henry Chamberlain of Pelham Arsa Brent Pelham , who is setting out to Gascony in the king’s service in the company of Hugh le Despenser , nominating John [de la Ponde] , son of Edmund de la Ponde of Claverynge Clavering .

Evesh’ Thomas de Evesham received the attorney.


3 July 1342 . Tower of London .

Letters of general attorney in England until Easter next to Kendale Edward de Kendal , who is setting out to Gascony in the company of the aforesaid Hugh [le Despenser] , nominating John de Wylye, clerk , and John de Louth alternatively.

Grym’ Edmund de Grimsby received the attorneys.


Same as above

Letters of general attorney in England until Easter next to Edward le Despenser , who is setting out to Gascony in the company of the aforesaid Hugh [le Despenser] , nominating William Casterford and John [le Hunt] , son of Nicholas le Hunt alternatively.

The same Edmund [de Grimsby] received the attorneys.

For Pey de Labatut.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to Pey de Labatut of Burgo, de Bourg , on account of his service in the recovery of the town of Bourg 1 and for the damage and peril which he incurred in recovering the king’s rights and honour, of the office of king’s serjeant-general in the duchy of Aquitaine, to hold and exercise for term of his life, receiving the same as other serjeants-general are accustomed to receive, provided that he performs the office well and swears an oath to execute it faithfully. The king also grants that Labatut should have and receive 40 per year for life, or the same value in other money, from the issues of the duchy, by the hand of the constable of Bordeaux, in relief of his situation and as recompense for his service to the king and his damages and losses while in that service.

By p.s. and by petition of C.

In June 1341.

Same as above

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant to deliver the said 40 , or the equivalent in other money, to Pey de Labatut each year for the term of his life, from the issues of the duchy, according to the tenor of the previous letters. For this he shall have due allowance on his account.

By p.s. and by petition of C.


1 June 1342 . For the mayor and jurats of the town of Bourg . Westminster .

Grant to the Burgo, de mayor, jurats and community of the town of Bourg that they, their heirs and successors, may have and enjoy all the franchises, privileges, liberties and free customs previously granted to them by the king, his progenitors or others, and which they and their ancestors have hitherto enjoyed, without impediment from the king, his heirs or the ministers of the duchy. The people of Bourg have shown by their petition before the king and his council that when their town was taken by the king’s enemies of France, the charters of liberties and privileges granted to them by the king and his progenitors were taken and carried away. They have therefore asked that the king grant that they may have and enjoy all those privileges and liberties, just as their ancestors had enjoyed them before the capture of the town, and the king has agreed to this, on account of their good service and the losses they have sustained as a result of their adherence.

By p.s. and by petition of C.

For the men and community of the town of Mézin.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

To all archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, counts, barons, vicomtes, seneschals, constables, prévôts, ministers and all bayles and faithful people appointed in the duchy of Aquitaine.

Grant to the Medicino, de worthy men ( probi homines ) and community of the town of Mézin , on account of the service they have performed since coming into the king’s allegiance, which the king believes they will continue to perform for the preservation of his honour and rights, and also wishing to help them in the repair of their town, that they, their heirs and successors forever shall have a fair each year, to last for seventeen days, namely for the eight days before the feast of St Katherine the Virgin, 1 the feast day and the eight days after. They may have this, together with all privileges, liberties and free customs pertaining to it, provided that the fair should not be to the nuisance of the neighbourhood, and that it should not be held in the town or within its jurisdiction during times of war in the duchy. Grant also that they and their heirs and successors shall have and receive all the profits and emoluments of the said fair for the first ten years after its establishment.

By p.s. and by petition of C.

On 25 November.

Same as above

Order to the seneschals of Gascony and Agenais , or their lieutenants, to permit the aforesaid men and community [of Mézin] to have the aforesaid fair, with all privileges, liberties and free customs pertaining to it, provided it is not to the nuisance of its neighbourhood and is not held in the town or its jurisdiction in times of war in the duchy. They, their heirs and successors should also be permitted to have and receive all the profits and emoluments of the fair for ten years after its establishment, according to the tenor of the king’s letters.

By p.s. and by petition of C.

For Pey d’Aulède.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to Aulede Pey d’Aulède, king’s valet , that he may have and hold the Miremont baylie of Miramont in the diocese of Agen , with all its issues and appurtenances, for term of his life, as soon as it should come into the king’s hands. Aulède, by his petition before the king and his council, has shown that he was in the king’s service in the war in Aquitaine for a long while, sustaining great damages in that service, and that his lands and tenements in the lordship of la Riole La Réole and elsewhere in the duchy, which he claims amounted to the value of 20 per year, have been totally destroyed by the king’s enemies of France. He has therefore asked that, in recompense for his losses, he might be granted this baylie, currently in the hands of the king’s enemies, and the king, on account of his good service, has granted this to him for life, such that after his death it should revert back to the king and his heirs.

By p.s. and petition of C.


Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to deliver the said baylie to Pey d'Aulède , with all its profits and emoluments, as soon as it should come into the king’s hands, to hold according to the tenor of the king’s letters.

By p.s. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Arnaut Andrieu .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, that they should inform themselves more fully about the service provided by Andreu Arnaut Andrieu, king’s valet , and the losses he has incurred, and make suitable payment to him. Andrieu, by his petition before the king and his council, has shown that he was in the service of the king and his father, king Edward II , during the wars in the duchy, in the company of Guilhem-Sans [II de Pommiers], kt , formerly Pomeriis, de lord of Pommiers , and Guilhem-Sans [III de Pommiers] , the present lord of Pommiers . On account of that service, he lost all his houses, lands and tenements, amounting to a value of 200 l.bord. per year, but has received no recompense from the king or his father. He has therefore asked that he might be granted 200 l.bord. per year from the goods of the king’s rebels, until his lands and tenements might be regained, as remuneration for his service and compensation for his losses. The king wishes to show consideration for his circumstances, and to make suitable payment, in order that he might maintain his position.

By K. and petition of C.

For Master Per-Arnaut [de Sault], clerk.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to Master Saltu, de Per-Arnaut de Sault, clerk , for the foresight and fidelity he has shown and for the good place which he holds in the king’s affairs, that he should receive 10 each year at the feast of Michaelmas, from the issues of the king’s customs of Bordeaux or from other issues of the duchy of Aquitaine as convenient, for the whole of his life.

By p.s. and petition of C.


Same as above

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to pay to Per-Arnaut de Sault the said 10 at Michaelmas each year from the customs or from other issues of the duchy, for the whole of his life.

By p.s. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Sénebrun, lord of Lesparre .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant to call before him the king’s procurator and any others required, and, having had accurate information and mature deliberation with those of the king’s council of those parts, to do what is just and reasonable regarding the request of Sénebrun [V de Lesparre], lord of Lesparra Lesparre . Sénebrun has shown that his grandfather, Sénebrun [IV de Lesparre] , former lord of Lesparre, 1 whose heir he is, granted the Montinhaco, de castle of Montignac to a certain Lesparra Bernat de Lesparre , to hold for term of his life, with reversion after his death to Sénebrun and his heirs. Bernat then died, and Sénebrun, the present lord, entered the castle, as was his right and inheritance, and held it. However, Oliver de Ingham , then and now seneschal of Gascony, granted the aforesaid castle to the Castellione, de lord of Castillon , on account of Bernat’s rebellion while he was alive, when he adhered to the king’s enemies and rebels. This was to the prejudice and disinheritance of the present lord, for which he has requested remedy. If, by charters, public instruments or other legitimate documents, it should seem that Bernat had only a life interest in the castle, and that the reversion ought to pertain to the present lord, as heir to the former lord, and that the present lord entered the castle as his right and inheritance after Bernat’s death, then the seneschal should maintain the present lord in his possession of the castle, and defend him from undue injuries, molestations and oppressions, notwithstanding Bernat’s rebellion or any gift, grant, assignment or composition made to the contrary by the seneschal, or by Geneva Hugues de Genève, the king’s lieutenant in those parts , or any other of the king’s officers. 2

By K. and petition of C.

Lord of Lesparre from c.1254 to c.1282.
See the related entries entry 091 in C 61/55 , entry in C 61/57 .

1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Ramon-Arnaut .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant that he should have consideration for the estate of Ramon-Arnaut de Spisato as judge in Agenais , and make suitable remuneration to him, by the advice of the king’s council in the duchy, so that he should be content. Spisato , by his petition before the king and his council, has complained that he is unable to maintain his estate from the fee that he has been granted for that office, and has asked that it be increased to a suitable sum.

By K. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For Arnaut de Fargues .

Inspeximus and confirmation of letters patent of Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, sealed with the seal of the court of Gascony, in these words:

4 May 1340 . castle of Bayonne .

Appointment by Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony, on behalf of the king and with the advice of his councillors, of Fargia Arnaut de Fargues, canon of Baiona Bayonne , as a member of the king’s council in the duchy, receiving an annual fee of 100 l.bord. from the constable of Bordeaux, at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions.

By p.s. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Richard de Newenton .

To all seneschals, constables, prévôts, bayles, ministers and all others appointed in the duchy of Aquitaine.

Appointment of Richard de Newenton as serjeant-general in the duchy of Aquitaine , receiving the same fee as other serjeants-general in the duchy have been accustomed to receive, on condition that he behaves well in that office and makes oath that he will execute it faithfully.

By K. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For the mayor, jurats and community of the town of Bourg . 1

Grant to the Burgo, de mayor, jurats and community of the town of Bourg that they may collect a toll on all victuals and merchandise passing by water upstream or downstream past their town , or passing through over land, at the rate of 4 d. in the pound, for a term of 10 years. The people of Bourg, by their petition before the king and his council, have requested that the king allow them to collect such a toll, in order to strengthen their town, and the king, wishing to see this done, has granted this, on condition that the money should be kept safe, without any assignments being made upon it by the seneschal of Gascony or the constable of Bordeaux, and should be spent on the repair of the castle there, under the supervision of certain men assigned on behalf of the king and the town.

By K. and petition of C.

A note in the margin states extractus .

1 June 1342 . Westminster . For the jurats and whole community of the town of Saint-Macaire .

Grant to the Sancto Makario, de jurats and whole community of the town of Saint-Macaire that they may have the profits and emoluments of a certain custom in their town which pertains to the king, during the king’s pleasure, for the repair of their town. The people of Saint-Macaire have shown by their petition before the king and his council that there is a certain custom in their town that each year, for fifteen days in the month of May, no wine may be sold there except the king’s wine, and they have asked that they may be granted the profits and emoluments pertaining to that custom. The king, on account of the great damage and losses suffered by the jurats and others of the community of that town, has granted this to them of his especial grace. 1

By K. and petition of C.

For a related petition on this matter, see TNA, SC 8/309/15452.
For Bernat d’Escoussans.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to Scossano, de Bernat d’Escoussans, Logoirano, de lord of Langoiran , on account of the great service he has provided to the king, that he and his heirs, lords of Langoiran, of his own progeny or otherwise, may have and exercise high and low justice in the parishes of Torne Saint-Étienne of Le Tourne , Notre-Dame of Tabanac , Sanctus Severinus, Boriche Saint-Saturnin 1 of Baurech and Saint-Martin of Cambes , with all rights, profits and other things pertaining to that justice, saving to the king and his heirs resort and superior service, and chevauchée of the men of those parishes; namely that they should, on the orders of the king, his heirs or the seneschal of Gascony, be ready to set out whenever they should ride out to war in the duchy, in the service of the king, in the company of Escoussans or his heirs, if they are present, or in the company of the king, his heirs or the seneschal, for the defence of those parts, as they were accustomed to do before this present grant. This grant is given, notwithstanding any previous or future gift or any grant of privileges to the contrary, and if Escoussans should die without heirs, then that justice should revert to the king or his heirs. 2

By p.s. and petition of C.

It is noted ‘Saint-Sever’ in the roll, but it is an error for ‘Saint-Saturnin’.
For the original petition on this matter, see TNA, SC 8/165/8250.

Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to permit Bernat d'Escoussans and his heirs to have and exercise this high and low justice in the aforesaid parishes, according to the tenor of the king’s letters.

By p.s. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . Concerning confirmation for the mayor, jurats and hundred peers of Bayonne .

Inspeximus and confirmation of letters patent of Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, made under the king’s seal used in the duchy:

4 December 1341 . castle of Bordeaux

Edward, then king of England and duke of Aquitaine, 1 previously granted a certain privilege to the people of Bayonne, namely that all inhabitants of the city over the age of fifteen should be bound to swear that none of them should make conspiracies, societies, confederations, alliances, leagues, enterprises or risings against each other or against their natural lord, under pain of loss, of being tried, convicted and forfeited in body and goods to the king, and of being banished from the town and its environs forever. Also, that they should all be obedient to the mayor or vicar of the city appointed by the king or his lieutenant. However, Jacmes de Lesbay, citizen of that city , stubbornly refused to make that oath, and was convicted during the rule of Poyane Pey de Poyanne as vicar of Bayonne . Lesbay was arrested and imprisoned, but escaped, and for that reason he suffered the aforesaid penalties. At the request of the seneschal, and through the consideration of Brokariis, de Johan de Brocas, kt , the city authorities absolved Lesbay as far as they were able, saving to the king his royal rights, and thus the seneschal, by the advice of his council, acquits and absolves Poyanne, as vicar, and the jurats, hundred peers and community of Bayonne, releasing them in the king’s name from any actions which the king may have against them on this matter, and promising to warrant them towards the king.

The king confirms this deed of the seneschal, acquitting Pey de Poyanne, then vicar and now mayor of Bayonne , as well as the jurats, hundred peers and community of this city , of all things pertaining to him on this matter, and remitting any penalty due.

By p.s. and petition of C.

Either Edward I or Edward II .

For Pey Ferrand of Cambes.


1 June 1342 . Westminster .

To all seneschals, constables, prévôts, bayles, ministers and all others appointed in the duchy of Aquitaine.

Appointment during the king’s pleasure of Feran Pey Ferrand of Cambe Cambes as serjeant-general in the duchy of Aquitaine , receiving the same fee as other serjeants-general in the duchy have been accustomed to receive, on the condition that he behaves well in that office and makes oath that he will execute it faithfully.

By K. and petition of C.

Similar letters to the following, namely:

For the community of the town of Mézin.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to the Medicino, de men and community of Mézin that they may hold the baylie , writing office ( scribania ) and the souquet ( soquetum ) 1 of their town for the remainder of the eight years already granted to them by the king’s officers, and for another ten years after that, in aid of the enclosing of their town. The people of Mézin , by their petition before the king and his council, have shown that although the king’s ministers of the duchy granted the baylie, writing office and souquet to them for eight years, in order that they might to enclose the town, the profits are not sufficient for that to be completed. They have therefore asked that this might be extended, and the king has granted this, in order that the work already begun might be completed for the defence of the town.

By petition of C.

A tax on the wine sales.

Same as above

Order to the seneschals of Gascony and Agenais , or their lieutenants, to permit the men and community of Mézin to hold the aforesaid baylie, writing office and souquet until the end of their eight-year term, and then for a further ten years, without any impediment, according to the tenor of the king’s letters.

By K. and petition of C.

For Pey de Bidones.

1 June 1342 . Westminster . 1

Grant to Bydones de Cartie Pey de Bidones de Cartié, Sancto Severi, de burgess of Saint-Sever , that he may have the issues of the bastides of Tholousete Toulouzette and Sancto Mauricio, de Saint-Maurice within the duchy of Aquitaine, worth 12 per year, for the whole of his life, to be received from the hands of the constable of Bordeaux, as payment for his service and compensation for his losses. Previously, Bidones de Cartié had requested that he be granted the issues of these bastides for life, on account of his service to the king, and the king granted them to him, to hold during pleasure. Now, Bidones de Cartié, by another petition before the king and his council, has requested that he be granted those issues and others, to a total value of 20 per year, as payment for his service in war, both at sea near Lescluse Sluys 2 and in the siege of Tournay Tournai , 3 and also within the duchy, and as recompense for the losses he has suffered as a result of that service. The king has instead granted these to him during pleasure, and if the value of those bastides exceeds twelve per year, then he is to answer for the surplus, as is just.

By p.s. and petition of C.

A note in the margin states extractus .
The naval battle of Sluys (in French 'bataille de L'Écluse') which took place on 24 June 1340.
Tournai was besieged in vain by Edward III from 31 July 1340 to 24 September 1340. See Sumption, J., Trial by Battle. The Hundred Years War I (London, 1990), pp.349-58.

Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to deliver the aforesaid issues with all appurtenances to Bidones de Cartié , up to a value of twelve per year, by the hand of the said constable, for the whole of his life, according to the tenor of the king’s aforesaid letters. For this the constable will receive due allowance in his account.

By p.s. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For the community of the town of Mézin .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to account with the Medicino, de men of the town of Mézin , if they have not already done so, concerning the soldiers retained by them on the orders of the king’s ministers in the duchy, and to make payment or suitable assignment of whatever is found to be owed to them, from the next money sent by the king to Gascony, or upon the issues of the duchy. The worthy men and community of Mézin , by their petition before the king and his council, have shown that, since they came to the king’s obedience and allegiance, they have retained, and still retain, 30 horsemen and 300 foot-soldiers at the king’s wages, for the defence of their town and the salvation of the king’s rights there. These wages are still outstanding, and thus they have asked the king for payment or suitable satisfaction. For this the constable will receive due allowance in his account.

By petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Andriu, lord of Budos . 1

Grant to Andriu [I de Budos], lord of Budos , for the dangers he and his people have suffered and the damages and losses he has incurred on account of his adherence to the king during the present war in the duchy, that he may have and receive 700 l.bord. each year until his lost places might be recovered. In part payment of that sum, he is to have and hold the Muchydan castellany of Mussidan , with all issues and profits, taking as much per year as they are able to provide, and for the remainder he is to be assigned lands, places and goods of rebels, as well as escheats which are or may come into the king’s hands, in whatever part of the duchy they may be, to hold until those lost places should be recovered, notwithstanding the gift or assignment to the contrary made to Mucidano, de Auger de Mussidan after the last departure of the king’s seneschal from the duchy. If these should exceed the said sum of 700 l. , Budos is to answer to the king for the surplus, as is just. Grant also, in recompense for his lost tenements, of as great a sum of money as the Medicino de king’s salt-pans of Mézin with their appurtenances, namely Perra , 2 Creysont , 3 Bossestz Boussès , les Peyres , 4 Duransa Durance and Meylan , should be able to provide per year, according to good and sufficient information from the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux. Budos is to receive this from the issues of the salt-pans or from the money of Mézin , until his lost lands, tenements and places should be recovered, provided that the losses amount to the annual value of these premises.

By petition of C.

A note in the margin states extractus . This entry was subsequently cancelled, and a note in the margin states ‘Vacated because otherwise below’. See below entry 247 .
Place not identified.
Place not identified.
Place not identified.

1 June 1342 . Westminster . That the town of Bourg should not be placed out of the king’s hands . 1

Grant to the Burgo, de mayor, jurats and community of the town of Bourg , who have borne themselves well and faithfully towards the king and his progenitors, that neither the town nor any of its appurtenances should be placed out of the king’s hands, by sale, gift, exchange or any other title, except to his first-born son or any other future heir of England. The king has ordained that the town may not be separated, transferred or divided in any way from the crown of England, except to the future heir.

By K. and petition of C.

A Latin note in the margin reads ‘crown of England’.

1 June 1342 . Westminster . For the mayor, jurats and community of the city of Bordeaux .

Grant to the mayor, jurats and community of Bordeaux that they may have all that pertains to the king from the pledges of all disputes, woundings and assaults committed within the city and its districts for a further nine years beyond the six years already granted to them. On 3 July 1341, at their request, the king granted that the mayor, jurats and community of Bordeaux may have all that pertains to him from those pledges for a term of six years, as contained in the king’s letters. 1 By another petition shown before the king and his council, they have requested that this might be extended by a further six years, and the king, on account of their good service, grants that they might have these for a further nine years.

By K. and petition of C.

For the earlier grant, see entry in C 61/53 .
For Arnaut de Varès.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to Bares Arnaut de Varès , at the request of the Medicino, de worthy men ( probi homines ) and community of the town of Mézin and for his good service, of the office of serjeant-at-arms within the town of Mézin, to hold with all things pertaining to that office for as long as he conducts himself well and faithfully.

By petition of C.


Same as above

Order to the seneschals of Gascony and Agenais, or their lieutenants, to permit Arnaut de Varès to have and hold the aforesaid office, with all that pertains to it, for as long as he conducts himself well and faithfully, according to the tenor of the king’s letters.

By petition of C.

For Ramon-Arnaut de Spisaco .

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to Ramon-Arnaut de Spisaco , king’s clerk , for his laudable service, of the lands and tenements, goods, lordships and services which were of Filartigira Bidau de Filartigue , the king’s enemy and rebel, in the parish of Rialbo, de Réaup , up to a value of 5 l. per year, to hold during pleasure or until Filartigue should return to the king’s obedience and fealty. Spisaco has requested this by his petition before the king and his council, as recompense for the damages and losses which he has sustained in the king’s service during the war in Aquitaine.

By K. and petition of C.


Same as above

Order to the seneschals of Gascony and Agenais, or their lieutenants, to deliver the said lands, tenements, goods, lordships and services to Spisaco or his attorney, to a value of 6 per year, to hold during the king’s pleasure or until Filartigue should return to the king’s obedience, according to the tenor of the king’s letters.

For Guiraut de Picon.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to Pycun Guiraut de Picon, king’s valet , for his service to the king and the losses he has suffered, of the baylie of the bastide of Sancti Salvatoris Saint-Sauveur[-de-Meilhan] in the Vasaten’ diocese of Bazas , with all its issues and appurtenances, currently in the hands of the king’s enemies, to hold for life as soon as it might return to the king’s hands. Picon, by his petition before the king and his council, has shown that he served the king faithfully in the war in Aquitaine, and as a result has lost all his lands and tenements, which he claims amounted to the value of 125 l.bord. per year, because they have been occupied by the king’s enemies and rebels, and has requested this grant as compensation for those damages and losses. After Picon’s death, the baylie and its appurtenances should revert entirely to the king’s hands.

By p.s. and petition of C.


Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to deliver the said baylie to Guiraut de Picon as soon as it should return to the king’s hands, to hold according to the tenor of the king’s letters.

By p.s. and petition of C.

For Bernat d’Escoussans, lord of Langoiran.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to Scossano, de Bernat d’Escoussans, Logorrano, de lord of Langoiran , on account of his constant fidelity and his great labours in defending the king’s royal rights and honour, that he and his heirs as lords of Langoiran, of his progeny or otherwise, may have and exercise in perpetuity high jurisdiction of his men, both feudal vassals ( feodalibus ) and questaux ( questuariis ), 1 in the parish of Sancti Martini de Cyron, de Saint-Martin of Cérons in the Bersaco, de prévoté of Barsac , as well as in the place of Ferariis, de Feyrère in the parish of Cissac[-Médoc] in the Madok paderie of Médoc , with all rights, monies and other appurtenances pertaining to that jurisdiction, notwithstanding any gifts made previously or afterwards or any grants of privileges to the contrary, saving to the king and his heirs resort and superior service and chevauchée of the men of those parishes; namely that those men should, on the orders of the king, his heirs or the seneschal of Gascony, be ready and prepared to set out whenever they should ride out to war in the duchy, in the service of the king, in the company of Escoussans or his heirs, if they are present, or in the company of the king, his heirs or the seneschal, for the defence of those parts, as they were accustomed to do before this present grant. If Escoussans should die without heirs, then that jurisdiction, with all appurtenances, should revert entirely to the king and his heirs. 2

By petition of C. and p.s.

In Gascony the questaux were the equivalent of serfs.
For the original petition on this matter, see TNA, SC 8/165/8250 (fifth item).

Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to permit Bernat d'Escoussans and his heirs to have and exercise high jurisdiction of his men in the aforesaid places, with all rights, moneys and other appurtenances, in perpetuity, according to the form of the king’s letters.

By petition of C. and p.s.


3 July 1342 . Tower of London Concerning attorney .

Letters of general attorney in England until Easter next to Thorp Edmund de Thorpe , who is setting out to Gascony in the king’s service in the company of Oliver de Ingham , nominating Heleghton Simon de Helhoughton and John Grace .

Evesh’ Thomas de Evesham received the attorneys.

For Bernat d’Escoussans, [lord of Langoiran].

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to Scossano, de Bernat d’Escoussans, Logoirano, de lord of Langoiran , for his good service in the duchy of Aquitaine, that he and his heirs may henceforth have and make execution of all judgments by their own bayles in the place of Sancto Magno, de Saint-Magne for as long as that place should remain in the possession of Escoussans or his heirs, notwithstanding any past or future gifts or any privileges granted to the contrary. By his petition before the king and his council, Bernat d'Escoussans has shown that he has high and low jurisdiction and mere and mixed authority in the place of Saint-Magne, within the Ousten parish of Hostens and of the right and inheritance of his wife, Calculo, de Miramunda de Caillau, Ponsaco, de lady of Podensac and her ancestors, who from time beyond memory were accustomed to have such jurisdiction and authority in that place, with the exception that judgments in criminal causes on the stream of le in rivo de Catemort Gat-Mort within the aforesaid jurisdiction, returned by Bernat d'Escoussans’ bayle, ought to be executed by the king’s bayle there. He has therefore asked that he and his heirs, lords of Langoiran, of his progeny or otherwise, may be granted the right to make and execute such judgments by their own bayles in the future. 1

By p.s. and petition of C.

For an original petition on this matter, see TNA, SC 8/165/8250 (sixth item).

Same as above

Order to the seneschal [of Gascony] and the constable [of Bordeaux] or their lieutenants to permit Bernat d'Escoussans and his heirs to have, make and exercise execution of those judgments by their own bayles henceforth without any impediment, according to the form of the king’s letters.

By p.s. and petition of C.


8 July 1342 . Tower of London . Concerning attorney .

Letters of protection with clause volumus until Christmas next granted to Ramon Morery of Gascony, who is setting out to Gascony and Brittany , in the king’s service and on the king’s orders, in the company of Lescuno, de Fortaner de Lescun .

By p.s.


8 July 1342 . Tower of London . For Fauquet de Monpuy .

Order to the seneschals of Gascony and Agenais and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to call before them the parties in the request of Falkettus, Bono Podio, de Fauquet de Monpuy , and having heard their cases, to do for Monpuy what is right and according to the fors and customs of those parts. Monpuy has shown that whereas the king previously confirmed the gift made to him by the seneschal of Gascony 1 of the parishes of Sandat Sendat , Lopiak Lupiac , Mirans Mirande , Dansex Anzex , granted to him for his good service in the war in the duchy and in recompense for his damages and losses, the king’s officers and lieutenants in the duchy have also granted those parishes to Ferriol Guilhem Ferréol , formerly an enemy of the king who has now come to his allegiance, and the king has confirmed that grant by other letters patent. He has therefore asked that he be maintained in his possession of those parishes with their jurisdictions, and it is the king’s intention that the previous gifts made to Monpuy should prevail. 2

By K. and petition of C.

By Oliver de Ingham on 8 March 1339. See the related entry entry in C 61/53 .
This entry is repeated in the same terms on m.7, under the date 1 June 1342, see entry 307 .

3 July 1342 . Wodestok Woodstock . Concerning general attorney .

Letters of general attorney in England until Easter next to Edmund [de Thorpe] , son of Thorp Robert de Thorpe , who is setting out to Gascony in the king’s service in the company of Oliver de Ingham , nominating John Grace and Helegton Simon de Helhoughton alternatively.

Thomas de Evesham received the attorneys.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For the men and community of the town of Mézin .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, that they should view the letters of the Medicino, de men and community of the town of Mézin and pay them a suitable sum without delay from the next money sent by the king to Gascony, in part payment of the sum requested. The people of Mézin, by their petition before the king and his council, have shown how, when they came to the king’s allegiance 1 and afterwards, they demolished 600 of their houses, built from stone and chalk, on the orders of the king’s officers, and used that stone, valued at 4,382 l.t.parv. 15 s. by mandate of the king’s officers, to enclose and fortify the town with walls. They have requested that the king order payment or other satisfaction of those sums, since they do not currently have houses or other buildings to live in or to keep their goods safe unless the king assists them, and the king, having heard of their good deeds, wishes to be favourable to them. They are to make payment or satisfaction of the remainder of that sum from the issues of the duchy, and for this the constable will receive due allowance in his account.

By petition of C.

Mézin surrendered to the 'English' on 23 July 1340 after a siege led by the lord of Albret , Hugues de Genève and Oliver de Ingham .

1 June 1342 . Westminster . Concerning the revocation of gifts made by Philip of Valois .

Grant to the Medicino, de men and community of Mézin that all gifts and alienations made by Valesio, de Philip of Valois 1 in that town and elsewhere should be annulled, revoked and have no force, and if there is any contention regarding the restitution of those goods from those holding them, the king’s procurator [in the duchy of Aquitaine] should be able to restore them at the request of those seeking restitution, doing what is right and according to the fors and customs of those parts. The people of Mézin, by their petition before the king and his council, have asked that all gifts or alienations made by Philip of Valois from the goods and possessions of the men there, when the town was in his power, should have no force, and that the king’s procurator in the duchy should hear all pleas from those seeking restitution, and should be able to compel their holders to restore them.

By K. and petition of C.

Philip VI of Valois, king of France (1328-1350).
For the men and community of the town of Mézin.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to the Medicino, de worthy men and community of the town of Mézin that all the inhabitants of their town should be permitted to carry arms throughout the whole of the duchy of Aquitaine unless the king should make prohibition for certain reasons. The people of Mézin, by their petition before the king and his council, have requested this, and that anyone taken or arrested for this should be released unharmed.

By K. and petition of C.


Same as above

Order to the seneschals of Gascony and Agenais , or their lieutenants, that they should permit the said men and community of Mézin to carry arms throughout the whole of the duchy, unless the king should prohibit that for certain reasons, according to the tenor of the king’s letters.

By K. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . Concerning protection for the community of the town of Bordeaux .

Order to all seneschals, constables, castellans, prévôts, officers and all other bayles and faithful people appointed in the duchy of Aquitaine to maintain and protect the Burdeg’ mayor, jurats and all the inhabitants of the city of Bordeaux , their men, lands, goods, rents and all their possessions, and defend them from undue injury and violence, as the king has taken them into his special protection, defence and safe-keeping, to last during pleasure. Anything previously done against them without right is to be restored without delay.

By K. and C.


2 June 1342 . Westminster . For Ramon de Miossens .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant to account with Mille Sanctis, de Ramon de Miossens, the king's castellan of Malo Leone, de Mauléon , if he has not already done so, regarding the wages owed to him, and to make payment of whatever is found to be owed from the issues of the castellany, or to make suitable assignment elsewhere without delay. Miossens has shown that the king owes him various sums of money for the wages of him and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot, from the time that they were in the king’s service in garrisoning the castle of Mauléon , and has requested payment or assignment. For this the constable will receive due allowance in his account.

By K. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Johana de Périgord .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to inform themselves fully regarding the rent lost by Peragortz Johana de Périgord, Laverdac lady of Lavardac , and its value, and to make payment to her from the issues of the duchy of whatever she is found to have lost, or other suitable satisfaction, without delay. Johana de Périgord has shown that, on account of her fidelity and obedience to the king, for over two years she has lost a rent worth 220 l.t. per year which she was accustomed to receive upon the toll of Marmande , and has requested that the king might order payment or other suitable satisfaction. For this the constable will receive due allowance in his account.

By K. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Doat-Amaniu [de Bouglon] .

Order to the seneschals of Gascony and Agenais and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, that they inspect the grant of 120 l.t.parv. per year for life made to Boeglonio, de Doat-Amaniu de Bouglon, damoiseau , and if it should appear that he has been ejected from the baylie of Castri Amorosii Castel-Amouroux , and from the baylies of Sales Salles , Juliaco, de Juliac and Cuglays, Aulas Le Las as he has claimed, then they should assign that he or his attorney should receive that 120 l. per year in the places he has requested, or other appropriate places, along with the arrears of that grant. Bouglon has shown how, in recompense for his long service to the king and his father, king Edward II , in Aquitaine, Scocia Scotland , Flandr’ Flanders and elsewhere, the king granted that he or his attorney might receive 120 l.t.parv. per year for life from the baylie and issues of Castel-Amouroux. After that place was occupied by the king’s enemies of France, the king then granted that he might receive that annuity from the baylies and issues of Juliac, also now occupied by the king’s enemies, and of Salles and Le Las, now in the hands of Guilhem-Ramon [de Caumont], Koumond lord of Caumont , by means of an assignment by the king’s seneschal. For these reasons Bouglon has been unable to receive the issues from those baylies for a long time, and has therefore requested that the king grant that he might instead receive the said 120 l. per year both from the issues of the baylies and prévôtés of Salles and La Las, now in the king’s hands on account of Caumont’s forfeiture, and also upon the Viane baylie of Vianne with its appurtenances, as well as upon the lands, issues, profits, vines and rents of Trencaleon Agnès Trenqueléon , daughter and heir of a certain Trencaleon Guiraut Trenqueléon , the heir of Filartega Pélegrin de Filartigue , the heir of Ramon de Suret , the heir of Tantilon Guilhem-Arnaut de Toutoulon [and] Fortis, Monte Calvio Fort de Moncaut , the king’s enemies and rebels, situated in the baylies or lordships of Vianne and Feuguerolus Feugarolles , and upon the customs of Montandre Montendre and the viguerie ( begaria ) of the market of Bordeaux . The king wishes to do what is just and reasonable towards Bouglon, provided that neither Disnak Gaucem d’Ignac, king’s serjeant-at-arms , nor any others with assignments upon the aforesaid custom and viguerie should be prejudiced in any way. For this the constable will receive due allowance upon his account. 1

By p.s. and petition of C.

For the earlier grant of the annuity at Castel-Amouroux, see entry in C 61/40 . For the petition from Caumont which secured that grant, see TNA, SC 8/286/14288. For other related entries, see entry in C 61/46 , and other entries noted there.

1 June 1342 . Westminster . For the community of the city of Bordeaux .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant to call before him those who ought to be summoned, hear what they say on this matter, and, having been fully informed about the rights of the parties, do rightful and swift justice according to the fors and customs of those parts. The king grants, and restore, to the mayor, jurats and city of Bordeaux the high and low, and the full and shared justice over the banlieue ( banleuca ), except the justice belonging to the heirs of Alicia, Blavia Alaïtz de Blaye, Ornun lady of Ornon , the seneschal of Gascony having to do justice to the city and to these heirs; the justice granted by the king to Bradston Thomas de Bradstone on a part of the banlieue situated in Entre-deux-Mers 1 has to be returned to the city after its appraisal by the seneschal of Gascony and after due agreement between Bradstone and the city, the mayor, jurats and community of Bordeaux having petitioned the king about their rights in the banlieue , since most of it had been granted by the kings to various men, and to return to them their justice. And as the seneschal and constable had sent to the king information about the value and boundaries of the banlieue , these boundaries are as follows, in accordance with the boundary stones 2 : from the town and its suburbs to the mouth of the Jalle[-de-Blanquefort] on the Girunda Garonne and going up the Jalle to the Old Jalle ( Jala Vetus ) and from there to the mill of Begayressa , and from there to Jalapont Jallepont , and from Jallepont to the place of Magudans Magudas , and from Magudas to lo pas de las vaquas 3 , and from there to the cross of Beutras Beutre , and from there to the boundaries of the district ( justiciatus ) of Bogium Buch and to the boundaries of the district of Belinum Belin up to the place of Laguabat , and from Belin to the boundaries of the parish of Leunhanum Léognan , and from this parish following the river called Eau Blanche ( aqua [...] la Glauqua ) down to the mouth of the stream ( esterium ) of Correyanum Courréjean where that stream falls into the Garonne, and from there to Bordeaux; as the king does not wish to prejudice either the heirs or the mayor, jurats and community, but wishes that the rights of each should remain intact, and that full and speedy justice should be done to the parties. The seneschal is to do justice, and if it is clearly established that the mayor, jurats and community have a right to the aforesaid holdings [ of the heirs of Alaïtz], then the seneschal should deliver possession to them, to hold together with the rest of the banlieu according to the king’s letters. 4

By p.s. and petition of C.

On the right bank of the Garonne.
All these boundaries were specified - and probably invented - in the charter of King Philip IV of France (10 September 1294). See Livre des Bouillons , Archives Municipales de Bordeaux (Bordeaux, 1867), pp.25-8.
Literally 'Cows Ford'. Probably the Pas Bougès (meaning the 'ford of the Pays de Buch', i.e. the ford at the borders with the lordship of Buch). in the commune of Saint-Jean-d'Illac .
All these boundaries were specified - and probably invented - in the charter of King Philip IV of France (10 September 1294). See Livre des Bouillons, Archives Municipales de Bordeaux (Bordeaux, 1867), pp.25-8. See commentaries of this text in Bochaca, M., La banlieue de Bordeaux. Formation d'une juridiction municipale (vers 1250 - vers 1550) (Paris, 1997), p.88-9. See this text in the Livre des Bouillons (Bordeaux, 1867), pp.321-37 and 407-10; and Livre des Coutumes , Archives Municipales de Bordeaux (Bordeaux, 1890), pp.549-54.

1 June 1342 . Westminster . For the vicomte of Fronsac .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to call the king’s procurator [in the duchy of Aquitaine] before them, and, having gathered information from him and others of the king’s council there regarding the request of Ramon [VI de Fronsac], Fronceaco, de vicomte of Fronsac , they should send their advice to the king under the seal used in the duchy as quickly as possible. Fronsac has requested that since he was in the king’s service for a long time during the wars in Aquitaine, and suffered great losses as a result, the king might grant the baylies of Sales Salles and Juliac next to Belyn Belin , with their appurtenances, to him and his heirs in perpetuity, as payment for that service and compensation for his losses. The king wishes to be better informed about the value in sterling of those baylies, and whether a grant to Ramon de Fronsac would be to the prejudice of others. 1

By petition of C.

For Ramon de Fronsac’s petition on this matter, see TNA SC 8/343/16158. According to Ramon VI de Fronsac the annual value of these baylies was 16,100 l.bord. .
For Jordan Torner.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to Tornerii Jordan Torner , at the request of Peragortz Johana de Périgord, Laverdac lady of Lavardac , of the Montis Regalis, de writing office ( scribania ) of Montréal in the diocese of Condom , now in the hands of the king’s enemies, to hold for term of his life, together with all issues, profits and emoluments pertaining to that office, as soon as it comes into the king’s hands. After Torner’s death, the office is to revert to the king and his heirs.

By petition of C. and p.s.


Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to deliver the said office to Jordan Torner as soon as it comes into the king’s hands, to hold for term of his life, according to the tenor of the king’s letters.

By petition of C. and p.s.


Same as above

Grant to Andriu [I de Budos], lord of Budos , for his service, the dangers he and his people have suffered and the damages and losses he has incurred on account of his adherence to the king during the present war in the duchy, that he may have and receive 700 l.bord. each year until his lost places might be recovered. In part payment of that sum, he is to have and hold the Muchydan castellany of Mussidan , with all issues and profits, taking as much per year as they are able to provide, and for the remainder he is to be assigned the lands, places and goods of rebels, as well as the escheats which are or may come into the king’s hands, in whatever part of the duchy they may be, to have, hold and receive until those lost places should be recovered, notwithstanding the gift or assignment to the contrary made to Mucidano, de Auger de Mussidan after the last departure of the king’s seneschal from the duchy. If these should be insufficient to satisfy his losses, then the king grants that Budos should have as great a sum of money as should arise from the king’s Medicino, de salt-pans of Mézin with their appurtenances, namely Perra , 1 Creysont , 2 Bossestz Boussès , les Peyres , Duransa Durance and Meylan , according to the information of the seneschal and constable, to be taken from the issues of the salt-pans or from the money of Mézin until his lost lands, tenements and places should be recovered, provided that the losses amount to the annual value of these premises.

By petition of C. and p.s.

Place not identified.
Place not identified.

Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to deliver the aforesaid castellany to Andriu de Budos or his attorney, with its issues and profits, for as much per year as it might produce, in part satisfaction of the said 700 l.bord. per year, and the aforesaid lands, places and goods of rebels and escheats, to the value of the rest of that sum. They should also inform themselves of the true value of the aforesaid salt-pans, and pay Budos as great a sum as those are found to be worth, according to the king’s aforesaid letters, until his lost lands, tenements and places should be recovered, provided that those losses amount to the annual value of these premises, the gift or assignment to the contrary made to Auger de Mussidan or others after the last withdrawal of the seneschal from the duchy notwithstanding.

By petition of C. and p.s.

For Guilhem Jourdain, son of Austen Jourdain.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to Jordan Guilhem Jourdain , son of Master Jordan Austen Jourdain , on account of Austen’s service to the king and his father, king Edward II , and Guilhem’s praiseworthy scholastic deeds, that he may receive 100 each year from the issues of the duchy, by the hands of the constable of Bordeaux, until the king provide him with a suitable ecclesiastical benefice or otherwise.

By K. and petition of C.


Same as above

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant to pay the said 100 s. to Guilhem [Jourdain] , according to the tenor of the king’s letters.

By K. and petition of C.


14 July 1342 . Westminster . For the community of the city of Bordeaux .

Confirmation to the Burdeg’ mayor, jurats, community and all the inhabitants of the city of Bordeaux that although the king, by his letters patent, has granted to Greyly Pey [II] de Grailly , vicomte of Benaugearum Benauges and Greyly Johan [II] de Grailly, Buche captal de Buch , that they may take 6 d. in the pound from the purchaser and 6 d. in the pound from the vendor from all saleable goods and merchandise coming to or passing through their places or districts for commercial reasons, in aid of the repairs, defence and fortification of their castles, fortalices and other places on the frontier of the king’s enemies, the king did not wish or intend that this should apply to the people of Burdeg’ Bordeaux , or that it should diminish the privileges they have reasonably enjoyed previously. All the liberties, and franchises which they have previously enjoyed should remain in full force.

By petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For the jurats and consuls of Saint-Macaire

Order to the seneschal of Gascony, the constable of Bordeaux and the king’s procurator there, or their lieutenants, that they should fully inform themselves regarding the details of the dispute between the Sancto Makario, de people of Saint-Macaire and certain men of Langhoun Langon , and if they find that the suit was brought in defence of the king’s rights and patrimony, then the suit should be brought at the king’s cost and expense, as is right. The jurats and consuls of Saint-Macaire , by their petition before the king and his council, have shown that a lawsuit or matter of dispute has arisen between them on the one part and certain men of Langon, who were against the king during the present war until they came to the king’s peace and allegiance, regarding certain of the king’s laws and liberties relating to their town. As a result of this, the consuls and jurats of Saint-Macaire claim to have incurred costs and expenses of 5,000 l.bord. , which have greatly troubled and impoverished them, and they have requested that the king might cover those costs. If it is found that the case is being defended for the preservation of the king’s rights, then the constable should have due allowance in his account for those costs. Otherwise the jurats and consuls should prosecute and defend the matter at their own cost if they wish.

By K. and petition of C.


3 July 1342 . Westminster . For Arnaut du Pian, notary

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, that they, together with others of the king’s council of those parts, should enquire into the request of Dompnio Arnaut du Pian, notary , and if his claim is true, then they should provide him with a suitable sum, as recompense for his losses and in relief of his situation. Pian has shown that, while defending the king’s rights and patrimony at the bastide of Créon in Credonio inter duo Maria, de Entre-deux-Mers near Bordeaux , he was captured by certain of the king’s French enemies and rebels and imprisoned in Petragora Périgord until he was freed after paying a great ransom. Also, on account of the wars in the duchy, he has lost his houses and other goods and chattels, which amounted to a value of 100 l.t. , and endured many other damages, and has therefore asked that the king might provide him with a suitable sum in recompense.

By K. and petition of C.


Same as above Westminster . For the inhabitants of the bastide of Créon

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, that, together with those of the king’s council of those parts, they should enquire into the damages and losses sustained by the inhabitants of the bastide of Créon in Credonio de inter duo Maria, de Entre-deux-Mers as a consequence of the wars in the duchy, and assign them suitable remuneration in the king’s name. The jurats and community of Créon , by their petition before the king and his council, have shown that they have suffered damages of 10,000 l.bord. or more as a result of the recent wars and disturbances, both through the loss of their goods and the burning of their houses, and have asked that the king might provide relief.

By K. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For Pélegrin de Baret

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, that, having taken the oath of Bareto, de, Marcaderio, de Pélegrin de Baret, called de Mercadié , they should deliver to him the office of serjeant-general in the duchy of Aquitaine , with all appurtenances, and provide and pay to him a suitable sum of money for his wages from the issues of the duchy, as befitting his status and according to their discretion. The king, at the request of the Aquen’ mayor, jurats and community of Dax has appointed Baret to that office, to hold for as long as he conducts himself well, provided that he gives his oath to execute the office faithfully. For this the constable shall receive due allowance in his account.

By K. and petition of C.


1 July 1342 . Westminster . For the mayor, jurats and community of the city of Bordeaux

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to call together the members of the king’s council of those parts and the king’s procurator there, to examine the registers, papers, rolls and other memoranda relating to the receipt of the custom on wine, and, if it is found that anything has been done to the prejudice of the people of Bordeaux or in breach of their liberties relating to the payment of the custom, then it is to be corrected without delay. The mayor, jurats and community of the city of Bordeaux have shown that they were and ought to be quit from paying the custom on all wines grown in their lands in the duchy, just as their ancestors have previously been accustomed, and that any of their wines might be brought to the port of Bordeaux or elsewhere on the Geround Garonne , by anyone’s hands, to be loaded and shipped to parts overseas without paying any custom. However, the seneschal and constable have unduly sought payment of the custom on wines which have come into the hands of a second, third or fourth purchaser, causing great damage and harm to the citizens and the merchants, and to the injury of their liberties and customs.

By K. and petition of C.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For the men of the town of Bonnegarde

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to pay 250 without delay to the men and community of the town of Bonegarde Bonnegarde from the first money sent by the king to the duchy, according to the advice of the captain sent to those parts. Furthermore, the constable, if he has not already done so, is to account with the men of that town who were retained at the king’s wages by the king’s council, and to pay whatever of those wages is found to be owed from the issues of the duchy or by other suitable assignment. The worthy men ( probi homines ) and community of Bonnegarde , by their petition before the king and his council, have shown that their crops, vines and other goods and chattels have been burnt and destroyed by the king’s enemies of France, and that they have also suffered other damages and losses on account of the war in the duchy. Various sums of money are also owed to certain men for their wages for the time they remained in defence of the town, and they will not have supplies by which to live or to defend their town, which is situated on the frontier of the king’s enemies, unless the king helps them speedily by paying them 250 to assist with that defence, and the wages due to the said men, so that they may stay there to resist the king’s enemies. For these wages, the constable shall receive due allowance in his account.

By K. and petition of C.


1 July 1342 . Westminster . For Guilhem-Bernat [d'Ornon]

Order to the constable of Bordeaux or his lieutenant to account with Dornoun Guilhem-Bernat d’Ornon or his attorney, if he has not already done so, concerning the wages of Ornon and his men, and the replacement of his horses, and to make payment to him without delay of anything found to be owed, from the first money sent by the king, according to the orders of the captain sent there and the seneschal or his lieutenant, having due consideration for the king’s urgent business there, or by other suitable satisfaction upon the issues of the duchy. Ornon has shown that the king owes him various sums of money, both for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms, both horse and foot, and for the replacement of his lost horses, from the time they were in the king’s service in the wars in Gascony, and has asked that the king order that suitable payment be made. For this the constable shall have due allowance in his account.

By K. and petition of C.


6 July 1342 . Tower of London . For Gaubert de Meyrac .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to deliver to Mairaco, de Gaubert de Meyrac, Teubone lord of Théobon , 100 l.t. each year for life from the issues of the customs of Bordeaux, according to the tenor of the agreement made with him, receiving letters from him acknowledging receipt of those sums. Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, and Usus Maris Antonio Usodimare , lieutenant of Usus Maris Niccolò Usodimare , constable of Bordeaux, according to an agreement made with Meyrac concerning his retention by the king, promised, amongst other things, that Meyrac should be granted an annual rent of 100 l.t. for life, assigned upon the customs of Bordeaux , until he should receive a suitable grant in another place, for life or in perpetuity. This was set out in an indenture made between them, which the king has confirmed by his letters patent. For this the constable shall have due allowance in his account.

For Ramon-Arnaut de Spisaco .

1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster .

Inspeximus and confirmation of letters of Oliver de Ingham, kt , seneschal of Gascony, to Master Ramon-Arnaut de Spisaco , king’s clerk, sealed with the seal of the king’s court of Gascony.

15 January 1341 . Bordeaux

Order to all the mayors of towns, prévôts, bayles, consuls, jurats and all other inhabitants, subjects and faithful people in the land and seneschalcy of Agenais , that they should obey and be attendant to Master Ramon-Arnaut de Spisaco , bachelor in the laws , in all things pertaining to the office of judge-ordinary of Agenais , for as long as it should please the king and the seneschal. On account of his industry, fidelity and law-worthiness, Ingham has appointed Spisaco as judge-ordinary in the seneschalcy and land of Agenais, in the towns, castles, places and lands currently under the obedience of the king and also in those places which may be so in the future. Spisaco has given his oath to the seneschal that he will conduct himself well and protect the king’s rights in this office, and the seneschal has granted him power to hold his assizes on all those civil and criminal causes as pertain to the office of ordinary judge in those parts, and to examine, hear and determine all such causes except those legitimately appealed from the same.

The king ratifies and confirms everything in these letters, granting that he should hold that office with its appurtenances, at the customary wages, for as long as he conducts himself well and faithfully, any other letters to the contrary notwithstanding.

By K. and petition of C.


Same as above

Order to the seneschals of Gascony and Agenais and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to permit Ramon-Arnaut de Spisaco to have and exercise this office for as long as he conducts himself well and faithfully, and to deliver to him the customary wages each year for as long as he remains in that office, according to the form of the king’s letters. For this the constable shall have due allowance in his account.

By K. and petition of C.


15 June 1341 . Westm' Westminster . For the community of the city of Bordeaux . 1

To all archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, counts, barons, vicomtes, seneschals, constables, prévôts, ministers and all bayles and the king's faithful subjects in the duchy of Aquitaine.

Grant to the mayor, jurats and community of Bordeaux , for their great service to the king and at their request, that they, their heirs and successors, burgesses of Bordeaux, should forever have two fairs in their city each year, lasting for 32 days, namely one for eight days before the feast of the Ascension, the feast day itself and the seven days following, and the other for eight days before the feast of St Martin in Winter, 2 the day of the feast and the seven days following, together with all privileges, liberties and free customs which the merchants and others of whatsoever condition enjoy or ought to enjoy in neighbouring fairs, held as if they were individually expressed in this charter. Grant also that all merchants and others coming to the fairs should not be compelled to pay any toll for their possessions and merchandise brought to the fair, nor to settle debts, within the first seven years from the making of this grant, unless the payment date of such debts was agreed to be within the period of that fair. After those seven years, for all things sold at those fairs the king should take 4 d. in the pound from the seller and the same sum from the purchaser, for the use of him and his heirs. Grant also that the burgesses of the city, their heirs and successors, should be free and quit from impositions, tolls, customs and exactions forever, just as they and their predecessors were accustomed to be before the making of these letters.

This entry is crossed through, and a note in the margin states that it is cancelled because it appears word for word in the roll for the fifteenth year. For that entry, see entry in C 61/53 .
On 11 November.
For Amaniu de Belhade.

1 June 1342 . Westminster .

Grant to Balhard Amaniu de Belhade, la Mote lord of Lamothe , on account of his service to the king in the duchy of Aquitaine and elsewhere, and for the damages and losses which he has sustained on account of his adherence to the king, of that land with appurtenances which Isabe [de Lalande], Blavia lady of Blaye , held and possessed in the castellany of Blaye and elsewhere while she lived, to have for term of his life. If that land should be shown by legal extent to be worth more than 60 , then Belhade should answer to the king for the surplus, by the hand of the constable of Bordeaux, and after his death it is to revert completely to the king and his heirs, any grant or assignment made otherwise notwithstanding. 1

By p.s.

For Belhade’s petition on this matter, see TNA, SC 8/343/16157.

Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to deliver the said land with appurtenances to Amaniu de Belhade , to have according to the tenor of the king’s letters.

By p.s.


1 June 1342 . Westminster . For the inhabitants of the castellany of Bourg .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, that they should call before them the parties in the dispute between Hélias de Tayac , his son Guilhem [de Tayac] and Gavaret Roger de Gabarret , and hear the reasons for that dispute. Tayac and his son, inhabitants of the Burgo, de castellany of Bourg , have shown by their petition before the king and his council that they, together with their men and goods, remained in the town of Bourg for its safe and secure keeping after it was recovered into the king’s hands, and on account of that service, Geneva Hugues de Genève, the king’s lieutenant in the duchy , and Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, by letters sealed with the king’s seal of the court of Gascony, ordered that their lands, rents and tenements, previously taken into the king’s hands for certain reasons, should be restored to them. However, Gabarret, by virtue of certain sums of money assigned to him by the king on the goods of rebels in the land of Bourg, has unjustly and forcibly occupied part of those lands in the parishes of Sera 1 and Virsac , contrary to that restitution and to their great harm and disinheritance, and they have asked that they be allowed to recover their lands. The king orders that Hélias and Guilhem be restored to their property according to the tenor of the previous letters of Genève and Ingham, the assignment previously made to Gabarret notwithstanding.

By K. and petition of C.

Possibly Saint-Laurent-d'Arce (arr. Blaye, dép. Gironde).

1 June 1342 . Westminster . For the community of the town of Mézin .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant to call before him all those by whom better information might be obtained regarding the request of the people of Mézin, and to do what is just and reasonable on the matter. The worthy men ( probi homines ) and community of the town of Mézin , by their petition before the king and his council, have asked that the king might grant them cognizance in both civil and criminal cases within their town and all its appurtenances, up to 15 s.morl. , with clamour ( clamor ) 1 of 20 d. and default ( defectu ) of the same amount, and that in cognizances made by the bayle of the town, the consuls should be called and the cause determined by their counsel, saving to the king and his heirs the pledges and emoluments pertaining thereto. The king is conscious that the prior of the church of Saint-Pierre of Mézin 2 has joint overlordship in the town, and thus it is not possible to grant the request without deliberation. 3

By K. and petition of C.

A complaint.
This church was in fact called ‘Saint-Jean-Baptiste’.
This entry is not cancelled or annotated, but is repeated below, on entry 342 , with the name of the priory changed from Pierre to Jean, its real name.

1 June 1342 . Westm' Westminster . For the consuls and the whole community of Mézin .

Inspeximus of various letters issued by Bernat-Etz [V], Lebreto, de lord of Albret and Geneva Hugues de Genève, lord of Varreys Varey and Hanton Anthon , the king’s lieutenants in Aquitaine, and Oliver de Ingham , seneschal of Gascony, to the people of Mézin, as follows:

23 July 1340 . Medicino, de Mézin .

Letters patent of Bernat-Etz [V d’Albret], kt, lord of Albret, and Hugues de Genève, kt, lord of Varey and Anthon, lieutenants and captains-general in the parts of Languedoc for the lord king and duke, and Oliver de Ingham, kt, seneschal of Aquitaine, granting the following privileges in the king’s name to the Medicino, de consuls and whole community of Mézin , who have made and offered their due obedience to them in the name of the king and duke.

  1. Firstly, grant that the consuls and community of Mézin may have the souquet ( soquetum )> 1 of the town, or the emoluments of the same, previously granted to them by the king of France, as well as the royal baylie and writing-office ( scribania ) of the town, or the emoluments of the same, to use in building and extending the defences of the town, for eight years from the date of this grant.
  2. Item, grant that merchants of any country should be able to come, go and return to the town of Mézin , for the buying and selling of wine and other goods, under safe conduct, having sought and obtained licence from the bayle and the consuls of the town.
  3. Item, grant that the consuls and community should have and keep a sufficient and suitable garrison of men in the town, both on horse and foot, for the protection and defence of the town, its appurtenances and inhabitants, at the request of the consuls.
  4. Item, grant that no burgess or inhabitant of Mézin should be removed from that town on account of any suit or offence committed by them, but that justice will be done to them fully in that town, and they shall not be made to go elsewhere except in cases relating to the general customs of Agenais and of Mézin, and in appeals justly granted, as has hitherto been customary for the people of Agenais.
  5. Item, grant and promise that any damage caused by the king’s companies or armies, or any goods harmed or taken from the burgesses or inhabitants of the town or the parishes of the same, should be valued and fully restored.
  6. Item, grant that 30 mounted men-at-arms and 300 sergeants from the said town should be present there for the duration of the present war, receiving the king’s wages.
  7. Item, grant that all crimes, destructions, woundings and other offences committed before the date of these letters by any inhabitant of Mézin, of whatever status, should be discharged and remitted, robberies and murders excepted.
  8. Item, grant that the consuls should be able to make judgment in writing on feudal causes for which cognizance pertains to them according to the customs of Mézin, notwithstanding that the customs do not make mention of that.
  9. Item, grant that all inhabitants in the baylie and appurtenances of Mézin, of whatever status, should pay and contribute towards the expenses incurred by the consuls for the common usage of the town and the people living in the appurtenances, each according to their wealth.
  10. Item, grant that no inhabitant of Mézin should be brought before the judge-ordinary of Agenais beyond the Garonne at Condom , but at Mézin, before that judge with his assize, just as that judge was accustomed to do in past times.
  11. Item, grant that all rights which the town enjoyed in the times of the king’s progenitors should be restored and returned.
  12. Item, grant that the consuls and community should hold and observe in perpetuity all the customs, fors, advantages and other privileges previously granted to them by the king’s progenitors.

The tenor of the lieutenancy of the said lords is as follows:

3 January 1340 . Andevers Antwerp .

Appointment during pleasure of Bernat-Etz [V], Lebreto, de lord of Albret and Geneva Hugues de Genève, kt , lord of Varay Varey and Anthon , on account of their fidelity and circumspection, as the king’s captains and lieutenants in the duchy of Aquitaine, granting them and each of them full power and special mandate to seek and take into the king’s hands, by force if necessary, any places, lands and rights pertaining to the king within the realm of France, to gather and lead the army for this, admitting the devoted and humble to the king’s peace and acting generously to them, condemning enemies and rebels and depriving them of the lands, fees, honours and rights which they hold of the king in those parts. They are to exercise mere and mixed authority, power of the sword ( ac gladii potestatem ) and all manner of high and low jurisdiction, and all other things pertaining to their office or which may assist in the recovery, protection and defence of the king’s lands and rights. If a special order is required, the king promises to provide it, and to confirm everything done in his name.

By K.

Inspeximus of letters of the same seneschal, as follows:

Inspeximus of letters of the same seneschal, as follows:

3 November 1340 . Neriacum Nérac .

Bernat-Etz [V], Lebreto, de lord of Albret and Geneva Hugues de Genève, kt , lord of Varay Varey and Anthon , knights, king’s lieutenants and captains-general in the duchy of Aquitaine, and Oliver de Ingham, kt , seneschal of Aquitaine, to all, etc.

Order that the Agenn’ assize courts of the seneschalcy of Agenais , the judge-ordinary and the executor of the seal and counter-seal beyond the Garonne should henceforth hear and exercise justice from the town of Medicino, de Mézin , and the assizes which they were accustomed to be held in Condomio, de Condom <