Physical condition of the roll

The roll consists of 23 membranes. There are entries on all of the face sides of the membranes, but only one dorse has entries entered on it. The roll is generally in good condition, though membrane 1 is noticeably dirtier than the other membranes that make up the roll, and text along the right-hand edge of the membrane is faded and in places only legible under ultra violet light. This no doubt has resulted from this membrane being the outer most membrane of the roll.

C 61/52 14 Edward III (1340-41)


Following on from one of the shortest rolls in the C 61 series, C 61/52 is a more substantial document, consisting of twenty-three membranes. In many respects it continues on from where the previous roll left off. The king was still absent from England for part of the roll, being on campaign in the Low Countries and northern France until February 1340, and then again from June to November 1340, and Edward of Woodstock, his son, continued nominally to act as regent in England during that time. Preparations for war also continued to be made, Philip VI continued to be termed 'Philip of Valois', and not afforded his regal status, and there was the same smattering of letters of protection and attorney for individuals going to Gascony in the king’s service, or for those already there. But the roll also shows a return to some semblance of normal business concerning the duchy.

Although military affairs in the Low Countries and northern France clearly proved to be a major distraction for Edward III and the English administration in England, military affairs in the duchy were not forgotten. Several entries relate to the strengthening of the defences of the duchy. In June 1340 Sénebrun V, lord of Lesparre, was granted a toll on all things bought in Lesparre to aid in the construction of the walls of the town. 1 Bernat d’Aillan, Gassie-Arnaut d’Amou, lord of Saint-Cricq-Chalosse, and Galhart de Siran were all granted licences to build 'maison fortes' or fortalices. 2 There was also a concern for the provision of troops for the defence of loyal centres. Bonnegarde, which seems to have been particularly damaged by the disturbed times, was especially singled out. 3

Glimpses of previous military events can also be discerned. In a number of entries individuals, who appear to have been in Bérart d’Albret’s retinue in his defence of Blaye before the capture of that town by the French in 1339, sought payment of wages and compensation for their losses. 4 Some of these entries give interesting details. For instance Roger de Gabarret, king’s valets , had informed the king that he was taken at Blaye, and was held in Paris for a year until he paid a substantial ransom. 5 Aymar de Bélivier, king’s valet, and Johan de Béarn told similar tales. 6

It would seem that the king and his English administration fully recognised that they had, to a considerable degree, failed to provide for the protection for their Gascon subjects. 7 There was also a clear recognition that the feuding amongst various Gascon families was seriously damaging the preservation of the English position in the duchy. On top of the general enjoinder to his lieutenants and seneschal to end disputes during the course of the war, 8 there was also an attempt to deal with the damaging dispute between Arnaut de Durfort and the supporters of Bernat-Etz V, lord of Albret, over the grant to the former of the baylie of Labourd, which the Arnauts de Durfort, both father and son of the same name, had had great difficulty in making good. 9 However, there was also a suggestion that there was a growing optimism that the lands lost to the French would be recovered. 10 Many of the grants and assignments made in this roll were made of lands or offices that were then not in the hands of the king or his ministers. It was a way for spurring the recipients to make their grants a reality. Whilst this might have been wishful thinking, it can also be read as the optimism of the king, and to a lesser degree his ministers, that the king’s military plans would bring real concessions from Philip VI of France, if not the crown of France itself. In addition to these speculative grants, the king and his administration continued to compensate their loyal supporters from the lands and offices that those who were considered as rebels had forfeited.

The king and his administration, despite the distractions elsewhere, did not neglect the administration of the duchy. With the diminution of the extent of the duchy due to the advance of the French and their allies, the financial support of the duchy became of even greater concern. Edward III continued his father’s use of the Italian banking houses in connection with the duchy. 11 There was also a strong feeling that the king had been far too generous to some loyal servants. The king had had made a transcript of the enrolments and other records of such gifts and grants, and the king’s lieutenants and the seneschal were ordered to examine these and the other records that they themselves had access to, and those grants and gifts that they considered had been made unwisely were to be resumed. 12 In addition, the decision was made to establish another mint at Mézin near Nérac. 13 Although there had obviously been some concern about Oliver de Ingham’s capacity to continue as seneschal of Gascony in the previous year, the aging, but loyal servant, still remained in office, being the recipient of further letters of protection and attorney, but eventually being recalled. 14 With limited resources he had stoutly defended the king’s interests in the duchy, but would shortly be replaced when more dynamic and energetic leadership was called for in the duchy.

The rehabilitation of the Albret family continued apace. The increasing importance of Bernat-Etz V, lord of Albret, who was already acting as one of the king’s lieutenants in the duchy, became even more apparent with a proposed royal marriage. In April 1340, Oliver de Ingham, and Antonio Usodimare, the lieutenant of the constable of Bordeaux, were assigned to negotiate with him for his marriage with Margaret, daughter of Edmund of Woodstock, late earl of Kent, and the king’s cousin. 15 Orders were issued to protect Bernat-Etz, who was apparently becoming the object of attack from forces outside of the duchy, perhaps as a result of his rallying to support Edward III; though, as we have seen, when it came to disputes with other loyal lords in the duchy such as the Durforts, the king seems to have been prepared to be more even-handed. 16 Bernat-Etz was also the recipient of grants of lands and lordships in compensation for losses that he had suffered in the king’s cause, and orders were made to pay him the wages and arrears due for his service and those of his men. 17 Further documentation records the settlement of the inheritance of Matha d’Albret, which had in part been exchanged with the king, and to which Bernat-Etz was heir. 18 Bérart d’Albret, lord of Vayres and Rions, Bernat-Etz’s brother, who had been instrumental in his brother’s conversion to the English cause, was also well rewarded. Albret was owed the phenomenal sums of 1,764 l. 10 s. 10½ d. st. as the arrears of his fee of 500 and 39,358 l. 7 s. 1 d. bord. as the arrears of his wages and those of his men, and received grants and assignments which, although initially of dubious value, were potentially very remunerative over the following years. 19

The loyalty of other major lords was considered to be less reliable, the example of Pey II de Grailly, vicomte of Benauges and Castillon, being most prominent. In January 1341, the king’s lieutenants and the seneschal were ordered to inquire into Grailly’s actions. Grailly had apparently, through his proctors, claimed that his remaining inactive in the face of the French invasion had actually been in the best interests of the king. Others had evidently claimed that Grailly’s inaction had been very damaging to the king’s and his people’s interests. Whilst it is quite clear that many lords faced difficult choices in the face of French success, in Grailly’s case his inaction had already caused his lands to be assigned to more loyal subjects, and the order for an inquiry must have been part of the king and his ministers to come to terms with a major lord whose active support was important if the king was ever going to be able to recover lost ground. 20 Further pressure was exerted on Grailly through claims brought against him by the people of Saint-Émilion, 21 and by the desire of Grailly and his son, the captal de Buch, to obtain possession of the inheritance of Catalina de Grailly, the vicomte’s late sister, 22 and most particularly by a grant by the king to Isabella of France, his mother, of interests that had apparently pertained to Pey I de Grailly, and encroached on the lordship of the vicomté of Benauge. 23

Finally, it would appear that much of the business on this roll was discussed at the March parliament in 1340. The numerous clauses at the end of entries referring to their consideration at the last parliament would suggest that quite a considerable number of the entries on this roll were responses to petitions submitted to that parliament. Since this was the parliament summoned by Edward III on his clandestine return from the Low Countries to raise funds for his military ambitions, it is interesting that so much business can be linked overtly to that parliament. Because the Lords and Commons had been so resistant to granting further taxation for the war, the king, at the behest of his council, was forced to make substantial concessions, and it is unclear whether the quantity of entries that are overtly linked to discussions at that parliament on this roll, resulted from the king’s enforced conciliatory attitude. 24

Simon J. Harris.

entry 32 .
entry 45 , entry 46 and entry 138 .
entry 70 .
Marquette, J.B., Les Albret: L’ascension d’un lignage gascon (xi siecle-1360) (Bordeaux, 2010), p.258.
entry 232 , entry 239 .
entry 238 , entry 240 .
In entry 52 the king expressed his regret that he had not been able to provide the support that his loyal subjects deserved.
entry 226 .
entry 3 , entry 4 and entry 214 .
For example entry 82 and entry 89 .
entry 6 and entry 7 .
entry 181 .
entry 219 .
entry 159 , entry 160 and entry 234 .
entry 12 .
entry 194 .
entry 220 and entry 221 .
entry 207 and entry 249 .
entry 174 . For further grants and orders benefitting Albret, see entry 175 , entry 174 and entry 213 .
entry 180 .
entry 189 .
entry 233 .
entry 172 .
See entries between entry 24 and entry 148 , most of which date to June 1340; see also Ormrod, W.M., Edward III (London, 2011), pp.216-221.

Gascon Roll for the 14th year of the reign of Edward III.

Membrane 23

Image of membrane 23

Gascon Roll for the 14th year of the reign of Edward III.


5 March 1340 . Westminster . For Bidau de Claracq of Bayonne . 1

Grant to Glayrak Bidau de Claracq of Baion' Bayonne for his good service that he has done and in future will do of a piece of land in the river aqua Baion' Adour called the Isle of Balay Belay near to the church of Saint-Bernard of Baion' Bayonne ; 2 holding the same to him and his heirs from the king and his heirs by service of rendering to the king and his heirs each year 5 s. of the money current in the city of Bayonne at that time forever, conditional on the grant not being to the damage or harm of the city. 3

By p.s.

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.
The remains of the cistercian abbey of Saint-Bernard, then inhabited by cistercian nuns, is situated in the current commune of Bayonne, 6 chemin des Cisterciennes, just nearby is the chemin de Saint-Bernard. The Isle of Belay was situated in the river Adour opposite to this abbey. See Goyheneche, Bayonne et la région bayonnaise du XIIe au XVe siècle (Bilbao,1990), pp.518-519, no.XL.
For the order to the seneschal to deliver the same to Claracq, see entry 11 .

13 March 1340 . Westminster . For protection .

Letters of protection, with clause volumus , until Christmas next for Berewyk' John de Berwick who is going to Gascony in the king's service by the king's order.

By p.s.

For certification.


15 March 1340 . Westminster .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony to obtain fuller information concerning the complaint of Duro Forti Arnaut [II] de Durfort, kt , and to certify the king of what he is able to find under the king's seal used in the duchy, sending it together with the writ. Lately in recompense for the damage that Durfort had sustained in the time of E[dward II] in the wars in the duchy, and for his good service which he did to the king and his father, and will do, the king granted him in relief of his status, and so that he could continue in the king's service, 300 each year, 100 l. of it to be taken from the farm of the city of London by the hands of the sheriffs, and 200 from the issues of the duchy by the hand of the constable of Bordeaux at Michaelmas and Easter by equal portions for all of Durfort's life or until he was provided with 300 l. of land each year in the duchy or in other suitable places for his life. And afterwards, by the assent of the prelates, earls and barons and others assembled in parliament at Westminster in the 5th year of the reign, 1 the king for him and his heirs granted to Durfort in place of the 300 l. , 500 of land and rent with its appurtenances in the duchy, to be held by Durfort and his heirs forever, and in part satisfaction of the same, the land of Durefort Durfort near Penna' Penne d'Agenais and the rents and profits from corn and wine at Penne Penne-d'Agenais , which rent was called le bladat and le vinat of Penne with the chickens ( galline ), hay ( fena ) and other appurtenances; and also the king's fishery and weir in the river Oltum Lot near Penna' Penne[-d'Agenais] together with the fish taken there and its other appurtenances; and he also granted to Durfort and his heirs and successors the land called le Born' Born with the place of Herba Faveria Labouheyre , and the place of Memysan Mimizan , and the lands of Guosa Gosse and of Saynas Seignanx , and also the land and baylie of la Bourd Labourd , and that place and parish of Mons Strugus Montastruc and the parishes of Guissen Guiche , Bardos , Durt Urt and Briscum Briscous in the duchy; to have and to hold the same to Durfort and his heirs and successors, with high and low justice, full and shared authority and all reliefs, fees, homages, rights, customary payments, baylies, castellanies, prévôtés and customs and their appurtenances which the king has for the liege homage and fealty to be made to the king and his heirs by Durfort, and by his heirs forever. But now, as the king accepts, the same has not been delivered to Durfort to his damage and manifest prejudice, upon which he requests remedy and the king wishes to be certified of the reason that this has not been done. 2

By p.s.

The parliament that was summoned to meet at Westminster on 30 September 1331.
For the original grant to Durfort, see entry in C 61/43 . For the letters revoking the grant, see entry in C 61/43 . For the grant to Durfort of the 500 marks from the tolls of Marmande, see entry in C 61/44 . For the order to resume the lands, see entry in C 61/44 . For an order to pay Durfort the 500 marks a year from the tolls, see entry in C 61/44 . For an order to the constable of Bordeaux to account with Durfort for the tolls, see entry in C 61/48 . For a further grant to Durfort concerning the tolls, see entry in C 61/48 . For two further entries concerning the toll of Saint-Macaire, see entry in C 61/50 and entry in C 61/50 . For a regrant of the lands to Durfort, see entry in C 61/50 . For a confirmation of the grant made to Durfort's son, see entry in C 61/64 . For a related entry, see entry in C 61/76 .

Same as above

Order to the same that, having obtained fuller information concerning the complaint of Duro Forti Arnaut [II] de Durfort, kt , he should certify the king of the information that he is able to find under the king's seal used in the duchy, sending it together with the writ. Lately in recompense of the damage etc. as above as far as 'and by his heirs forever'. And now, as the king accepts, various places, lands and tenements and jurisdictions contained in the letters have been granted to certain men of those parts in prejudice of Durfort, upon which he requests remedy and the king wishes to be certified of what places, lands, tenements and jurisdictions contained in the letters have been granted to men of those parts or elsewhere, and the reasons for the same.

By the same writ.


12 March 1340 . Westminster . Of attorney .

Letters of attorney in England for one year for Radenore William de Radnor who is going in the king's service to Gascony, nominating William son of Myrfeld John de Mirfield and Myrfeld William de Mirfield, clerk alternately.

Thomas de Drayton , received the attorneys.

For wool to be delivered to Niccolò Usodimare


16 March 1340 . Westminster . 1

Order to the merchants of the societies of the Bardi and Peruzzi that they should deliver the 126 sacks of wool of those 800 sacks that they had consented to lend to the king for the expedition of his business before the king and his council to Usus Maris Niccolò Usodimare, constable of Bordeaux and Radenore William de Radnor , or either of them, by indenture duly made between them, they taking the same under safe-conduct to Gascony just as the king and his council have more fully enjoined. The king has ordered Usodimare and Radnor to receive the wool.

By C.

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.

Same as above

And it is ordered to Niccolò [Usodimare, constable of Bordeaux] and William [de Radnor] or either of them to receive the 126 sacks of wool from the merchants of the societies [of the Bardi and Peruzzi] as above.

By C.

For wool to be loaded onto ships.


Same as above 1

Order to the collectors of customs in the port of the city of London that they should cause the 70 sacks of the king's wool that Usus Maris Niccolò Usodimare, constable of Bordeaux , has in his possession, and the 76 sacks of wool which the king ordered to be delivered to Usodimare and Radenore William de Radnor , from those 126 sacks that, together with certain other wool amounting to 800 sacks lent by the merchants of the Bardi and Peruzzi to the king, to be put in ships of the duchy which are in the port according to the advice of Usodimare and Radnor, for them to take the same to the duchy, Usodimare and Radnor having been charged by the king to take a certain number of sacks of wool in the port and in the Bristoll' port of Bristol to Gascony for the expedition of the king's business. The collectors are to have due allowance in their accounts at the exchequer for the reasonable costs that they incurr in this business.

By C.

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.

Same as above 1

Order to the collectors of customs in the Bristoll port of Bristol that they should cause both the 46 sacks and eighteen cloves of wool which the king ordered the collectors to deliver to Radenore William de Radnor and the attorney of Anthony Bache to be taken to the duchy, and the 50 sacks of wool from those 126 sacks which, together with certain other wool amounting to 800 sacks which the merchants of the Bardi and Peruzzi lent to the king, to be put in ships of the duchy which are in the port and cause them to be delivered to Usus Maris Niccolò Usodimare, constable of Bordeaux or his attorney and to Radnor by indentures made between them to be taken to the duchy for the expedition of certain of the king's business in the duchy. The collectors are to have due allowance in their accounts at the exchequer for the reasonable costs that they incurred in this business.

By C.

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.

18 March 1340 . Westminster . For superseding a demand for customs on wine .

Order to Seguyn Ramon Séguin , king's butler that, once they have viewed the letters and memoranda that Johan Gardiga , master of the ship called le Seint Espirit , Morlaunce Johan-Auger de Morlanne, master of the ship called le Seint Espirit of Baion' Bayonne and Johan Gardewe , master of the ship called le Seint Martyn of Baion' Bayonne have in their possession concerning the customs of 2 s. per tun that they paid to the lieutenant of Hugh de Ulseby, late the king's butler in the Suthampton' port of Southampton on nine tuns of wine that they landed at the port, and if Séguin is able to find by the inspection of the same that Gardiga , Morlanne and Gardewe duly paid the customs then he should supersede his demand to them for the payment of the same customs. On the behalf of Gardiga , Morlanne and Gardewe it has been shown to the king that they paid the customs, but that Séguin has demanded payment again from them as if they had not paid it, and has caused them to be greatly distrained and many times, harassed and oppressed unjustly, and the king does not wish them to be charged wrongfully.


5 March 1340 . Westminster . For Bidau de Claracq . 1

Order to the seneschal of Gascony to deliver to Glayrak Bidau de Claracq the Walay island of Belay granted to him by the king by entry 1 as long as the grant is not to the damage or harm of the city. 2

By p.s.

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.
For a related entry, see entry 1 .

4 April 1340 . London . For treating upon the betrothal .

Assignment of Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , and Usus Maris Antonio Usodimare, lieutenant of the constable of Bordeaux , to treat and agree with Bernat-Etz [V], lord of la Breto, de Albret upon the betrothal and marriage of Amaniu, his first born son and Margaret, daughter of Edmund [of Woodstock], late earl of Kent , the king's uncle , and upon the settling of the dower, marriage portion and gift on account of the marriage and for strengthening the security for the same and doing all other things necessary for the same, the king promising to confirm Ingham and Usodimare's actions.

For the grant of the office [of master] of the mint.


6 April 1340 . Westminster . 1

Grant, at the request of Henry de Ferariis , to Rostanh Oliver, burgess of Burdeg' Bordeaux , of the office of master of the mints of Burdeg' Bordeaux and Dax ; holding the same from the day of the making of the grant for the term of six years; rendering to the king at the exchequer of Bordeaux as much as Pey Martel and Wyak Guilhem Giac rendered for the same before this time and a further increment of 100 l.bord. annually as long as Oliver holds the office.

By p.s.

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.

8 April 1340 . Westminster .

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to deliver the office [of master of the mints of Burdeg' Bordeaux and Dax ] as granted in entry 13 , holding the same according to the tenor of the king's letters.

By p.s.

For the grant of the office of taking prises of wines.


27 April 1340 . Westminster .

Grant during pleasure, at the request of Berkele Maurice de Berkeley , to Faukoner Hugh le Falconer of that place called la Tente in le Buche La Teste-de-Buch in Gascony deputed for the taking of falcons for the king's use; and the king has also granted to Falconer the office for taking prises for falcons in the city of Burdeg' Bordeaux and in the land of Gascony. Falconer is not to be removed without reasonable cause, and the king should be certified of the same before removal. 1

By p.s.

There is clearly an error here for the marginal heading notes that this concerns the office for the taking of prises for wine, whilst the entry itself refers to the taking of falcons. It is not clear which is correct.

Same as above

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to deliver the place of [ la Teste-de-Buch ] and the office [of taking of prises] granted in entry 15 , holding the same according to the tenor of the king's letters.

By p.s.


2 May 1340 . Westminster . Of attorney .

Letters of attorney in England for one year for Insula John de Lisle who is going in the king's service to Gascony by the king's order, nominating Hasculf de Whitwell .

Reissued because Evesh' Thomas de Evesham received other attorneys.


3 May 1340 . Westminster . For protection .

Letters of protection, with clause volumus , for one year for John [de Lisle] .

By K.

For Arnaut-Gassie.


25 April 1340 . Westminster . 1

Grant to Sancto Johanne Arnaut-Gassie de Saint-Jean, king's valet , for his long good service of all the land and tenements with appurtenances which were Bedereche Amaubin de Bédorède 's in the duchy of Aquitaine and which forfeited into the king's hands; holding the same to Saint-Jean and his heirs from the king and his heirs and other chief lords of those fees for the same service that Bédorède held it before the forfeiture.

By p.s.

A note in the margin ' extractus '.

Same as above 1

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to deliver the lands and tenements granted in entry 19 to Arnaut[-Gassie de Saint-Jean] .

By the same writ.

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.

15 May 1340 . Westminster . For Galhart de Castetpugon . 1

Grant to Castro Pugon, de Galhart de Castetpugon of the guidonage ( guidagium ) 2 of cows in the duchy of Gascony which was Garrebache Fortaner d'Esgoarrebaque 's and which forfeited into the king's hands; holding the same for life in the same manner that Esgoarrebaque held it on condition that after the death of Castetpugon the keeping wholly reverts to the king and his heirs. 3

By p.s.

A note in the margin states 'extractus'.
This tax was called in Gascon guidoadge or guiit . See Lespy, V. et Raymond, P., Dictionnaire béarnais ancien et moderne (Montpellier, 1887), p.349.
For an exemplification of the grant, see entry 22 . For a related entry, see entry in C 61/53 . For the revocation of the letters, see entry in C 61/53 .

Concerning an exemplification for the same.


28 June 1340 . Waltham Essex .

Exemplification, at the request of Castro Pugon Galhart de Castetpugon , of entry 21 , the letters patent granted to him as appears by inspection of the rolls of chancery for the same, the exemplification being made under the seal now used in England. Attested by Edward [of Woodstock], duke of Cornwall and earl of Chester , the king's son and keeper of England . 1

The original grant was by p.s.

The transcript of entry 21 contained in this examplification gives the full name and title of Edward III rather than the abbreviated form found in entry 21 , and the attestation is given as Teste me ipso and not Teste Rege as it is in entry 21 . For a related entry, see entry in C 61/53 .

10 July 1340 . Kenyngton' Kennington .

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony that he cause Galhart [de Castetpugon] to have keeping [of the vaccaries in the duchy] according to the tenor of the king's letters.

Attested by the keeper [of England] .


21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . For the inhabitants of Bonnegarde . 1

Grant to the inhabitants of Bona Gardia Bonnegarde that if the king or his progenitors have not assigned the tax or fee paid by the inhabitants to anyone else, and if it does not exceed 15 , then they are to be quit of the same for ten years, with the proviso that after the ten years have elapsed they should pay it to the king and his heirs as is just. The inhabitants had requested that the king would wish to remit to them the payment of the same tax or fee in relief of their status since the inhabitants have been put to great costs around the defence of the town and of the king's rights, and because of this service are impoverished.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . For the people of Gascony .

Grant, in gratitude for the loyalty of both the nobles and people ( populares ) of the duchy concerning the preservation of the king's rights, and even though the king is acquiring the possessions of the king of France by descent, that the king will not take from them their liberties, privileges, customs, resorts, appeals or other rights or dues which they have used and enjoyed, but will permit them to keep them inviolate and without molestation by him or his ministers. The king further grants that he will confirm the liberties by his letters patent when requested to do so.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above For the grant of the office of warden of Bordeaux .

Grant for life to Clavarie Guilhem-Ramon de Claverie, king's serjeant-at-arms , for his good service to E[dward II], late king of England , the king's father, and to the king, and for his future service to the same, of the office of keeper of the Burdeg' king's tower of Bordeaux , and the keepership of the prison within that tower ; holding the same office with the fees and emoluments pertaining to that office. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

For related entries, see entry in C 61/43 , entry 049 in C 61/48 , entry 61 , entry 117 , entry 150 . For the petition to which this was the response, see TNA SC 8/68/3389.
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

For Gaston de l'Isle.


Same as above

Assignment to Insula Gaston de l'Isle , for his good service, of 3,000 l.t.parv. on the toll and customs of Sanctus Macharius Saint-Macaire and Roian Royan to be taken by him by the hands of the constable of Bordeaux for the term of l'Isle's life or until he is provided with lands and tenements of an equivalent value each year in the duchy or elsewhere in suitable places for the term of his life; and the king wishes and grants that if the issues of the toll and customs are not sufficient for the payment of the 3,000 l.t.parv. , then the constable should assign payment of the deficiency in other suitable places within the duchy or furnish him a payment ( vel de eo solucionem paratam sibi facere teneatur ). The king granted 2,000 l.t.parv. to l'Isle for his good service against Valesio Philip of Valois , who unjustly has detained the king's hereditary rights, in support of l'Isle's status, to be taken each year from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine by the hands of the constable of Bordeaux for l'Isle's life or until he is assigned with lands and tenements of an equivalent value a year in the duchy for the term of his life just as more fully appears in the king's letters patent. And afterwards Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , promised in the king's name to assign to l'Isle 1,000 l.t.parv. of annual rent for his life in suitable places in the duchy or elsewhere, just as is more fully contained in indentures sealed with the seal of the king's court of Gascony and of l'Isle, and which have been exhibited before the king. L'Isle has requested to the king that payment of the 3,000 l.t.parv. be assigned on the toll of Saint-Macaire and the customs of Royan and the king wishes to agree to it.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

And it is ordered to the constable of Bordeaux that Insula Gaston de l'Isle should be paid the 3,000 l.t.parv. from the issues of the toll and customs of Sanctus Macharius Saint-Macaire and Roian Royan according to the tenor of the king's letters, and he will have due allowance in his account.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . For the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of Bordeaux .

Order to Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , and Usus Maris Niccolò Usodimare, constable of Bordeaux , or their lieutenants, to keep the agreement confirmed by the king between them and the dean and chapter of Bordeaux, concerning the third of the mint ( camera seu moneta ) struck or to be struck ( cussa vel cudenda ) in the duchy, to be understood as the third part of the profits of the mint, and to pay the dean and chapter so that they do not complain further. The dean and chapter have requested remedy since his ancestors had granted the dean and chapter this third, and according to an agreement made between the dean and chapter and Ingham as seneschal of Gascony, and John Travers, then constable of Bordeaux , by indenture under their seals, confirmed by the king, it was granted that at the end of each quarter the dean and chapter ought to be summoned and the accounts for the profits audited, and the dean and chapter satisfied for their third, and for the arrears of this sum, the constable should pay the 2,000 l.t.parv. at terms now passed. The constable has not summoned them or satisfied them for the third or the arrears. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

For the grant of the writing office.


21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley .

Grant to Johan de Sus la Voie for the service that he has done and in the future will do of the writing office ( scribania ) of Villa Nova in Agenesio Villeneuve[-sur-Lot] and of the office of executor of the royal seal of Mons Flankinus Monflanquin , which offices are in the hands of French rebels; holding the same with all that pertains to the offices as soon as they return to the king's hands for the term of his life, so long as the king or his progenitors have not granted the same offices to other people for terms of life or years. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

For the petition to which this was the response, see TNA SC 8/80/3975. He is said there to be the clerk of the lord of Lesparre .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony that he cause Johan [de Sus la Voie ] to have [the writing office of Villeneuve-sur-Lot and the office of executor of the royal seal of Monflanquin ] as soon as they come back into the king's hand.


21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . For the levying of a toll for the enclosure of Lesparre .

Grant to Sénebrun [V], lord of la Sparre Lesparre , of a toll on all things that are bought in la Sparre Lesparre and its district at the rate of 8 d. in the pound, purchasers paying 4 d. and vendors paying another 4 d. , for the enclosure of Lesparre with good walls, and that he is able to compel his subjects within his barony of Lesparre to contribute according to their wealth towards the construction, Lesparre having requested that the king might wish to aid in the enclosure of Lesparre because the place is encumbered by its situation on the frontier with the enemy, and the enclosure is needed for the salvation of the king's faithful people and land, but the lord of Lesparre is only able to do this with substantial aid; proviso that all money levied by this is to be used for the enclosure and not for other uses by the view of certain men of Lesparre appointed to do so.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

For Bidau Caubin.


21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . 1

Commitment to Caubyn Bidau Caubin of the office of collector and receiver of the king's toll of Sanctus Macharius Saint-Macaire , for the term of twelve years, taking the customary fees and wages for that office so long as he behaves well in that office and finds sufficient security to answer for the issues of the same to the king for the time that he holds the office. Caubin had requested that the king grant him the office since he has lost all his possessions in the town of Langon because of the wars in the duchy of Aquitaine, and has nothing to live on unless the king aids him elsewhere, and the king wishes to grant this. 2

By K. and C. in parliament.

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.
For a related entry, see entry 119 .

Same as above 1

And it is ordered to the constable of Bordeaux that he should receive sufficient security from Bidau [Caubin] that he will behave well in the office of collector and receiver of the king's toll [of Saint-Macaire], and that he will answer to the king for the issues of the same; and he is to cause the office to be delivered to Caubin together with the fees and wages of the same.

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.

Same as above For providing information concerning the paderie of Médoc .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony to diligently inform himself of the value of the paderie of Medok Médoc and of how much and of what kind of prejudice it will be to the king and others if the king grants it to Sénebrun [V], lord of la Sparre Lesparre , to hold the same in perpetuity, and send the same information along with counsel upon the matter to the king without delay. The lord of Lesparre has requested that the king will grant the paderie, which he previously granted to him for his life as is more fully contained in the king's letters patent, to him and his heirs in perpetuity for his service to the king and in the future to be done to him, and in recompense for the considerable damage that the lord of Lesparre has sustained and continues to sustain because of the war, and the king wishes to have more information of the value of the same.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above For Sénebrun [V], lord of Lesparre .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to account with Sénebrun [V], lord of la Sparre Lesparre , for his wages and compensation for horses, and make payment to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine as quickly as he is able, and if this is not sufficient, then it should be paid from the money that the king is sending to those parts; receiving from the lord of Lesparre his letters and bills if he should have any, and his letters of acquittance by which the constable can have due allowance in his account. The lord of Lesparre has requested that the king will make payment to him of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages and those of his company and for compensation for horses lost in the king's service, and the king wishes to agree to the request.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above For Pey Dupuch .

Order to the same to account with Podio, de Pey Dupuch for his wages, and make payment to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine if prompt payment is able to be made from them, otherwise payment should be made from the money that the king is sending to those parts; receiving from Dupuch his letters and bills if he should have any, and his letters of acquittance by which the constable can have due allowance in his account. Dupuch has requested that the king will make payment to him of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages from the time that he was in the king's service in the Gascon war, and the king wishes to agree to the request.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above For Hélias de Pommiers .

Order to the same to account with Pomeriis, de Hélias de Pommiers for his fee and for the compensation for his horses, he should make payment to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine if prompt payment is able to be made from them, otherwise payment should be made from the money that the king is sending to those parts; receiving from Pommiers his letters and bills if he should have any, and his letters of acquittance by which the constable can have due allowance in his account. Pommiers has requested that the king will make payment to him of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his annual fee for being retained with the king, and for the compensation for a horse lost by him in the Gascon war, and the king wishes to agree to the request.

By K. and C. in parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

For accounting with various people.


Same as above

Order to the same to account with Gordoun Simon Gourdon for his wages, he should make payment to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine if prompt payment is able to be made from them, otherwise payment should be made from the money that the king is sending to those parts; receiving from Gourdon his letters and bills if he should have any, and his letters of acquittance by which the constable can have due allowance in his account. Gourdon has requested that the king will wish to make payment to him of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages and those of his company from the time that he was in the king's service in the garrison of Burgh' Bourg , and the king wishes to agree to the request.

By K., and it was examined by the council in parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

Order to the same to view the bills that Guilhem-Sans [III], lord of Pomeriis, de Pommiers , has to account with him and cause payment to be made to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine and from the money that the king is sending to those parts if it is sufficient, and if it is not, then by sufficient assignment on the places and goods of rebels which have come into the king's hand; receiving from the lord of Pommiers his letters and bills if he should have any relating to the debt, and his letters of acquittance by which the constable can have due allowance in his account. The lord of Pommiers has requested that the king will make payment to him of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages and those of his company and for the compensation for horses from the time that he was in the king's service in the war, just as appears by bills of the then constable of Bordeaux and the king's other constables that he has in his possession, and the king wishes to agree to the request.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

Order to the same to account with Galhart d'Ornon, lord of Audenga Audenge , for his wages and compensation for horses that he lost in the king's service, and cause speedy payment to be made to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine if prompt payment is able to be made from them, otherwise payment should be made from the money that the king is sending to those parts, and the constable will have due allowance in his account. The lord of Audenge has requested that the king will make payment to him of various sums of money that he is bound to him for his wages and those of his men-at-arms, both mounted and on foot, and for compensation for horses lost in the king's service from the time that he and his men were in the king's service in the duchy of Aquitaine, and the king wishes to agree to the request.

By K. and C. in parliament.


Same as above For Pey Camparian .

Order to Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , to do full and speedy justice to Camprian Pey Camparian, citizen of Burdeg' Bordeaux , proceeding on the allegations made by la Trene Johan de Latresne just as it ought to be done according to the fors and customs of the city, any contrary order directed to the seneschal obtained for Latresne notwithstanding. It has been requested on the behalf of Camparian that the king will provide a remedy for him since at the allegation and claim of Latresne, Camparian's notorious enemy, Camparian was taken by the seneschal and detained in prison, and despite many requests for Camparian's delivery according to the fors and customs of the city, he has delayed proceeding to delivery on account of certain letters obtained from the king to the seneschal by false allegations, and the king wishes that what is just be done. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

For related entries, see entry 045 in C 61/48 , entry in C 61/48 .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

For accounting for wages.


Same as above

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to account with Dalhan Amaubin d'Aillan for his wages, and cause speedy payment to be made to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine if prompt payment is able to be made from them, otherwise payment should be made from the money that the king is sending to those parts; receiving from Aillan his letters and bills if he should have any relating to the debt, and his letters of acquittance by which the constable can have due allowance in his account. Aillan has requested that the king will make payment to him of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages from the time that he was in the king's service in the Gascon war, and the king wishes to agree to the request. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

The following have similar letters of the king under the same date for the payment of wages, namely:

For a possibly related petition from this individual, see TNA SC 8/282/14058.
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.
For a possible related petition from this individual, see TNA SC 8/287/14323.

Same as above

Order to the same to account with Amenu Doat-Amaniu [de Bouglon] for his wages and compensation for his horses, and cause speedy payment to be made to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine if prompt payment is able to be made from them, otherwise payment should be made from the money that the king is sending to those parts; receiving from Bouglon his letters and bills if he should have any relating to the debt, and his letters of acquittance by which the constable can have due allowance in his account. Bouglon has requested that the king will make payment to him of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages and those of his company, and for compensation for their horses lost from the time that they were in the king's service in the Gascon war, and the king wishes to agree to the request. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

The following have similar letters of the king under the same date, namely:

For a related entry, see entry in C 61/50 .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . For crenellating a house .

Licence granted to Dalhan Bernat d'Aillan that he or his heirs are able to build in stone and crenellate a fortified house or fortalice in Credonium Créon , and once built to hold the same to him and his heirs without any impediment of the king, his heirs and their ministers. Proviso that the house or fortalice should be rendered to the king and his heirs at the order of the king, his heirs or their seneschals in times of war or peace. 1

By K. and C. in parliament.

For the petition that prompted the grant of this licence, see TNA SC 8/202/10059. For an exemplification of these letters dated to 27 January 1342, see the Calendar of the Patent Rolls (CPR), 1340-43 , p.377.

Same as above

Damor Gassie-Arnaut d'Amou, damoiseau , lord of Sancto Quirico, de Saint-Cricq[-Chalosse] in the Adurensis diocese of Aire Sancta Quiteria and Sainte-Quitterie , 1 has similar letters of licence that he or his heirs are able to build [and crenellate] a fortified house or fortalice in Sanctus Quiricus Saint-Cricq 2 etc. as above mutatis mutandis .

By K. and C. in parliament.

This Saint-Cricq is Saint-Cricq-Chalosse, see Recogniciones Feodorum in Aquitania , ed. Ch. Bémont (Paris, 1914), p.42, no.107.
This fortified house was probably on the site of the 'château de Poudenx', the current town hall of Saint-Cricq-Chalosse.

Same as above For Master Guilhem Gourdon .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux that they should consider the merits and indigence of Master Gordoun Guilhem Gourdoun, king's clerk , of Burgh' Bourg , and his father, and do what they consider expedient for them; receiving from them or either of them letters of recognizance of what has been paid to them by which the constable is able to have due allowance in his account. Gourdon has requested that the king will wish to ordain for his sustinence and that of his family, because he and his father lost all of their goods both moveable and immoveable when the town of Burgh' Bourg was lost, and they fled to Burdeg' Bordeaux where they, their wives and Gourdon's daughter are subject to great poverty, and the king wishes to do grace, he being aware of Gourdon's various labours for the king on many occasions in England for the king's business. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

For a related entry, see entry 136 .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

10 June 1340 . Gippewicus Ipswich . For Amaniu [de] Belhade .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to diligently inform themselves on the damages and wages that Balhade Amaniu [de] Belhade alleges that he has lost, and compensate him from the goods of the enemies and rebels of the king that have come into the king's hands as is just, and as they are able to do. Belhade has requested that the king will compensate him for his damages, and pay him for the wages that are due to him, as the French enemy having disinherited him from his land to the value of 1,000 l.bord. a year and have despoiled him of goods and chattels to the sum of 3,000 l.bord. or more because of Belhade's service to the king, and have taken and abducted his wife, but nevertheless, he has served the king with six men-at-arms and 25 foot soldiers.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . For the community of Bordeaux .

Order to Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , to diligently inform himself of the value of the banlieue ( balleuca ) and canale of Burdeg' Bordeaux 1 and of how much and of what kind of prejudice it will be to the king and others if the king grants them to the mayor, jurats and community of Burdeg' Bordeaux , and other circumstances that he is able to find, he should send the same information along with his counsel upon the matter to the king without delay so that the king can formulate his response. The mayor, jurats and community of the city of Bordeaux have requested that the king will grant to them the banlieue and canal in part compensation for their labour, expenses and damage that they have suffered by reason of the Gascon war. 2

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 3

The word canale or chanala corresponded to the river channel of the Garonne. More precisely it referred to the jurisdiction over the area of the Garonne at Bordeaux. See the agreement between the mayor and jurats of Bordeaux and the prévôt of the Ombrière (18 June 1314) in the Livre des Bouillons , Archives Municipales de Bordeaux (Bordeaux, 1867), p. 361 and Livre des Coutumes , Archives Municipales de Bordeaux (Bordeaux, 1890) , p. 451: Et dominium et custodia et districtus canalis et fluminis, etiam intra balleucam, pertinebit ad dominum Regem et ducem omnino .
For entries related to the canale or chanala of Bordeaux, see entry in C 61/43 , entry in C 61/50 , entry in C 61/51 , entry in C 61/53 , entry in C 61/56 .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above For Galhart d'Ornon .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony to summon those members of the king's council there, and the king's advocate ( defensor ), to diligently inform himself with them upon the pariage made between the king's father and the lords of Ornon, and to do what he considers by right and reason ought to be done in response to the request of Galhart d'Ornon, lord of Audenge and Dornoun Ornon , concerning that pariage without damage and prejudice to the king. Ornon has requested that the king will wish to direct that the pariage made in the time of the king's father by the then seneschal of Gascony in the name of the king's father between the king's father and the lords of Audenge and Ornon for the castellany of Blavia Blaye with its appurtenances, and the Camparianum prévôté of Camparian , and the king wishes to agree to this in as far as he is able.

By K. and C. in parliament.


Same as above For accounting etc.

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to account with Fossat Amaniu du Foussat for his wages and compensation for his horses, and cause payment to be made to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine and from the money that the king is sending to those parts if prompt payment is able to be made from them, otherwise payment should be made on places and goods of rebels which have come into the king's hands; receiving from Foussat his letters and bills if he should have any relating to the debt, and his letters of acquittance by which the constable can have due allowance in his account. Foussat has requested that the king will make payment to him of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages and those of his company, and for the compensation for their horses lost in the king's service in the Gascon war, and the king wishes to agree to the request. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

For the petition to which this was the response, see TNA SC 8/292/14594.
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . Concerning the rousing of the men of Gascony .

Request to the consuls and all the community of Mons Fortis Montfort[-en-Chalosse] , the king being aware of their constant loyalty in adverse circumstances, particularly when they did not receive reciprocal succour from the king, which the king regrets, and for which the king wishes to reward their gratitude with the generosity which befits a king’s munificence, that they will work hard to attack those rebelling against the king, defend those loyal to him and preserve his honour and rights with their usual courage. The king hopes that those unfairly opposing him will soon be put down, since the king will soon resume his progress against those rebels, and with God's help prevail over the wickedness of his enemy, he will be able to give proper recompense when prosperity returns to the consuls and community, and others who have remained unswervingly loyal to the king in adversity.

In the same manner it is written to the following under the same date, namely:


Same as above

Sancto Symphomano, de Galhart de Saint-Symphorien, lord of Landirano, de Landiras ; Bearneo, de Bernat de Béarn ; Pey-Guilhem, lord of Mota Plana Mataplan ; Monetarii Arnaut Monadey ; Rudoni, Bearnio de Ben, de [Sans]d'Arudy de Béarn ; 1 the lord of Caunar Cauna ; Grayly Johan [II]de Grailly, Buche captal de Buch ; the lord of Garro ; the consuls and all the community of Bona Garda Bonnegarde ; the lord of Ryberes Ribère ; Insula Gaston de l'Isle ; Byron Johan de Biron ; the lord of Cric ; the lord of Nuces ; the consuls and all the community of Herbefaveria Labouheyre ; the mayor, jurats and community of Lyburnea Libourne ; Podio Alto, de Arnaut de Poyloaut ; Lalanda Johan de Lalande, lord of Lapreda La Brède ; the inhabitants of Samosanum ; the inhabitants of the baylies of Gosse and Senhas Seignanx ; Landirano, de Hélias de Landiras ; Amanevy Arnaut Amanieu ; the lord of Camponha Campagne ; the lord of Tilio, de Tilh ; Sénebrun [V], lord of Sparra Lesparre ; the consuls and all the community of Hastyngues Hastingues ; the lord of Deasyt Doazit ; Guilhem-Sans [III], lord of Pomeriis, de Pommiers ; the consuls and community of Aquensis Dax ; the lord of Sort ; Andriu, lord of Balhada Belhade ; the inhabitants of the Borne prévôté of Born ; the lord of Sancto Paulo, de Saint-Paul ; the lord of Podenx Poudenx ; the inhabitants of the Brassencum baylie of Brassenx ; Galhart, lord of Agossaco, de Agassac ; the lord of Sarath' ; the lord of Casalonc Cazalon ; the consuls and community of Mons Fortis Montfort ; Galhart, lord of Audenge ; Malo Leone Johan de Mauléon, lord of Seros Céros ;


Same as above

Ramon-Guilhem, lord of Caupena Caupenne ; the mayor, jurats and community of Sanctus Emelianus Saint-Émilion ; Fossat Amaniu du Foussat ; the lord of Podio Alto, de Poyloaut ; the lord of Sanctus Ornones ; 2 the inhabitants of Morgans Morganx and of la Cabra Lacrabe ; the consuls and community of Sanctus-Marcarius Saint-Macaire ; the vicomte of Orte Orthe ; Scossano, de Bernat d'Escoussans, lord of Logoyrano, de Langoiran ; the consuls and all the community of Sanctus Severus Saint-Sever ; Podio Alto, de Pey de Poyloaut, lord of Lana Lanne ; Columby Johan Colom ; Monetarii Johan Monéder ; Guitart, lord of Arsak Arsac ; Pey, lord of Podio, de Pouy ; the consuls and all the community of Polhon Pouillon ; Alhano, de Bernat d'Aillan ; Fauquet de Monpuy ; Pey, lord of Marsano, de Marsan and of Monte Galhardo, de Montgaillard ; the lord of Gasaliis, de Cazalis ; Amaubin [de Barès], lord of Monte Ferano, de Montferrand ; the lord of Bretals Brutails ; Dureford' Bertran de Durfort, lord of Cadilias Cadillac ; Johan Dyn ; the inhabitants of the Labort baylie of Labourd ; the inhabitants of the Inter Duo Maria prévôté of Entre-Deux-Mers ; Sancta Fides Ramon-Bernat de Sainte-Foy ; the lord of Poyaler Poyaler ; Lesculo, de Fortaner de Lescun, lord of Lovynher Louvigny ; the lord of Arzac Arsac ; Arnaut-Gassie [de Got], lord of Podio Gillermi, de Puyguilhem ; the consuls and all the community of Memisanum Mimizan ; the inhabitants of Mompelhanum ; Fossato, de Bernat-Gassie du Foussat, lord of Tearcia Thouars ; the lord of Denhars ; the lord of Chetyn ; the consuls and all the community of the Tollisa bastide of Toulouzette ; the consuls and all the community of the Sanctus Mauricius bastide of Saint-Maurice[-sur-Adour] ; Guilhem-Ramon, lord of Gavo Monte Caumont ; the lord of Poyana Poyanne ; the whole community of Francescas .

This individual is otherwise known as Sans d'Arudy of Aspe.
It is possible that this unidentified place might be simply ' Orno '.

For the men of Bonnegarde.


21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to account with the good men of Bona Gardia Bonnegarde for the wages of men in the defence of the place, and cause payment to be made to them of what he is able to find is reasonably owed from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine if prompt payment can be made from them, and otherwise from the money that the king is sending to those parts, and the constable will have due allowance in his account. On the behalf of the men of Bonnegarde it is requested that the king will pay them of various sums of money for the wages that they have paid since the beginning of the Gascon war for many men for at the king's wages in the defence of the town, they having received no payment for the same, and the king wishes that what is just is done.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley .

Grant to the inhabitants of Bona Gardia Bonnegarde , the king wishing to reward them for their good conduct, that the town will not be sold, given, exchanged or in any other way alienated from the crown, except to the king's first-born sons, future heirs as kings of England and dukes of Aquitaine.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Concerning the grant of the office of remembrancer of the castle of Bordeaux.


Same as above 1

Grant to Fayeto, de Bertholomiu de Fayet, king's clerk , for the faithful service that he has done and in future will do of the offices of remembrancer ( memorandaria ) of the Burdeg' castle of Bordeaux and of keeper of all papers, registers, notarial instruments and protocols of dead notaries made by the king's authority in the duchy of Aquitaine ; 2 holding the same with all that pertains to the office and the keepership for as long as he behaves well in that office. Proviso that Fayet should take no fee for that office each year from the king, but should take that 12 a day which the king granted him by other letters patent from the hand of the constable of Bordeaux for his life. The king grants that should Fayet be removed from the office and keepership, or is not fit enough to perform it, he should still take the 12 a day according to the tenor of the king's grant. 3

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 4

A reference to this entry in entry in C 61/63 dates this entry to 1 June, so that it is possible that the dating of this entry is not correct.
This entry is creating the office of 'garde-note'.
For related entries, see entry 157 and entry in C 61/63 .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony that he should deliver the offices of [ remembrancer of the castle of Bordeaux and of keeper of the papers, registers and original documents ] to Bertholomiu [de Fayet, king's clerk].

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above For Guilhem-Ramon de Claverie .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to pay to Clavarie Guilhem-Ramon de Claverie, king's serjeant-at-arms , 12 d. daily in the form that the king granted it to him, and he will have due allowance in his account. Claverie requested that the king would pay him 12 a day for his life to be taken from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine for his 32 years and more service to Edward II and to the king, he still being in the king's service without having received any advancement, and is now broken down by old age ( vergat in senium ) nor is he, on account of infirmity, able to labour in the king's service, and the king granted that he should have the same by the hand of the constable. 1

For the grant of the daily sum to Claverie, see entry 85 .

12 June 1340 . Gippewicus Ipswich . For hearing of the complaint of Pélegrin d'Aguerre . 1

Order to the mayor, jurats and hundred peers of Baion' Bayonne to hear the complaint of Guere Pélegrin d'Aguerre of Baion' Bayonne concerning the loss of his ship and its cargo, summon the parties, and do full and speedy justice to Aguerre so that the king does not hear of that complaint again for default of justice; provided that the masters and sailors who should have seen that the victuals were brought in safety should answer to the king for their loss due to their negligence. Aguerre complained to the king, that although his ship which was charged with corn and victuals in England, and the masters and sailors of other ships of Bayonne similarly charged bound themselves to give safe conduct to Aguerre as far as the river Geround' Gironde just as more fully appears by indentures made between John de Ellerker, king's clerk , in the king's name, and those masters, when they neared the Gironde Aguerre requested that the masters and mariners take him safely into the river as they should, but they refused, and instead left him, and having left him he and his ship were taken by the king's enemies in galleys together with its cargo to the grave damage of the king and Aguerre, just as is more fully attested by letters testimonial of the seneschal of Gascony and the mayor and jurats of Burdeg' Bordeaux , and Aguerre has requested remedy. The king wishes to look towards his indemnity and that of Aguerre. 2

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 3

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.
For a related entry, see entry . For the petition that lies behind this entry, see TNA SC 8/289/14413.
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . For Doat-Amaniu .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and constable of Bordeaux that, if Blogon Doat-Amaniu de Bouglon has been unable to take anything of the assignments that the king has made to him, then they are to make him a suitable assignment for the 120 l.t.parv. in other suitable places in the duchy, receiving from Bouglon the king's letters patent in discharge of the king. Lately in recompense for the damage that Bouglon has suffered, and for the labour that he has done in the service of Edward II, late king of England , the king's father and of the king, the king granted him 120 l.t.parv. to be taken each year from the issues of the Chastelamerons baylie of Castelmoron for all of his life, but Bouglon was prevented from taking it by the French, so that the king granted him the same sum to be taken each year from the issues of the baylies of Sales Salles , Inhak Juliac 1 and of Aulas Le Las for his life. Bouglon has now requested assignments elsewhere for the sum because the baylie of Ignac has now been occupied by the French, and Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , has assigned the baylies of Salles and Aillas to Guilhem-Ramon, lord of Cavo Monte Caumont , so that he can take nothing from them. 2

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 3

According to entry in C 61/42 this baylie is Mérignac and not Juliac or Ignac.
For the petition to which this was the response, see TNA SC 8/285/14246. For an exemplification of these letters patent dated to 27 January 1342, see the Calendar of the Patent Rolls (CPR), 1340-43 , p.378
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above For Master Aubert Mège .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux that if he is able to find that Master Medici Aubert Mège, king's clerk , was retained for the king's council and served the king, then he is to account with Mège for his fee, and make payment to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine if prompt payment is able to be made from them, otherwise payment should be made from the money that the king is sending to those parts; receiving from Mège his letters and bills if he should have any, and his letters of acquittance by which the constable can have due allowance in his account. Mège has requested that the king will make payment to him of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his fee from the time that he stood in the king's council in the duchy of Aquitaine, and the king wishes that what is just is done.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above For Guilhem-Ramon .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony that he should cause Clavarie Guilhem-Ramon de Claverie , king's serjeant-at-arms , to have the office of keeper ( turragium ) of the Burdeg' king's tower of Bordeaux and the keepership of the prison within that tower which the king granted to him for his service done for Edward II, late king of England , the king's father, and for the king, and in future to be done by him, having the same with all the fees and emoluments pertaining to them for his life just as is more fully contained in the king's letters patent to Guilhem-Ramon. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

For related entries, see entry in C 61/43 , entry 049 in C 61/48 , entry 26 , entry 117 , entry 150 .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above For Arnaut de Poyloaut . 1

Order to the same to obtain full information of what the highest sum was that the king has received in the past for the Aquen' prévôté of Dax , and to cause Pulohauto, de Arnaut de Poyloaut, the elder , king's valet , to have the same office paying that amount annually. The king lately granted Poyloaut for his service the same prévôté for the term of years for a certain annual payment ( census ) to be rendered to the king just as is more fully contained in the king's letters patent; and afterwards, because of his service done and in future to be done, the king wishing to enhance his grant, granted that Poyloaut should have the office for the term of his life, rendering annually to the king in his Burdeg' castle of Bordeaux as much as anyone previously was accustomed to pay just as is more fully contained in the king's other letters patent. 2

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 3

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.
For the grant for life, see entry 63 . For a related entry, see entry 73 .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above For the grant of the prévôté of Dax . 1

Grant to Pulohauto, de Arnaut de Poyloaut the elder , king's valet , of the Aquen' prévôté of Dax holding the same for the term of his life, and rendering annually to the king in his Burdeg' castle of Bordeaux as much as anyone previously was accustomed to pay for the same, this grant being made for Poyloaut's service and future service to the king in enhancement of a previous grant of the same office to him for a term of years. 2

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 3

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.
For related entries, see entry 62 , entry 73 .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

Memorandum that all the letters following were sealed in the time that the bishop of Chichester was chancellor. 1

Robert Stratford, bishop of Chichester served a second period as chancellor from 12 July 1340 until his dismissal on 1 December 1340. Since the first entry on the roll after this memorandum dates to 21 June 1340, it would seem that the actual sealing of the letters followed some weeks after their production.

For Galhart de Siran.


Same as above

Confirmation for Syran Galhart de Siran, king's valet , of the assignment made to him by Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , and Usus Maris Antonio Usodimare, lieutenant of Usus Maris Niccolò Usodimare, constable of Bordeaux , by their letters of 29 l. to be taken from the Bogium baylie of Buch , the 21 l. of the Barsacum baylie of Barsac , 54 l. to be taken from the customs of Mons Andronis Montendre which is to be taken in the Burdeg' castle of Bordeaux and 36 l. to be taken from the office of the viguerie ( vicaria ) of the Burdeg' market of Bordeaux with its appurtenances, and granting that Siran should continue to take the same until the king should make provision for him elsewhere, or he recovers his lands and tenements that he lost for his service to the king. At Siran's request the king ordered the then seneschal of Gascony and the seneschal of Bordeaux ( senescallus noster Burdeg' ) 1 to assign to Siran for his service to the king in the duchy, and for his losses sustained by him for the king, 200 l.bord. to be taken from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine each year at certain suitable places within the duchy. Ingham and Usodimare, by virtue of this order, and by the advice of the king's council of those parts, assigned to Siran that he should take the sum of 200 l.bord. each year from various baylies, customs and governships, namely 60 l. from the la Burdum baylie of Labourd , and the other sums noted above; holding the same to Siran in recompense of the 200 l. as is more fully contained in Ingham and Usodimare's letters. However, nothing can be taken from the baylie of Labourd because the same has been granted by the king to Duro Forti Arnaut [III] de Durfort after this, and Siran has requested that the king will confirm the remainder of the assignments made by Ingham and Usodimare to him and the king wishes to agree to this. 2

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 3

'Seneschal of Bordeaux' was the popular name for 'seneschal of Gascony, but it is obviously there an error for the office of constable of Bordeaux. This seems to be confirmed by the following entry.
For a related entry, see entry 146 .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley .

Order to Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , and Usus Maris Antonio Usodimare, lieutenant of Usus Maris Niccolò Usodimare, constable of Bordeaux , that if they are able to find that Syran Galhart de Siran, king's valet , was removed from the la Burdum baylie of Labourd and he has taken nothing from the same, then they should assign other suitable places within the duchy for the 60 l.bord. that he was assigned to take from the baylie of Labourd; holding and taking the same each year until the king will ordain otherwise for him or that he is able to recover his lands and tenements which he lost because of his service to the king. At Siran's request the king ordered the then seneschal of Gascony and constable of Bordeaux to assign to Siran for his service to the king in the duchy, and for his losses sustained by him for the king, 200 l.bord. to be taken from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine each year at certain suitable places within the duchy, and they, by virtue of this order assigned to Siran that he should take the sum of 200 l.bord. each year from various baylies, customs and governerships, part of which was 60 l. assigned to be taken from the baylie of Labourd, but Siran was removed from this part of the assignment by the king's grant of the same to Duro Forti Arnaut [III] de Durfort , and Siran now requests that the king will assign that the same sum can be taken from other suitable places in the duchy, and the king wishes to agree to this.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . For Master Aubert Mège .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony to view the letters of the king's father granting the office of controller of the mayoralty of Burdeg' Bordeaux to Master Medici Aubert Mège, king's clerk , summon the parties before him, and if he finds that the mayor and jurats of Burdeg' Bordeaux ought to pay Mège's fees and wages in the office, then he should compel them to pay him them as is just. Mège has requested that the king will provide him with a remedy since E[dward II], late king of England , the king's father granted the office to Mège with the fees and wages for his life as is more fully contained in the late king's letters as it is said, but the mayor and jurats have unjustly stopped paying the same to Mège's great expense and trouble, and the king wishes to do justice. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

Some text has been erased after this entry.
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . For the men of Bonnegarde .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux that they go to Bona Gardia Bonnegarde and do what they consider expedient for the enclosure of the castle with stone walls, the construction of a bridge between the town and castle, and of a strong building within the castle as a prison from the issues of the duchy, as they consider is expedient for the salvation and fortification of the town and castle and the king's faithful subjects there, and the constable will have due allowance in his account for the costs that he will be put to. The good men of Bona Gardia Bonnegarde have requested that the king will ordain for the enclosure of the town, the construction of the bridge and the prison within the castle for the secure incarceration of prisoners there because there town is on the frontier with the French enemy and they have been attacked many times, and the king, being aware of the their good conduct, and how they have defended the town against the enemy, wishes to agree to this.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above For the granting of the keepership of the castle of Saint-Puy .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony that he should cause Molyner Bertran Moulinier to have the keepership of the Sonpoy castle of Saint-Puy in Agenesium Agenais as soon as it comes into the king's hands. The king granted the same during pleasure to Moulinier for the service that he has done, continues to do and in future will do in the king's wars in Scotland and Gascony, the same castle at that time being in the hands of the French rebels; having the same with its customary wages and fees and all other things that pertain to the keepership once the castle has returned to the king's hands. 1

For the grant of the office to Moulinier, see entry . For the petition to which this might well be the response, see TNA SC 8/286/14291.

Same as above For the inhabitants of Bonnegarde .

Order to the same that he provide as well as he is able for the necessary defence of the men of Bona Gardia Bonnegarde both by men-at-arms and by money, and he should not allow them to be harassed or disturbed by reason of the damage of the rebels in those parts in the king's war for the defence of those parts. The inhabitants of Bona Gardia Bonnegarde have requested that because they are on the frontier with the French rebels, and have been many times attacked and many homicides and much damage has been committed, that the king will provide them with assistance in the defence of their town as they are impoverished and unable to provide for the same themselves, and the king wishes that since they have remained loyal, that they and their town be defended.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above For the men of Bordeaux . 1

Grant to the mayor, jurats and community of Burdeg' Bordeaux in recognition of their loyalty, that even if it was to happen that the king gains possession of the realm of France by right of succession, he will not put the city, high and low justice, complete and shared jurisdiction, homage and lordship of the fees of the city out of his possession by sale, gift, exchange or in any other title, except to a future heir, or see that it is transferred from the crown of England except to a future heir, and nor will the king take away liberties, privileges, customs, resorts, appeals or other rights which belong to them, and are reasonably used by them. 2

A note in the margin states 'Vacated because it was returned and issued in another manner in the 16th year'.
The entry is crossed out.

Same as above Concerning the granting of baylies to Pey de Poyanne . 1

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux that they should cause it to be publicly proclaimed that the baylies of Gosse and Senhans Seignanx with their appurtenances are let at farm or rent ( ad firmam vel censum ), and following the proclamation, they should cause the same to be granted and delivered to Poian' Pey de Poyanne, citizen of Baion' Bayonne , holding the same for the term of his life, so that he is able to take 50 l. from the price of the farm of the baylies and retain it, and being bound to the constable for the residue each year. Poyanne has requested that the king will do grace since the king granted to him for his service 50 to be taken for the term of his life each year from the constable of Bordeaux until he should be provided with an annual income of 50 l. of land or rent for his lifetime in the duchy of Aquitaine or elsewhere as more fully appears by the king's letters patent; and afterwards by other letters patent the 50 l. were assigned on the baylies of Gosse and Seignanx, upon which the seneschal and constable have done nothing.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above For accounting for wages . 1

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to account with Pulohauto, de Arnaut de Poyloaut, the elder , king's valet , for his wages from the time that he was in the king's service, and make allowance for what he finds is owed him in the payment that Poyloaut makes to the king for the Aquen' prévôté of Dax until Poyloaut is fully satisfied for his wages; receiving from Poyloaut his letters and bills relating to this if he has any in his possession, and his letters of acquittance attesting to the allowance, and the constable will have due allowance in his account; proviso that the surplus of the rent paid for the prévôté beyond the allowance should be paid to the king promptly. Poyloaut has requested that the king will cause the sums that he is due for his wages to be assigned upon the issues of the prévôté of Dax so that he can receive allowance for the same in the farm that he pays for the prévôté, the king having previously granted him the prévôté for his life, paying as much as others before him have been accustomed to pay, just as more fully appears by the king's letters patent, and the king wishes to agree to Poyloaut's request for the laudable service that he has done, and will do in the future. 2

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 3

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.
For related entries, see entry 62 , entry 63 .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

25 July 1340 . Kenyngton' Kennington . For attorneys .

Oliver de Ingham received the attorney by writ.

Prebendary (1335-42), Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541 , volume 1: Lincoln diocese.

2 August 1340 . Kenyngton' Kennington . For paying écus for Guiraut Élies .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux that he should pay to Elys Guiraut Élies, king's serjeant-at-arms , 600 écus ( florenus de scuto ) or the value in other money from the issues of the Bordeaux mint without any delay for his ransom, any ordinance or order to the contrary not withstanding, and the constable will receive due allowance in his account. Élies has requested that the king will pay 600 écus or some other suitable satisfaction for his ransom, since he was lately travelling from Andewerp' Antwerp to Gascony for some difficult business of the king's when he was taken by certain men of the realm of France , the king's enemies and rebels, and will remain imprisoned until the sum is paid, and the king having received the testimony of Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , of Élies' service to the king, wishes to agree to the request.

By C. in parliament.

For accounting for wages.


21 June 1340 . Shotteleye Shotley .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux that having accounted with Viger Pey Béguey for his wages, he should make payment to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine if prompt payment is able to be made from them, otherwise payment should be made from the money that the king is sending to those parts; receiving from Béguey his letters and bills if he should have any, and his letters of acquittance by which the constable can have due allowance in his account. Béguey has requested that the king will make payment to him of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages from the time that he has stood in the king's service in the Gascon war, and the king wishes to agree to the request.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

The following have similar letters under the same date:

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.
For the petition to which this was the response, see TNA SC 8/285/14243.

Same as above

Order to the constable of Bordeaux as above. Batz Ramon de Bats, lord of Sort , [has requested that the king will make payment to him] of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages and those of his company etc.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

Castello Novo, de Arnaut de Castelnau has similar letters under the same date. 1

For the petition to which this is the response, see TNA SC 8/282/14065.

Same as above

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to accounted with Erra Guilhem Erran, king's valet , for his wages and compensation for horses, and make payment to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine if prompt payment is able to be made from them, otherwise payment should be made from the money that the king is sending to those parts; receiving from Erran his letters and bills if he should have any, and his letters of acquittance by which the constable can have due allowance in his account. Erran has requested that the king will make payment to him of various sums of money that he is bound to him in for his wages and those of his company, and for the compensation for horses from the time that he was in the king's service in the Gascon war, and the king wishes to agree to the request.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above For confirming the retainder of Gaston de l'Isle .

Confirmation of the alliegance and retainder of Insula Gaston de l'Isle for the king's service by Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , according to the form of the indentures made between Ingham and l'Isle, the king having learned of the love that l'Isle bears for the king, and his probity, the king promising to confirm the indentures under his seal when requested to do so. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

For a related entry, see entry .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above Pélegrin d'Aguerre of Bayonne .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony that he should encourage the mayor, jurats and hundred peers of Baion' Bayonne to execute the order that the king previously made to them by entry concerning the complaint of Guere Pélegrin d'Aguerre of Baion' Bayonne , and if they refuse or unduly delay to do justice, then the seneschal having called the parties before him and heard their arguments then he is to do what he considers ought to be done both for the king and for the parties according to the fors and customs of the duchy. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

For a related petition, see TNA SC 8/289/14413.
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . For the custody of the castle of Saint-Puy.

Grant during pleasure to Molyner Bertran Moulinier for the faithful service that he has done and will do, of the keepership of the Sonpey castle of Saint-Puy in Agenesium Agenais which is presently in the hands of rebellious Frenchmen; holding the same with the customary wages and fees and all other things pertaining to it. The fees and wages are first to be taken when the castle returns to the king's hand. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

For the order to the seneschal of Gascony to deliver this keepership to Moulinier, see entry 69 . For the petition to which this might well have been the response, see TNA SC 8/286/14291.
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

For the grant of the office of executor of the town of Agen.


21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley .

Appointment of Fossat Pons du Foussat to the office of executor ( officium execut'[o]rie ) of Agent' Agen which is currently in the hands of rebellious Frenchmen; having the same with all that pertains to that office for the term of his life from the time that it returns to the king's hand, providing that the grant is not to the injury of other faithful subjects of the king. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

For the petition to which this was the response, see TNA SC 8/280/13989.
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony to deliver the office [of executor of Agen ] to Pons [du Foussat] once it has come back into the king's hands, holding the same in the aforesaid form.

For Guilhem-Ramon de Claverie.


Same as above

Grant to Clavarie Guilhem-Ramon de Claverie, king's serjeant-at-arms , of 12 d. st. daily to be taken for his life from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine by the hands of the constable of Bordeaux, Claverie having requested that the king would pay him the 12 d. st. for his 32 years and more service to Edward II , and to the current king, he still being in the king's service without having received any advancement, and is now broken down by age ( vergat in senium ) nor is he on account of infirmity able to labour in the king's service. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

For the grant of the daily sum to Claverie, see entry 57 .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony to pay 12 d. daily to Guilhem[-Ramon de Claverie, king's serjeant-at-arms], and he will have due allowance in his account.

For the men of Bordeaux.


Same as above 1

Grant to the men of Burdeg' Bordeaux , for the great costs that they have been put to in defence of the city and of the king's rights, that they are quit for three years from the payment of as much of the custom for the wine that they buy in Burdegalesium Bordelais as the men of Marmand' Marmande pay for wine brought by them from Marmand' Marmande to Burdeg' Bordeaux , the king not wishing any greater custom to be exacted from them in that period. Proviso that once the term has elapsed the men of Bordeaux should pay to the king the custom on wine that they buy as was accustomed to be paid before this grant.

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.

Same as above

And it is ordered to the constable of Bordeaux that he should cause the men of Burdegal' Bordeaux to be quit of the payment of the custom in the form contained in entry 87 .

For the granting of the office of executor.


Same as above

Grant to Dynac Gaucem d'Ignac of the office of executor ( officium execut[o]rie ) of Condomium Condom and the Condomesium Condomois which is currently in the hands of rebellious Frenchmen as long as it can be done without injury to other faithful subjects of the king; holding the same for his life with all that pertains to that office from the time that it comes into the king's hands. Ignac had requested that the king would grant him the office since he had served Edward II and the current king for 20 years and more and is now old and is not able to labour in the king's service, the same being granted to him in compensation for his long service, and in consideration of the capture of the earl of Moravie Moray 1 and of other prisoners taken with him in which Ignac and his company were involved for which they received no remuneration. 2

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 3

John Randolph, third earl of Moray was taken prisonner in 1335 by William de Pressen, warden of the castle and forest of Jedburgh .
For related entries, see entry 100 , entry 108 , entry in C 61/53 .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony that he should cause Gaucem [d'Ignac] to have the office [of executor of Condom and the Condomois ] once it comes into the king's hands.


Same as above For Guilhem Baquer .

Grant to Vaquer, Vager Guilhem Baquer of 100 , namely 50 beyond that 100 which the king previously granted him, the whole 100 being taken each year from the issues of the duchy from the constable of Bordeaux for all of Baquer's life, or until the king can provide him with 100 librates of land or rent a year in the duchy for his life, the king wishing to augment his original grant of the 100 made to Baquer for his laudable service and his homage by his letters patent of 16 May 1339, because of the damage and loss both of moveable goods and his hereditary lands which Baquer has suffered by his service to the king. The king wishes that his first writ for the 100 m. which is currently not in Baquer's possession should be returned to the king if Baquer happens to find it. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

For a related entry, see entry , entry in C 61/53 .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above For Ramon-Guilhem de Lamothe and Galhart de Lamothe . 1

Grant to la Mote Ramon-Guilhem de Lamothe, king's serjeant-at-arms , and la Mote Galhart de Lamothe, his brother , of 6 to be taken each year from two houses ( hospicia ) lying between the new tower of the castle [of Bordeaux] and the vicum de Peyteivyn rue Poitevine in Burdeg Bordeaux 2 in compensation for a previous grant of 10 which the king made to them for their sustenance, during pleasure, on condition that if the rent from the houses exceeds 6 a year then they should answer to the king for the surplus. On the 4 April 1338 the king granted by his letters patent to the Lamothe brothers for their service and in compensation for their losses which they have sustained by that service from the king's enemies in the duchy of Aquitaine the rent of 10 a year which the abbot of Sanctus Severus Saint-Sever , the king's enemy and rebel, 3 had in the prévôté and Mimisan town of Mimizan , holding the same during pleasure, but the Lamothe brothers have now requested the grant of the 6 from the two houses in Bordeaux because the seneschal of Gascony and constable of Bordeaux have assigned the land and possessions of the abbot in the prévôté to Gout Arnaut-Gassie de Got in part compensation for the damage and harm that he had sustained in the king's service, and the Lamothe brothers have been prevented from taking the 10 l. rent. 4

By K. and C. in parliament.

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.
The site of this former street of Bordeaux is in the current Cours d'Alsace-Lorrraine.
Guilhem de Poyartin , abbot of Saint-Sever between 1317 and 1357. See Chartes et documents hagiographiques de l'abbaye de Saint-Sever (Landes) (988-1359) , ed. G. Pon and J. Cabanot, II (Dax, 2010), p.741. On his commitment towards the king of France, see Barnabé, P., ‘L’abbé dans le siècle. Ses relations avec le duc d’Aquitaine et les Saint-Séverins (milieu du XIIIe siècle-1360)', Abbaye de Saint-Sever. Nouvelles Approches documentaires (988-1360) (Dax, 2009), pp.220-1.
For a related petition, see TNA SC 8/293/14616.



12 July 1340 . Kenyngton' Kennington .

Inspeximus of letters patent lately made under the seal then used in England in these words:

7 February 1331 . Langele Kings Langley .

Appointment of Elys Guiraut Élies and Pey Martel as masters of the mint in Burdeg' Bordeaux during pleasure, taking what others have previously had for that office.

The king has granted that the letters be exemplified under the seal now used in England. Attested by Edward [of Woodstock], duke of Cornwall and earl of Chester , son of the king, keeper of England .


Same as above

Inspeximus of letters patent lately made under the seal then used in England in these words:

15 October 1331 . Westminster .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and constable of Bordeaux that they admit to the office of master of the mint of the city of Bordeaux the deputy ( substitutus ) whom Elys Guiraut Élies and Pey Martel will nominate to them, the king having appointed Élies and Martel masters of the mint in Burdeg' Bordeaux during pleasure, taking what others have previously had for that office, and granted to them the right to have a substitute for whom they are willing to answer for.

The king has granted that the letters be exemplified under the seal now used in England.


Order to Morle Robert de Morley, admiral of the Northern Fleet , that he deliver to Scrop' Geoffrey le Scrope six suitable ships for his passage and that of his men and horses in the port of Orewell Orwell without delay so that the king's business is not delayed for the default of the ships, the king having ordered Scrope to come to him overseas concerning certain arduous business of the king's in those parts. The sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk is to pay for the hire of the ships and other reasonable costs from the issues of his bailiwick.

Attested by the keeper . 2

By the keeper and C.

Void because it is enrolled in the German ( Alem' ) rolls word for word.
The entry is crossed out.

21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . For Guitart, lord of Arsac .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony that having diligently informed himself of the rights of Guitart, lord of Arsac , in the viguerie ( vicariatus ) of the parishes of Arsac , Margars Margaux , Saussans Soussans and Gantenac Cantenac in Medoult Medoc , if he is able to find that the lord of Arsac's ancestor, was unjustly despoiled of the same by Guito Bertran de Got, lord of Blaunkford Blanquefort , he is to cause restitution to be made of the possession of them just as ought to be done according to the fors and customs of those parts, providing that this is not to the prejudice of the king's rights in the same viguerie. The lord of Arsac requested restoration of the same as he claimed that the rights pertained to him and had belonged to his predecessors from time out of mind until the lord of Blanquefort, who is now dead, despoiled his ancestor of them unjustly, and after the death of the lord of Blanquefort the viguerie, amongst other goods and rights of his, came into the king's hands. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

For a related entry, see entry 139 .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above For Gaston de L'Isle .

Order to the same that he do what is just in all things to Insula Gaston de l'Isle concerning his allegiance and retainder according to the form of the indenture made between l'Isle and Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony . L'Isle was retained by the indenture, the king having learned of l'Isle's love for the king from Ingham, and having promised to confirm the same, which he did in all articles as appears in the king's letters patent under the king's special seal. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

For a related entry, see entry 80 .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above For Johan de Saye .

Order to the same to diligently obtain information upon the lands and tenements that Say Johan de Saye claims to have lost in the Fronsadeis Fronsadais and in the town of Burgh' Bourg because of his service to the king in the Gascon war, and to certify the king of that information so that the king is able to answer Saye's request. Saye has requested that the king will consider these damages which amount to 300 l.bord. , and the king wishes to be certified on them.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above Concerning the pacification of a dispute .

Order to Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , Usus Maris Antonio Usodimare, lieutenant of Usus Maris Niccolò Usodimare, constable of Bordeaux , and Lyle John de Lisle, mayor of Burdeg' Bordeaux , that they should pacify in the best way that they can the dispute that the king has been given to understand has come about in the city of Bordeaux between Mogniesant Pey Mayensan on the one part, and Johan son of Chiket Bernat Chiquet and la Lande Johan de Lalande and their accomplices on the other, not permitting the parties to continue feuding, since the king has been given to understands that much damage will be done to the city if the dispute is allowed to continue.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

5 August 1340 . Berkhampsted Berkhamsted For a pardon .

To the seneschals, constables, mayors, prévôts, bayles, ministers and other faithful subjects of the king in the duchy of Aquitaine.

Pardon to Dynak Gaucem d'Ignac, king's serjeant-at-arms , for his good service both in England and overseas, for the death of Feredre Pey de Ferradre for which he is indicted, accused or appealed, and also of the banishment from the duchy, Burdegall' Bordeaux and other places within the king's lordship if it has been promulgated. 1

By p.s.

For a related entries, see entry 89 , entry 108 , entry in C 61/53 .

8 August 1340 . Berkhampsted' Berkhamsted . For John de Lisle, mayor of Bordeaux .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux that, having examined his papers and memoranda concerning the payment of 200 from the sale of 200 sacks [of wool] which the king lately sent to the duchy to Insula John de Lisle, mayor of Burdeg' Bordeaux , in part satisfaction of 406 l. 6 s. 8 d. for the costs that he had been put to around the defence of the city of Burdeg' Bordeaux , if he finds that 100 l. of that sum are still owed to him, then he should cause that 100 l. to be paid to him without delay from the issues of the money exchange ( cambium monete ) at Bordeaux in sterling, so that none of the issues of the exchange are expended or delivered elsewhere until Lisle is fully paid, and so that Lisle has no further reason to complain to the king. The constable is further ordered that having accounted with Lisle for the costs which he has been put to since rendering his last account around the safe-keeping of the city, he is to certify the king of what he finds is owed to Lisle in his English chancery under the king's seal used in the duchy. The king was lately bound to Lisle in the sum of 406 l. 6 s. 8 d. for the costs just as the constable certified the king by his order under the seal of the court of Gascony, and the constable was ordered to pay the 200 from the sale of the sacks just as appears by inspection of the rolls of chancery, but Lisle has given the king to understand that he has only received 100 l. of that sum. Attested by the keeper .

By the keeper and C.

For the granting of the writing office.


21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley

Grant for life to Harriete Johan de Harriéta for his service to Edward II , and to the current king in the duchy of Aquitaine for 30 years or more, of the writing office ( scribania ) of the seneschalcy of Xancton' Saintonge which is currently in the hands of the French rebels, holding the same from the time that the office comes into the king's hands, providing this can be done without injury to other faithful subjects of the king. Harrieta had requested the office for his service and the king wishes to agree to it. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

For an enlargement of this grant, making it a grant for life, see entry 178 . For a related petition, see TNA SC 8/293/14601.
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to cause the the writing office ( scribania ) [of the seneschalcy of Saintonge ] to be delivered to Johan [de Harriéta] once it comes into the king's hands if it is possible to do it without injury to other faithful subjects of the king according to the tenor of the king's letters.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

For the baylie of Castillonnès


21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley .

Grant for life to Doat-Amaniu [de Bouglon] of the Castelliones baylie of Castillonnès with its appurtenances which is currently in the hands of the French rebels, for his service to Edward II and to the current king in the wars of Scotie Scotland , Gascony and Flandr' Flanders for 20 years or more, because of which service he has lost all his lands, tenements, goods and chattels that he had in Agenesium Agenais ; holding the same from the time that the office comes into the king's hands, providing this can be done without injury to other faithful subjects of the king. Bouglon had requested the office for his service and losses and the king wishes to agree to it.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony to cause the baylie [of Castillonnès] to be delivered to Doat[-Amaniu de Bouglon] once it comes into the king's hands if it is possible to do it without injury to other faithful subjects of the king according to the tenor of the king's letters.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

For Fauquet de Monpuy.


21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley .

Grant for life to Moun Puy Fauquet de Monpuy of 300 l.t. from the issues of the baylies of Meysyn Mézin and Forseys Fourcès which are currently in the hands of the French rebels, for all his lands, tenements, rents and goods to the value of 300 l.t. a year that he has lost because of his service to the king, and which are now occupied by the French enemy; taking the same from the time that the office comes into the king's hands, providing this can be done without injury to other faithful subjects of the king. Monpuy had requested the money in compensation of the losses and the king wishes to agree to it.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony and constable of Bordeaux to cause the 300 l.t. from the issues of the baylies [of Mézin and Fourcès ] to be assigned and delivered to Fauquet [de Monpuy] once they have come into the king's hands if it is possible to do it without injury to other faithful subjects of the king according to the tenor of the king's letters.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

For Gaucem d'Ignac.


4 August 1340 . Berkhampstede Berkhamsted .

Grant to Dynac Gaucem d'Ignac, king's serjeant-at-arms , of 12 d. st. daily to be taken for his wages for his life at the exchequer of Burdeg' Bordeaux from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine from the constable of Bordeaux, for his long service to Edward II and to the current king, he now being broken by old age and no longer able to labour in the king's service. 1

By p.s.

For related entries, see entry 89 , entry 100 , entry in C 61/53 .

Same as above

And it is ordered to the constable of Bordeaux to pay 12 d. daily to Gaucem [d'Ignac, king's serjeant-at-arms], according to the tenor of the king's letters, receiving his letters of acquittance, and he will have due allowance in his account.

By the same writ.


15 September 1340 . Andovere Andover . For Ramon-Arnaut de Claverie.

Order to constable of Bordeaux to view the bills that Clavary Ramon-Arnaut de Claverie, king's valet , has, account with him for his wages, and make payment to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine or by a suitable assignment; receiving from Claverie his bills, and the constable will have due allowance in his account. Claverie has requested that the king will wish to make payment to him of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages from the time that he was in the service of Edward II and of the current king in the war in the duchy of Aquitaine, just as more fully appears by bills under the seal of the constable of Bordeaux which he claims to have in his possession, and the king wishes payment to be made.

By petition of C.


21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . For Bertran Noaillan .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux that having viewed the king's other order to him, if he finds that the king is bound to Noilan Bertran Noaillan, king's valet , in 100 he should cause prompt payment to be made to him from the issues of the duchy if that can be done, otherwise payment is to be made from the first money that the king sends to those parts; receiving from Noaillan his letters of obligation if he has them for the sum, and his letters of acquittance by which the constable is able to have allowance on his account. Noaillan had requested that the king would provide him with a remedy since the he had ordered the payment of the 100 in part payment of 200 in which he was bound to Noaillan from the issues of the duchy, and the constable did not make the payment, and the king wishes to show grace to Noaillan for his service to him.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

For Galhart de Saint-Symphorien.


Same as above

Grant to Sancto Simphoriano, de Galhart de Saint-Symphorien, lord of Landiras , marshal of the king's armies in the duchy of Aquitaine , son and heir of Russell' Jean Roussel , of high and low justice or jurisdiction in the parishes of Illatz Illats , Lassatz Louchats , Gylouz Guillos , Braks Brax and Sanctus Michael de Ripa Frigida Saint-Michel-de-Rieufret except the men, lands and property of la Breto, de Bérart d'Albret within the parish of Illats which he holds from the king; to be held by Saint-Symphorien and his heirs with all rights and liberties pertaining to that justice or jurisdiction, and with the emoluments and profits, from the king and his heirs by the due and accustomed service in compensation for the 100 during pleasure. The king wishes to know the true value of that justice and jurisdiction that pertains to the king, and orders speedy and diligent information to be obtained, and the king, once he has viewed the information, will be in a position to do further grace to Saint-Symphorien. Proviso that the parish of Ousten' Hostens should remain to the king and his heirs. Edward II on 8 July 1308, for the good service of Russell' Jean Roussel, kt , to Edward I by his letters patent, granted to Roussel that he and his heirs should have forever the justice and jurisdiction in the parishes of Illats, Louchats, Guillos, Hostens, Brax and Saint-Michel-de-Rieufret in the diocese of Burdeg' Bordeaux with all its rights and liberties, and with its emoluments and profits, provided that the justice and jurisdiction does not exceed the value of 100 , and if it exceeds that value then the letters are to be void. 1 And now Saint-Symphorien, son and heir of Jean Roussel wishes that the king will confirm the same to him as the justice and jurisdiction in the parishes is valued at 80 l. annually, as appears by the inquisition made by order of Gilbert Pecche, then seneschal of Gascony, the same parishes currently being in the hands of rebellious Frenchmen, and providing that the jurisdiction in the parish of Hostens should remain to the king. The king has seen and examined Pecche's inquiry, and found that it was set up without the authority of the king or his father, and does not trust it, but wishes, in consideration of the service that has been done, and in future will be done by Saint-Symphorien, to grant the parishes with the exceptions and proviso. 2

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 3

For the original grant to Jean Roussel, see Rôles Gascons IV, ed. Y. Renouard (Paris-London, 1962), pp.46-7, no.107, though the grant is dated 8 June 1308 and not 8 July as recorded in this entry.
For a related entry, see entry 144 .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony to cause Galhart [de Saint-Symphorien, lord of Landiras ] to have the justice or jurisdiction both high and base in the parishes of Illatz Illats , Lassatz Louchats , Gylouz Guillos , Braks Brax and Sanctus Michael de Ripa Frigida Saint-Michel-de-Rieufret , except the men, lands and things of la Breto Bérart d'Albret within the parish of Illats which pertains directly to the king. The seneschal is to inquire further and diligently inform himself of the true value of the justice or jurisdiction in those parishes and certify the king without delay of the inquisition and information under the seal of the court of Gascony.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above For Guilhem Baquer .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony to assign to Vager Guilhem Baquer that 100 , which the king granted him to be paid from the issues of the duchy, from the issues of the mint ( cussio monete ) in Burdeg' Bordeaux as far as it is sufficient, and if it is already charged with other assignments so that Baquer cannot be satisified of the sum, then it should be assigned to be taken from some other suitable place in the duchy, taking the same for his life or until Baquer is provided with 100 librates of land or rent within the duchy for his life. On 16 May 1339, by his letters patent, the king granted to Baquer 100 for his service and homage, to be taken annually from the issues of the duchy from the constable or until the king provided him with the equivalent in land or rent, but afterwards the king wishing to consider the damage and loss both of moveable goods and his hereditary lands which Baquer had suffered by his service to the king granted him the 100 by entry 91 in place of the earlier grant. Baquer has now requested that sum be assigned to be paid on the mint in Bordeaux, and the king wishes to agree to this. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

For related entries, see entry 91 , entry in C 61/53 .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . For the archbishop of Bordeaux . 1

Order to Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , and Usus Maris Niccolò Usodimare, constable of Bordeaux , or their lieutenants, to proceed with what has been agreed with the Burdeg' archbishop of Bordeaux concerning his claims to a third part of the treasury and mint in the duchy , so that the king will not hear any more complaint from the archbishop, but that it should be understood that this third part of the mint is the third part of the profits of minting. The archbishop has requested that the king will provide him with a remedy concerning what is owed to him from the third part of the chamber or money in the duchy of Aquitaine, struck or to be struck ( tercia pars camere seu monete cusse vel cudende ), which was granted by the king's progenitors. It had been agreed between Ingham and John Travers, then constable of Bordeaux , on the king's behalf, and the archbishop that the archbishop should have and take annually the third part of the profits, and that the constable ought to summon the archbishop or his proctor at the end of every quarter of each year to view and audit the account together with the constable, and to satisfy the archbishop for the third part immediately after the auditing of the account, and the constable should pay the arrears of the 2,000 l.t.parv. due to the archbishop for the same at certain terms now past that have been agreed just as appears in indentures made under the seal of Ingham, Travers and the archbishop, which the king has confirmed, but the constable has not called the archbishop to the auditing of the accounts of that third part, and has not paid the third part or the arrears, and the king wishes them to do what ought to be done.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Letters directed to the men of Gascony


21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley .

Request to the consuls and community of Francescas to support the king, and favour him against Valesio, de Philip of Valois to recover the king's rights to the kingdom of France, embracing the matter of justice and injustice when, on the death of Charles [IV] , last king of France, the brother of the king's mother, Philip of Valois, the son of an uncle of the king of France, by his power intruded himself into that kingdom while the king was a minor, and not only occupies the kingdom unjustly, but has started an unjust war to assert his authority, so that he should be justly condemned by God and man.

The following have similar writs under the same date:

The entry actually calls him 'Bernat' ( Bernardus ) but the prior of Saint-Caprais (1317-43) was Béraut de Serres who was also canon of Agen. See Ryckebusch, F., Fasti Ecclesiae Galllicanae , 5, diocèse d'Agen (Turnhout, 2001), p.139, no.235.
The clerk has made an error by putting the prior of Saint-Caprais on the same line as the lord of Lévignac, in this list of names.
This entry is clearly incomplete or an error as it simply the place name, and appears amongst a list of individuals. It seems likely that this is either the ' consuls of Le Mas-d'Agenais ', or the ' prior of Le Mas-d'Agenais '.

12 August 1340 . Berkhampstede Berkhamsted . For Bertruc de Mestre .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and constable of Bordeaux that if the offices of keeper of the Burdeg' king's tower of Bordeaux and keeper of the prison within that tower was granted to Bertruc de Mestre, valet of Master Jurdani Austen Jourdain , for his life by the king's letters patent, then, with the assent of Mestre, they should cause him to have another office or baylie in the duchy to the value of the office of warden of the tower to the end of the same term that he held the office of warden. The king had granted the office of keeper to Clavarie Guilhem-Ramon de Claverie, king's serjeant-at-arms , by his letters patent for his service to Edward II and to the current king, having the same with all its fees and emoluments for his life, but the king has now been given to understand that Claverie has been unable to have the office because of the grant of the same to Mestre. The seneschal and constable are to deliver the office to Claverie according to the tenor of the king's letters. 1

By C.


21 June 1340 . Shotteleye Shotley . For Ramon-Arnaut . 1

Order to the seneschal of Gascony to obtain fuller information of the service done to the king by Ramon-Arnaut de Sabewers , 2 and if he finds that he did do useful service then he should commit the Monsfortis baylie of Montfort to him during pleasure, and assign him to have 6 l. of money from the issues of the baylie whilst he holds it providing that he answer to the king for the residue of the value of the baylie. Sabewers had requested that the king would grant him the baylie and that he be able to take 6 from the same in recompense for the service that he did in the wars in Scotie Scotland and Gascony which was done not without great labour and cost, and that he will do in the future, and the king wishes to agree to this according to Sabewers merits.

By C. in parliament.

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.
The name Sabewers could be the name 'Salevert'.

12 June 1340 . Shotteleye Shotley . For the granting of an office to Bidau Caubin . 1

Order to the constable of Bordeaux, or his lieutenant, to receive sufficient security from Caubyn Bidau Caubin that he will behave well and faithfully in the office of collector and receiver of the toll of Sanctus Macharius Saint-Macaire and to answer to the king for the issues of the same, and cause the office together with the fee and wages of the same to be delivered to him. Caubin requested that the king would commit the office of collector and receiver to him for a certain term of years because, as a consequence of the war in the duchy of Aquitaine, he had lost all his possessions in Langon , and has nothing to live on, and the king wishing to agree to this granted the office to him by his letters patent for the term of twelve years, taking the customary fee and wages per day in that office, as long as he should find sufficient security for his good bahaviour in that office. 2

By K. and C. in parliament.

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.
For the commitment of the office to Caubin, see entry 33 .

12 August 1340 . Berkhampsted' Berkhamsted . For protection .

To seneschals, constables, prévôts, castellans, mayors, bayles and all bailiffs and faithful subjects in the duchy.

Letters of protection granted to Dynak Gaucem d'Ignac, king's serjeant-at-arms , his men, lands, things, rents and all possessions in the duchy, as the king, wishing to show him favour has received him and them into his protection and safe-keeping. They are to be maintained, protected and defended from injury and violence, and if anything is attempted against them, this should be revoked without delay.

By K.


21 June 1340 . Shotteleye Shotley . For a confirmation for Galhart de Saint-Symphorien .

Confirmation under the great seal of England at the request of Sancto Simphoriano, de Galhart de Saint-Symphorien, lord of Landiras , marshal of the king's armies in the duchy of Aquitaine , of those letters patent under the seal used in the duchy by which Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , by the counsel and advice of the king's council of those parts granted to Saint-Symphorien in payment for his good service and in compensation for the damage and harm that he had suffered in the king's service, the Blancha Fortis land and baylie of Blanquefort with the rents, fruits, issues, emoluments, rights and all its appurtenances, holding the same from 11 November 1337 until Saint-Symphorien recovers his lands lost because of his service, or the king ordains otherwise. Resort and suzerainty only in the land and baylie and the rights, lordships and jurisdictions are to remain to the king and his seneschal of Gascony.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

20 August 1340 . Berkhampstede Berkhamsted . For the taking of Master Pey Dardy .

Order to the mayor and jurats of Baion' Bayonne that if they are able to find Pey Dardy, master of the ship called la Seint Johan , in their baylie, they are to take him and keep him safely in prison, and to take his ship along with his goods and chattels into the king's hands and keep them safe without disposing of any of them until the king orders otherwise. The king was planning to go overseas for the arduous and urgent business of the realm of England and for the conservation and defence of the king's other lands and his rights, and to repel the king's enemy who threaten to attack the king's realm, and to this end required shipping and assigned Clynton William de Clinton, earl of Huntingdon , constable of the Dovora Dover castle , and keeper of the Quinque Portus Cinque Ports , to arrest all ships of 30 tons or more in his bailiwick, and to cause them, their mariners and others and victuals to be assembled at Orewell' Orwell for the passage, and Dardy with his ship were arrested for this reason, but he broke the arrest and left without licence to the king's delay and to the comfort of the king's enemy, and the king does not wish this disobedience and rebellion to go without punishment.

Attested by the keeper . 1

By K.

For a related entry, see entry 144 .

For Pey Béguey.


21 June 1340 . Shotteleye Shotley .

Grant during pleasure to Byger Pey Béguey de la Russell' la Rousselle , citizen of Burdeg' Bordeaux , of the 40 s. of forfeits that go to the king in Corbiac , having the same in recompense for the service and losses he has suffered, on the condition that the premises that Béguey has related are true, and if not then the grant is to be void. Béguey has requested that the king grant him the same for his service in the king's wars in Gascony and Scotia Scotland , and when he was retained with ten men-at-arms in the king's service in defence of the duchy against the French enemy, and for his losses of 500 l.bord. a year which he has suffered in Ageneys Agenais and Basadeys Bazadais , on account of this service for which he has received no satisfaction. Béguey held Corbiac with certain other places pertaining to it in the parishes of Sanctus Medardus Saint-Médard[-en-Jalles] and of Aidinis [Saint-Martin-d']Eysines from the king for certain service, in which places if anyone had to pay a fine of 65 s.bord. , 40 s. ought to go to the king and the remaining 25 s. to Béguey.

By petition of C.


Same as above

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony and constable of Bordeaux that if the premises presented to the king are true then they are to permit Pey [Béguey de la Rousselle, citizen of Burdeg' Bordeaux ], to have the 40 s. pertaining to the king in the place according to the king's letters.

By petition of C.


21 June 1340 . Shotteleye Shotley . For Pey Béguey . 1

Pardon to Biger Pey Béguey de la Rousselle , citizen of Burdeg' Bordeaux , of an annual tax of 8 l.bord. ( census ) that Béguey is bound to render to the king in Corbiac , in recompense for the service and losses that he has suffered, on the condition that the premises that Béguey has related are true, and if not then the grant is to be void, and on the condition that after Béguey's death the 8 l. should revert to the king, and be answered for to him. Béguey has requested that the king will wish to grant him the pardon for his service in the king's wars in Gascony and Scotia Scotland , and when he was retained with ten men-at-arms in the king's service in defence of the duchy against the French enemy, and for his losses of 500 l.bord. a year which he has suffered in Ageneys Agenais and Basadeys Bazadais on account of this service for which he has received no satisfaction. Béguey held Corbiac with certain other places pertaining to it in the parishes of Sanctus Medardus Saint-Médard[-en-Jalles] and of Aidinis [Saint-Martin-d']Eysines from the king for 8 l.bord. taxation ( census ).

By petition of C.

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.

Same as above

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony and constable of Bordeaux that if the premises presented to the king are true then they are to cause Pey [Béguey de la Rousselle, citizen of Burdeg' Bordeaux ], then they are to cause Béguey to be quit of the tax ( census ) according to the king's letters, and the constable will have due allowance in his account at the exchequer.

By petition of C.

For accounting for wages.


21 June 1340 . Shotteleye Shotley .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to account with Sancto Albino, de Arnaut de Saint-Aubin, lord of Puyaler Poyaler , for his wages, and make payment to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine if prompt payment is able to be made from them, otherwise payment should be made from the money that the king is sending to those parts; receiving from Saint-Aubin his letters and bills if he should have any, and his letters of acquittance by which the constable can have due allowance in his account. Saint-Aubin has requested that the king will make payment of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages and those of his men-at-arms, mounted and on foot from the time that they stood in the king's service in his Gascon war, and the king wishes to favourably agree to the request.

By K., and it was examined in the last parliament. 1

The following have similar letters under the same date:

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to accounted with Doat-Amaniu [de Bouglon], king's valet , for his wages and those of his company, and make payment to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine if prompt payment is able to be made from them, otherwise payment should be made from the money that the king is sending to those parts or by assignment on the baylies of Bogium Buch and of Barsakum Barsac until he and they will have been fully paid; receiving from Amanieu his letters and bills if he should have any, and his letters of acquittance by which the constable can have allowance in his account. Amanieu has requested that the king will wish to make payment of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages and those of his company from the time that they stood in the king's service in his Gascon war, and the king wishes to agree to the request.

By K., and it was examined by the council in parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . For Galhart de Siran .

Order sicut alias to the constable of Bordeaux that he pay the 600 l. that he was previously ordered to do so to Sirane, de Galhart de Siran, king's valet , if he has not already been satisfied, from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine if prompt payment is able to be made from them, otherwise payment should be made from the money that the king is sending to those parts; receiving from Siran his letters of acquittance attesting to his receipt of the same, and the constable will have due allowance in his account at the exchequer. At the prosecution of Siran it was requested that, whereas by the information of the seneschal of Gascony by the king's order, returned before the king and his council, it was accounted that Siran had lost his lands and tenements to the value of 200 l.bord. a year because of Siran's service to the king in the duchy, and 600 l.bord. of his goods, both moveable and immoveable were consumed, that the king would make satisfaction to him for the 600 l. from the goods of the king's enemies and rebels in the duchy which have been confiscated. The king having heard of Siran's good behaviour, and because of his good service and his future service, wished to agree to the request, and ordered the constable to make payment to Siran from the goods of the enemies and rebels, but the king now understands that the same has not been paid, and the king wishes his previous order to be executed.

By K., and it was examined by the council in parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

For accounting for wages.


21 June 1340 . Shotteleye Shotley .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to account with Guilhem Barbe for his wages, and make payment to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine if prompt payment is able to be made from them, otherwise payment should be made from the money that the king is sending to those parts; receiving from Barbe his letters and bills if he has any, and his letters of acquittance by which the constable can have allowance in his account. Barbe has requested that the king will make payment of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages from the time that he was in the king's service in his Gascon war, and the king wishes to agree to the request.

By C.

The following have similar letters patent of the king to the constable under the same date:

For the petition to which this was the response, see TNA SC 8/292/14595.
For the petition to which this was the response, see TNA SC 8/292/14595.

Same as above

Order to the constable of Bordeaux as above mutatis mutandis . Guitart, lord of Darsac Arsac , has requested [that the king will make payment] of various sums of money that he is bound to him for his wages and those of his men, both mounted and on foot, from the time that they were in the king's service etc. 1

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

About half a line of text at the end of the entry has been erased and written over.
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to account with Rolham, Mareschal Pey de Rouillan, called Maréchal , for his wages and compensation for horses, and make payment to him of what he is able to find is owed etc. as above. Rouillan has requested that the king will make payment of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages and those of his men, both mounted and on foot, and for compensation for the horses of the same that were lost from the time that they were in the king's service in the king's Gascon war, and the king wishes to agree to this.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

The following have similar letters to the constable to account with them under the same date:


Puch, de Ramon Dupuch both for his wages and those of his company, and for compensation for horses lost in the king's service from the time which, etc.;


Sirane, de Galhart de Siran both for his wages and those of his men, both mounted and on foot, and for compensation for horses lost in the king's service, etc.;


Galhart Fau for the compensation for one horse lost, etc.;


Sancto Petro, de Pey-Martin de Saint-Pée for his wages, those of his men, both mounted and on foot, and for compensation for their horses lost in the king's service, etc;


Amyc Johan Amic, king's councillor in the duchy of Aquitaine , for his fee and for his wages from the time that he was in the king's service in the duchy etc.;

By petition of C.


Gui [de Lescours], lord of Lescortz Lescours , both for his wages and those of his men, both mounted and on foot, and for compensation for horses lost in the king's service etc.;


Botyran Galhart de Beautiran both for his wages and those of his men, both mounted and on foot, and for compensation for horses lost in the king's service etc.;

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to account with Fageto, de Bertholomiu de Fayet, king's clerk , for his wages, and make payment to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine if prompt payment is able to be made from them, otherwise payment should be made from the money that the king is sending to those parts; receiving from Fayet his letters and bills if he should have any, and his letters of acquittance by which the constable can have allowance in his account. Fayet has requested that the king will make payment of various sums of money in which the king is bound to him for his wages since he was lately sent to the king and his council in England by the seneschal of Gascony with letters of credence for certain business touching the state of the duchy, the wages being for the time coming to England, residing there, and returning to the duchy, and the king wishes to agree to this.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

21 June 1340 . Shuttele Shotley . For Catalina, widow of Johan Oys .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to view the bills that Catalina, widow of Johan Oys , has of her late husband's, and if he finds that the 73 l. 16 s. were owed to her late husband, he should make payment to her or her attorney of the same from the issues of the duchy without delay; receiving from her the bills and the constable will have due allowance in his account. Catalina has requested that the king will make payment of the sum of 73 l. 16 s. bord. that the king owed her late husband as appears by bills under the seal of the constable, she being the executrix of his will, since her late husband was killed in the taking of Penna Penne[-d'Agenais] by the French enemy, and she has lost her house and vineyards which she had in the town, and has fled to Burdeg' Bordeaux because she has remained loyal to the king and refused to reside in the faith of the enemy, but now resides in Bordeaux in great poverty having nothing to live on, and the king feeling compassion for her position and considering her loyalty wishes payment to be made.

By petition of C.

For Guilhem Gourdon.


21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley .

Grant to Gordonis Guilhem Gourdon of Burgum Bourg , king's clerk , of 12 d. st. a day or the value of the same in other money to be taken each day during pleasure from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine for Gourdon's sustenance and for that of his father and mother, and of his brothers and sisters until he can be provided with an office or baylie in the duchy at will paying the same daily sum. Gourdon has requested that the king will provide him and his family with something to live on, since he, with his father and mother, and his brothers and sisters were living in Burgum Bourg when it was taken and occupied by the French enemy, 1 and on account of their loyalty to the king, surrendered their houses and goods which they had in the town because they would not reside in the faith of the enemy, and have come to Burdeg' Bordeaux and there reside in great poverty, having nothing to live on, and the king feeling compassion for their position and considering the great costs and labours that Gourdon has sustained in the king's service in the duchy has made the grant. 2

By K. and C.

In 1339.
For a related entry, see entry 47 .

Same as above

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony and constable of Bordeaux to provide Guilhem [Gourdon, king's clerk], with any office or baylie for which 12 a day or the value in other money is able to be paid, and in the meantime the constable is to pay to Gourdon 12 a day or the value of the same in other money from the issues of the duchy according to the tenor of the king's letters, and the constable will receive due allowance in his account.

By K. and C.


21 June 1340 . Shotteley Shotley . For Galhart de Siran .

Licence granted to Syran Galhart de Siran that he or his heirs are able to build in stone and crenellate a fortified house or fortalice in the parish of Barsac or of Prynhacum Preignac , and once built to hold the same to him and his heirs without any impediment of the king, his heirs and their ministers. Proviso that the house or fortalice should be rendered to the king and his heirs at their demand or that of their seneschals and those of his heirs, whether in dispute or not ( irati vel pacati ), at the order of the king, his heirs or his seneschals in the duchy. 1

By K. and C.

The dating clause and warranty are written over an erasure.

21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . Guitart, lord of Arsac .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony to diligently inform himself of the right that the uncle of Guitart, lord of Darsac Arsac , had in the vicaria viguerie in the parishes of Darsac Arsac , Margaus Margaux , Saussanx Soussans and Cantenak Cantenac in Medouk Médoc and the reason why Guto Arnaut-Gassie de Got, lord of Blanca Forti Blanquefort , removed him from the same, and also the reason for the taking of the same into the king's hand, and if he finds that the lord of Arsac's uncle was justly seised of the viguerie, and was subsequently removed by the lord of Blanquefort without just cause, and that the viguerie ought not reasonably to remain in the king's hands, and ought to descend to the lord of Arsac, then the seneschal should cause them to be delivered to the lord of Arsac just as ought to be done according to the fors and customs of those parts. The lord of Arsac requested restoration of the same as he claimed that the rights pertained to him by inheritance, and his ancestors had been in possession of them until the lord of Blanquefort, who was superior lord of the parishes without reasonable cause removed the lord of Arsac's uncle, and after the death of the lord of Blanquefort, the same was taken into the king's hands because the lord of Blanquefort's heir rebelled against the king, and the same remain in the king's hands, and the king wishes to do justice to the lord of Arsac. 1

By petition of C.

For a related entry, see entry 96 . In that entry the lord of Blanquefort alleged to have done the despoiling is identified as Bertran and not Arnaut-Gassie de Got.

For the grant of a writing office.


21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley .

Grant to Labato, de Guilhem-Arnaut de Labat, king's clerk , for the service that he has done and in the future will do of the writing office ( scribania ) of Condomium Condom and of the Condomesium Condomois , which office is in the hands of French rebels; holding the same with all that pertains to that office as soon as it returns to the king's hands for the term of his life, so long as the king or his progenitors have not granted the same offices to other people for terms of life or years.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony that he cause Guilhem-Arnaut [de Labat] to have [the writing office of Condom and of the Condomois ] as soon as they come back into the king's hand.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

For the grant of the castellany of Bourg.


21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley .

Grant to Daillan Bernat d'Aillan of the Burgum castellany of Bourg with its appurtenances for the term of his life from as soon as it returns into the king's hands in remuneration of his service and in recompense for the damage and losses that he has sustained, provided that this can be done without injury to other faithful subjects of the king. Aillan has requested that the king will grant to him for life the castellany which was then in the hands of the French enemy, he having lost 200 l.t. of annual rent ( census ) in Fronsadeis Fronsadais and has suffered considerable damage by the burning of his manors, vineyards and other places in the duchy by the French enemy to the value of 1,000 l.t. and more for which he has received no compensation, and the king wishes to agree to the request.

By K., and it was examined by the council in parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to cause the castellany [of Bourg] with its appurtenances to be delivered to Bernat [d'Aillan] as soon as it comes into the king's hands if that can be done without harm to other faithful subjects of the king.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Concerning a confirmation for Galhart de Saint-Symphorien.


21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . 1

Confirmation to Sancto Simphoriano, de Galhart de Saint-Symphorien, lord of Landirans Landiras , marshal of the king's armies in Gascony , son and heir of Russel Jean Roussel, kt , for the good service of Saint-Symphorien to the king, and for the laudable service both by Roussel to the king's grandfather and father in their wars in Scotland and Gascony and elsewhere overseas and by Saint-Symphorien in the Gascon wars, and also in consideration of the damage and losses that Saint-Symphorien has suffered because of his service to the king, of the grant of Edward II, late king of England made by his letters patent of 8 June 1308 to Roussel for him and his heirs forever of high and base justice or jurisdiction in the parishes of Illatz Illats , Lassatz Louchats , Gilouz Guillos , Ousten' Hostens , Braks Brax and Sanctus Michael de Ripa Frigida Saint-Michel-de-Rieufret in the diocese of Bordeaux with all rights and liberties pertaining to it, and with emoluments and profits issuing from it, to be held from the king's father and his heirs by the service and money accustomed and owed as long as that justice or jurisdiction with its emoluments and profits does not exceed the value of 100 a year, and if it does exceed it the king's letters are to be void and the grant annulled.

The confirmation is made with the clause relating to the 100 excess removed, and justice and jurisdiction in the parish of Hostens, with its rights, profits and emoluments, being reserved to the king and his heirs. Saint-Symphorien has requested that the king will confirm the grant to his father by the king's father with the clause removed and with the reservation to the king, since the justice and jurisdiction in the parishes with its profits and emoluments does not exceed 100 and the parishes are in the hands of the French enemy. 2

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 3

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.
For the original grant to Jean Roussel, see Rôles Gascons IV, ed. Y. Renouard (Paris-London, 1962), pp.46-7, no.107, though the grant is dated 8 June 1308 and not 8 July as recorded in this entry. For a related entry, see entry 122 . For the petition to which this was in part the response, see TNA SC 8/291/14506.
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony and constable of Bordeaux that they cause the high and base justice or jurisdiction in the parishes of Illatz Illats , Lassatz Louchats , Gilouz Guillos , Braks Brax and Sanctus Michael de Ripa Frigida Saint-Michel-de-Rieufret to be delivered to Galhart [de Saint-Symphorien, lord of Landiras ], as soon as it returns to the king's hands, with the rights, liberties, emoluments and profits pertaining to it according to the tenor of the king's letters and the king's confirmation of them, the justice or jurisdiction in the parish of Ousten' Hostens with its rights, money, profits and emoluments reserved to the king and his heirs.

By K., and by petition of C.

For Galhart de Siran.


21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . 1

Grant to Syrane, de Galhart de Siran, king's valet , in the place of an earlier grant of the baylies of Laburdum Labourd , Barsacum Barsac and Bogium Buch of the customs of cooking pots ( oles ) 2 and firewood ( teda ) collected in the street called Bouqueyre ( vicus bocarie ) of the city of Burdeg' Bordeaux , holding the same together with the customs of Mons Andronis Montendre and the viguerie ( vicaria ) of the market of Burdeg' Bordeaux , which were granted to Siran with the baylies, for all Siran's life from the king and his heirs by the services and money that are owed and accustomed if they are beyond the farm assigned on those baylies and customs in remuneration of Siran's service, and in full satisfaction of the 200 l. annually, and in recompense of his lands and tenements; saving to the king the baylies of Barsac and Buch with their rights, money and other appurtenances which were previously assigned to Siran; on condition that if the customs of cooking potteries oles and firewood teda exceed the annual value of 15 l.bord. , then Siran should answer to the king for the surplus annually.

Siran requested that the king would make an assignment for him on the issues of the duchy in recompense of the lands and tenements to the value of 200 l.bord. each year that Siran had lost by reason of his service to the king in the duchy, the same to be taken until Siran recovered his own lands and tenements, and that he would cause him to be satisified from the goods of the king's enemies and rebels that had been confiscated in recompense of the various goods, moveable and immoveable which were consumed to the value of 600 l.bord. . Having heard of Siran's good conduct by this, and because of the service that he had done and will do, the king agree to the request and ordered the seneschal and constable to cause the 200 l. to be assigned on the issues of the duchy each year to be taken from suitable places within the duchy, and to satisfy Siran for the 600 l. from the goods of the king's enemies and rebels; and by pretext of this order Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , and Usus Maris Niccolò Usodimare, constable of Bordeaux , by the advice of the king's council there, assigned that the 200 l. be taken from the baylie of Labourd with all rights and money pertaining to the same for the farm of 60 l. , from the baylie of Buch together with the keepership of the maritime coast there and other rights and money pertaining to the same for the farm of 29 l.bord. , and also the baylie of Barsac with all its rights and money and its appurtenances for the value of 21 l.bord. , and the customs of Montendre which was to be taken in the Burdeg' castle of Bordeaux for the annual farm of 54 l.bord. , and also the viguerie of the market of Bordeaux 3 with all rights, dues and appurtenances for the annual farm of 36 l. ; holding the same from 1 November 1338 as far as the 1 November the following year, and then from year to year, just as more fully appears by the king's letters patent under the seal of the court of Gascony.

Siran subsequently requested that the king would assign to him the customs of cooking pots and firewood that do not exceed the value of 15 l.bord. a year, and that the king would resume the assignments made on the baylies of Labourd, Barsac and Buch, since that of Labourd had been granted to Duro Forti Arnaut de Durfort , and those of Barsac and Buch were of little value because of the war in those parts, and the king wishes to agree to this. 4

By K., and it was examined by the council in parliament. 5

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.
This French word was not translated into Latin.
The 'viguerie du for', see Trabut-Cussac, L'administration anglaise en Gascogne , p.318-319.
For a related entry, see entry 65 .
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . 1

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux that they resume into the king's hands the baylies of Barsacum Barsac and Bogium Buch with their rights, money and other appurtenances previously assigned to Galhart [de Siran] , and cause to be delivered to Siran the customs of cooking pots ( oles ) and firewood ( teda ) in place of these and the baylie of Labourd which has been granted to Arnaut [de Durfort] , holding the same together with the customs of Mons Andronis Montendre and the office of governor viguerie ( vicaria ) of the market of Burdeg' Bordeaux for his life according to the tenor of the king's letters, provided that is the value of the customs of cooking pots and firewood exceeds 15 l.bord. , then Siran will answer to the king for the surplus, and the king will cause the constable to have due allowance in his account.

By K., and it was examined by the council in the last parliament. 2

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.
A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

Same as above

Similar letters patent of the king are directed to the constable [of Bordeaux], or his lieutenant, for Galhart [de Siran] .

By K., and it was examined by the council in parliament. 1

A reference to the parliament summoned to meet at Westminster on 29 March 1340.

21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . For accounting with Bertholomiu de Fayet .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux that having accounted with Fageto, de Bertholomiu de Fayet, king's clerk , for the 12 d. st. each day from the time that the same was granted to him by the king, he should make payment to him of what he is able to find is owed and also cause payment to be made of the same each day from now on from the issues of the Baion' prévôté of Bayonne by the hand of the prévôt of the same city, and the constable will have due allowance in his account. The king granted by his letters patent to Fayet the office of remembrancer of the Burdeg' castle of Bordeaux and the keepership of the papers, registers, notarial instruments and protocols of dead notaries ( notarii decedentes ) in the duchy for his good service on condition that Fayet took nothing as an annual fee for the office and keepership but instead took the 12 a day that the king had previously granted Fayet, the same to be taken from the issues of the duchy by the hands of the constable of Bordeaux just as is more fully contained in the king's letters patent. Fayet has now requested that the king will assign that the sum which the king granted to him be taken from the issues of the prévôté of Bayonne because he has been unable to have payment from the issues of the duchy on account of certain impediments, and the king wishes to agree to the request.

By petition of C.


12 August 1340 . Berkhampsted' Berkhamsted . For Guilhem-Ramon de Claverie .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and constable of Bordeaux that if Clavarie Guilhem-Ramon de Claverie, king's serjeant-at-arms , is unable to have the office of keeper ( turragium ) of the Burdeg' king's tower of Bordeaux and the keepership of the prison within that tower which the king granted to him for his service done to E[dward II], late king of England , the king's father, taking the fees and emoluments pertaining to that office and keepership, because, as the king understands, the same office and keepership have been granted by the king's letters patent to Bertruc de Mestre, valet of Master Jurdani Austen Jourdain , for a term of years that have not expired yet, then they are to cause Mestre to have another office in the place of and to the value of those offices until the end of the term granted him, and the office and keepership should be delivered to Claverie according to the tenor of the king's letters.

By C.


8 September 1340 . Wyndesore Windsor . For accounting for wages .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to account with Gordonis Guilhem Gourdon for his wages, and make payment to him of what he is able to find is owed from the issues of the duchy without delay, or otherwise by a suitable assignment where he can be promptly satisfied; receiving from Gourdon his letters and bills, and his letters of acquittance by which the constable can have reasonable allowance in his account. Gourdon has requested that the king will make payment to him of his wages in coming to England, residing there and returning to the duchy, for he was lately sent to the king and his council in England by the seneschal of Gascony with letters of credence for certain business touching the state of the duchy, and the king wishes to agree to this.

Attested by the keeper .

By C.


12 September 1340 . Andevere Andover . For Bertran Noaillan .

Order to the same to view the king's order previously made to the constable of Bordeaux for the payment of 100 to Noilan Bertran Noaillan from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine in part payment of 200 that the king is bound to him in, if he is able to find that the king is still bound to Noaillan in the same sum of money, then he is to cause Noaillan to be paid the 100 from the issues of the duchy if prompt payment is able to be made to him from them, otherwise a suitable assignment should be made for payment on the issues of the baylies of Gountehaut Gontaud and Hattevynes Hautesvignes once they have come into the king's hands if this can be done without injury to others; receiving from Noaillan the letters of obligation made for him, and the constable will have due allowance in his account. Noaillan has requested that the king will cause the sum due to him to be assigned to be paid on the issues of the baylies of Gontaud and Hautesvignes, which baylies are in the hands of the French enemy of the king, once they come back into the king's hand, because the king ordered payment to be made on the issues of the duchy but Noaillan has been unable to have payment, and the king, considering Noaillan's service to him, wishes to agree to this.

Attested by the keeper .

By C. because it was elsewhere granted by K. and by petition of C.


4 September 1340 . Berkhampsted' Berkhamsted . For accounting with Pey de Bidones . 1

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to view the bills that Pey de Bidones de Cartié, burgess of Sanctus Severus Saint-Sever , has under the seal of the constable of Bordeaux concerning his wages and the expenses that he has been put to in the keeping of the Moulane castle of Morlanne near the town of Saint-Sever, 2 and having accounted with him for the sums contained in those bills, if they are able to find by the account that the king is bound to Bidones de Cartié in 300 l. , and the temporalities of the Sanctus Severus abbey of Saint-Sever and the Nervys Castet priory of Nerbis are in the hands of the king because of the war, then they should assign payment to be made for that sum on the temporalities without delay if the king has not assigned it to others already. The seneschal and constable are to be answerable to the king for the residue of the temporalities if it is more than the 300 l. , and the constable is to have due allowance in his account. Bidones de Cartié has requested that the king will grant the temporalities to him since he is keeper of the castle of Morlanne and has been put to great costs and expenses in the provisioning and safe keeping of the castle against the king's French enemies and the king is bound to Bidones de Cartié in 300 for his wages and expenses as appears by the bills under the constables seal as he claims to have in his possession, and the king wishes Bidones de Cartié to be satisfied for the same.

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.
The castle of 'Morlanne' was situated near the town of Saint-Sever. Its original name was ' Monlanes ' in Gascon, meaning 'Mount of the Landes'. Morlanne was a latter distortion of this name.

For the same Pey [de Bidones].


12 September 1340 . Berkhampsted' Berkhamsted . 1

Grant to Pey de Bidones de Cartié, burgess of Sanctus Severus Saint-Sever , of the issues of the bastides of Tholoseta Toulouzette and Sanctus Mauricius Saint-Maurice in the duchy for his labours and service, having the same during pleasure as long as he behaves well to the king, and until the king is more fully informed of the value of the same, provided that this can be done without damage or prejudice to the king and his heirs and others, and that if the value of the same issues exceeds 12 a year, then he shall answer for the surplus once the king is informed of the value. Bidones de Cartié requested that the king grant him the issues of the bastides for his good service for his life, he believing the issues to have been extended at the value of 12 , and the king wishes to agree to this. 2

Attested by the keeper .

By p.s.

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.
For the petition to which this is the response, see TNA SC 8/293/14612, the chancery warrant being TNA C 81/269/13341.

Same as above

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony and constable of Bordeaux that they are to inform themselves of the value each year in all issues of the bastides [of Toulouzette and Saint-Maurice ], and also of the good conduct of Pey [de Bidones de Cartié, burgess of Sanctus Severus Saint-Sever ], towards the king, and the service that he does for the king, and if it is to the king's, his heirs' or anyone else's damage or prejudice if the king grants Bidones de Cartié's request to be granted the issues of those bastides. The seneschal and constable are to send the information that they find under the king's seal used in the duchy to the king together with their advice on the matter. In the meantime they are to cause the issues of the bastides to be delivered to Bidones de Cartié or his attorney, holding the same during pleasure until the king is fully informed of the value of the same, or commands otherwise, so that he can take 12 l. a year from the issues of the bastides to his own use, and will answer to the king for any surplus beyond that 12 l. each year, and also for the whole issues if the king decides he wishes to have them once he has been informed.

By p.s.


12 September 1340 . Andevere Andover . For the executors of the testament of Guitart de Fayet .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony, or his lieutenant, to view the process of the appeal in the king's court of appeal of Labato, de Guilhem de Labat , Labato, de Pey de Labat , Labato, de Guitart de Labat and Labato, de Arnaut de Labat , brothers and citizens of Baion' Bayonne , executors of the testament of Fageto; de Guitart de Fayet , of a case between Cassos Bernat de Cassous and Marchaut de Marcha , his wife and the brothers in the court of the mayor and jurats of Baion Bayonne , summon before him the parties and others that he considers ought to be called, hear their arguments, and do full and speedy justice to the brothers, as by right and according to the fors and customs of those parts ought to be done. The brothers have complained that they brought the appeal and that judgment was given that the judgment in the court of the mayor and jurats of Bayonne was in error, and that it should be annulled, and that if anything had been done against the brothers by the original judgment in the court of Bayonne then it should be revoked without delay and all should be returned to its original condition, but the mayor and jurats refused to do so to the grave prejudice and damage of the brothers, and against the decision of the court of appeal.

By petition of C.


14 September 1340 . Wyndesore Windsor . For Bertholomiu de Fayet .

Grant to Fayeto, Faieto Bertholomiu de Fayet, de king's clerk , of full power to write in public form any acts from the records of dead notaries, by himself or other notaries his deputies, the king having, by other letters patent, granted to Fayet for his good service past, present and future, the office of keeper and receiver of all papers, registers, notarial instruments and protocols of dead notaries made by the king's authority in the duchy of Aquitaine , 1 as is more fully contained in those letters. 2

By C.

This office is what is known as a 'garde-note'.
For the original grant referred to in this entry, see entry 55 , and for another related entry, see entry in C 61/63 . For the petition to which this was the response, see TNA SC 8/287/14325.

10 September 1340 . Berkhampsted' Berkhamsted . Concerning a ratification for Bernat Séguin .

Confirmation, at the request of Seguini Bernat Séguin son of Seguini Iter Séguin, deceased , of the purchase by the same Seguini Iter Séguin, citizen of Burdeg' Bordeaux , of certain rents or customary payments from Guillaume, lord of Monte Leonis, de Montlieu , of the Xanctonensis diocese of Saintes which the same lord used to have from cloth, lead, copper, and all other things which were brought into Burdeg' Bordeaux to be sold, and everything else which the lord and his predecessors or others in his name were accustomed to have in the same city and the district, and in the Burdegalesium Bordelais both at sea and on land, which Iter and his heirs held in perpetuity for 200 l.t.parv. which Iter paid to the lord of Montlieu beforehand, and for 12 s.bord. relief ( sporla ) at the change of lord, and also 12 l. of the same money to be paid annually as a rent ( census ) to the lord of Montlieu and his heirs just as more fully appears in the charter made on this that Bernat de Séguin claims to have in his possession. The king wishes to agree to the request making the confirmation just as the charter of the lord of Montlieu reasonably attests. 1

Attested by the keeper .

By C.

For a related entry, see entry in C 61/53

20 September 1340 . Andevere Andover . For protection .

Letters of protection with clause volumus for one year for Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , who is going in the king's service by his order to Gascony.

Attested by the keeper .

By K.


Same as above

Letters of attorney in England for one year for Oliver [de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony], nominating John son of Robert de Ingham and Antyngham Roger de Antingham alternately.

Reissued because others were assigned.


25 September 1340 . Andevere Andover . For Guiraut Elies . 1

Grant to Elys Guiraut Élies, serjeant-at-arms , of the salin ( salina ) of Agenn' Agen which is in the hands of the French enemy, once it will have returned into the king's hands for the term of ten years if the king has not already granted the same, rendering to the king each year as much as any before this time was accustomed to render for the same. Élies requested that the king would wish to grant him the salin for his long service to the king in England and Gascony and elsewhere as a consequence of which he has suffered damage and harm, and the king wishes to agree to this.

By C.

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.

20 September 1340 . Andevre Andover . For the inhabitants of Saint-Macaire .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to permit the consuls and inhabitants of Sanctus Macharius Saint-Macaire to use and enjoy the liberties and privileges that the king granted them according to the tenor of his letters, and they should not be molested or troubled in any way. The consuls and inhabitants requested, by their petition exhibited before the king and his council, that the king will recompense them for the damage and harm that they have suffered from the many attacks by the king's enemies and rebels and the destruction of their vineyards and possessions, and grant that the wines of their vineyards that they have or will have should be free of the toll and customs of Burdeg' Bordeaux , just as the burgesses living in Bordeaux enjoy; and that for wines that are bought by those of that country they should give and pay so much for toll and customs as those of Agen' Agenais and of the parts of Tholosan Toulousain were accustomed to give; and that ships which are called corals carrying wine and other victuals from that country towards the town of Bordeaux which, for the keeping of Saint-Macaire and the repulsing of the enemy, are used and necessary both at Saint-Macaire and Marmanda Marmande should be quit of the toll and customs in going to Bordeaux and returning from there; and the king, for the service that the consuls and inhabitants have done and in future will do, on 12 February 1338 granted the request of the consuls and inhabitants just as is more fully contained in the king's letters patent.

Attested by the keeper .


29 July 1340 . Andevere Andover . For certification on the value of the bastides etc .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to obtain fuller information upon the value of the bastides of Gena Geaune and Pons de la Rayne Pont-la-Reine , and the castles of Pymbe Pimbo and of Miremond Miramont which are in the hands of the count of Fuxi Foix and the Armynak count of Armagnac 1 and other enemies of the king by inquisition and by other ways and means that is considered expedient, and they are to send certification of what they find to the king in chancery under the king's seal used in the duchy together with this writ. Lescuno, de Fortaner de Lescun has requested that the king will, in recompense for his long service to the king in the duchy, grant the bastides and castles to him, and he will strive to return them to the king's obedience; holding the same for Lescun's life.

Attested by the keeper .

By p.s.

Johan I, count of Armagnac (1319-73).

24 August 1340 . Berkhampsted Berkhamsted . For Pey Micol .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to view the bills that Micole Pey Micol of Sanctus Macarius Saint-Macaire has for his wages and those of his men, account with him, and make payment to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy or by suitable assignment on places in the duchy where Micol is able to have prompt satisfaction; receiving from Micol his bills, and the constable will have due allowance in his account. Micol has requested that the king will wish to make payment to him of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages and those of his company retained in the king's service in the Gascon war, just as appears by bills under the seal of the constable of Bordeaux that he has in his possession, and the king wishes to agree to the request.

Attested by the keeper .

By p.s.


25 September 1340 . Andeure Andover . For Arnaut Areille .

Order to the same to view the bills that Arielle Arnaut Areille of Sanctus Macarius Saint-Macaire has for his wages and those of his men, account with him or his attorney, [and cause payment to be made] to him etc. as above. Areille [has requested that the king will make payment to him of various sums of money that the king is bound to him in ] mutatis mutandis .

Attested by the keeper .

By p.s.


25 August 1340 . Berkhampsted Berkhamsted . For Arnaut Micol .

Order to the same to view the bills that Micole Arnaut Micol has for his wages and those of his men, and for compensation for horses, account with him, [and cause payment to be made to him] as above. Micol has requested that the king will wish to make payment to him of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages and those of his company retained in the king's service in the Gascon war, and for compensation for horses lost in that service just as appears by bills under the seal of the constable of Bordeaux that he has in his possession, and the king wishes to agree to the request.

Attested by the keeper .

By p.s.


10 September 1340 . Berkhampsted Berkhamsted . For a confirmation for Amaubin d'Aillan .

Confirmation to Alhano Amaubin d'Aillan, citizen of Burdeg' Bordeaux , for the great service that he and his predecessors have done to the king and for the city, of the grant made to him and his heirs by the mayor, jurats and community of Burdeg' Bordeaux for his service and labour and that of his predecessors that he should have all that house with its appurtenances which is at the end of the street ( in capite rue ) of Caiffernano Cayffernan 1 and whose exterior boundary is situated ( a parte exteriori ) between the two walls under the gate ( inter duos muros subtus portale ) of the same city 2 which Leonis Ramon Léon , now deceased, held; holding the same to Aillan and his successors in the manner and form and with the rights that Léon had it, satisfaction first being made to Léon's heirs or heir.

By C.

The street of Cayffernan or Cahernan was a part of what is now the 'rue Sainte-Catherine'. see Drouyn, L., Bordeaux vers 1450 (Bordeaux, 1874), p.196-7.
The gate of Cayffernan , see Drouyn, L., Bordeaux vers 1450 (Bordeaux, 1874), p.54-57 with a map of this gate p.55. See also Leulier, R. and Régaldo-Saint Blancard, P., 'Portes de l'enceinte du bourg Saint-Éloi', in Atlas historique de Bordeaux . Sites et monuments, III, ed. S. Lavaud (Bordeaux, 2009), p.92.

10 September 1340 . Berkhampsted Berkhamsted . For a confirmation for Johan Élies .

Confirmation by letters patent to Elie Johan Élies, son of Elie Arnaut Élies , deceased , citizen of Burdeg' Bordeaux , of the grant made to him by the mayor, jurats and community of Burdeg' Bordeaux by their charter under the common seal, for 500 l.bord. which Élies paid beforehand for the fortification of the city, of one piece of land called placea Sancti Projetti place Saint-Projet with its appurtenances in the city, which place is between the street leading to the Lartiga rue de l'Artigue , 1 and the street leading to the Sancta Gemma well of Sainte-Gemme in the city on the one side, and the street leading to the chapel of Sainte-Catherine , and to the new meat-market ( breuteria ) of Saint-Projet 2 on the other, and in length from the road leading sideways ( a latere ) to the Sanctus Projectus church of Saint-Projet from one end as far as to the street and to the Sanctus Projectus well of Saint-Projet on the other end; to hold to Johan and his heirs forever; rendering to the mayor, jurats and community 2 d. relief at the change of lord, and also 5 s. bord. each year just as is more fully contained in the charter.

By C.

A street now called rue Tustal .
A row of properties on the street devoted to the butchery trade.

21 June 1340 . Shottele Shotley . For accounting for wages .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to accounted with Sancto Simphoriano, de Galhart de Saint-Symphorien for his wages and compensation for horses, and make payment to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy of Aquitaine if prompt payment is able to be made from them, otherwise a suitable assignment should be made on the issues of the Sancta Fides in Agenes' baylie of Sainte-Foy with its appurtenances; receiving from Saint-Symphorien his letters and bills if he has any, and his letters of acquittance by which the constable can have due allowance in his account. Saint-Symphorien has requested that the king will make payment to him of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages and those of his men, both mounted and on foot, and for compensation for horses lost from the time that he stood in the king's service in the Gascon war, and the king wishes to favourably agree to the request.


14 January 1341 . Westminster . For Bérart d'Albret .

Grant to la Breto, de Bérart [I] d'Albret of 130 , or the value in other money, to be taken each year by Albret and his heirs from the issues of the customs of wine from the parts of Variis Vayres , 1 Rioncium Rions and Girondes Gironde[-sur-Dropt] descending to the city of Bordeaux in recompense for the castle and moiety of the town of Sanctus Basilius Sainte-Bazeille 2 forever or until Albret had been provided with 130 librates of land or rent in sterling; and if the customs do not attain to 130 l. then Albret and his heirs should be satisfied from other issues of the duchy. The king, for Albret's service and losses, granted to him by his letters patent the castle and moiety with their appurtenances which had formerly been Grely Catalina de Grailly 's and which for certain reasons ought to pertain to the king; to hold to Albret and his heirs with high and low jurisdiction, full and shared justice, homages and all other things that pertain to the castle and moiety of the town from the king and his heirs by the services owed and by right accustomed forever, but Albret has requested that the king will grant him recompense elsewhere because the castle and moiety of the town have been assigned to others by the king's officers and ministers, and he has restored his letters of the king for this grant into chancery to be cancelled and the king wishes to agree to the request. 3

By K. and C.

This is the ablative form, the nominative form is uncertain, perhaps, 'Varie' or 'Varia'.
The original spelling of Sainte-Bazeille clearly makes it masculine, though the correct form should be feminine.
For the order to the seneschal and constable to make the assignment, see entry 175 .

Same as above For Bérart d'Albret .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to obtain full information as to whether the king is able to grant the lands and places to the value 130 l. requested by la Bret Bérart [I] d'Albret without damage or prejudice to anyone, and in whose hands those lands and places currently are, and how much they are valued at each year in all ways that it is convenient for them to do and, should they find it is not possible to grant these lands and places to Albret without damage and prejudice to others, they should similarly obtain full information of other lands, places or rents in the Burdegalesium Bordelais or Vasatesium Bazadais to the value of 130 l. a year which the king is able to grant to Albret, and send certification of what they find to the king under the king's seal used in the duchy without delay together with this writ.

Albret has requested that the king will wish to grant him the place of Salva Terra Sauveterre[-de-Guyenne] with its appurtenances, and the king's part of Blasimond Blasimon , and the king's part in the parishes of Sanctus Supplicius Saint-Sulpice[-et-Cameyrac] , Lobees Saint-Loubès , Mountussan Montussan , Pompynak Pompignac , Baissak Beychac , Salebeau Salleboeuf , Cailewe Caillau , Sanctus Germanus Saint-Germain[-du-Puch] , Nirigean Nérigean , Baron , Sanctus Quintinus Saint-Quentin[-de-Baron] , Genisak Génissac , Molon Moulon , Catarsak Cadarsac and Ison Izon in place of the 130 a year from the issues of the customs of wine from the parts of Vayres , Rioncium Rions and of Girondes Gironde descending to the city of Bordeaux which the king lately granted to Albret by his letters patent in recompense for the castle and moiety of the town of Sanctus Basilius Sainte-Bazeille forever or until Albret had been provided with 130 librates of land or rent in sterling, the king's officials and ministers having assigned the castle and moiety of the town to others; holding the same lands and places to Albret and his heirs forever.

By K. and C.

For Queen Isabella of England.


8 December 1340 . 1

Grant to Isabella [of France], queen of England , the king's mother of all that land that the late vicomte of Castellione, de Castillon had and the toll of Peyrafrita Pierrefitte , and whatsoever the king has or ought to have at Lengon Langon , in land and on water with the toll of the same place which lately were Beuvill' Bernat de Beauville's , with high and low jurisdiction, all fiefs and fees both noble and others, and with homages and oaths, and with all other rights, dues and appurtenances that pertain to the places and goods; and also all rights, personal, real, high justice, penal, rights of prosecution, and all other things that Dangladas Pey d'Anglade and his progenitors had in the castle and vicomté of Benauges and the town of Deylaz Le Las 2 and the salin of Bordeaux , 3 and in the lands and tenements with appurtenances, and the hereditary goods late of Amaniu de Grayn and his progenitors with all that pertains to it or the full or shared jurisdiction, high and base jurisdiction ( merum et mixtum imperium, alte et basse jurisdictiones ), fees of nobles and others, rights and exactions, or in full right pertaining to the places and goods; and the king has also granted to his mother all right and action that the king has or ought to have in all places and other things that Grely Pey de Grailly had, or his predecessors had, or his successors are able to have, holding the same for the queen's life, on the condition that after her death all that has been granted will revert to the king and his heirs, notwithstanding grants, orders or letters made by the king to the contrary. 4

A space is left after 'apud' for the place of issue of the document, but nothing has been entered.
This place could be also Aillas or Illats , though there are other possibilities.
There was no such 'salin', so this seems to have been an error for something which is difficult to guess at.
For an incomplete copy of this grant, see entry .

Same as above

And it is ordered to the seneschal of Gascony to deliver possession of the land and tenements, toll and places with their appurtenances to the king's mother or her attorney, and cause her to have the same together with jurisdictions, homages, fees, fealties, oaths, rights, money and all other things that pertain to them according to the tenor of the king's letters, saving to the king superior rights and homages.

For Bérart d'Albret.


14 January 1341 . Westminster .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, that they cause the 764 l. 10 s. 10½ d. st. and also the 39,358 l. 7 s. 1 d.bord. in which the king is bound to la Bret Bérart [I] d'Albret, lord of Vayers Vayres and Rioncio Rions , to be assigned to be paid upon the issues of the customs of wine which are collected for the king in Marmande , by letters under the king's seal used in the duchy, the same to be taken by Albret or his attorney by the view and testimony of certain suitable clerks, until Albret has been fully satisfied for the sums; receiving from Albret or his attorney his bills for the same sumes, and his letters of acquittance by which the constable can have due allowance in his account; the king will cause Albret to have payment and satisfaction of the residue of 1,000 l. within England.

Albret has requested that the king will wish to cause the 1,764 l. 10 s. 10½ d. st. which the king is bound to him in for arrears of his fee of 500 which the king granted him to be taken each year for his life upon the issues of the Burdeg' castle of Bordeaux , and the 39,358 l. 7 s. 1 d. bord. for the arrears of his wages and those of the men in his company from the time that they were in the king's service in the war in the duchy just as appears by various bills under the seals of the seneschal and constable to be paid in the following manner, namely 100 l. in satisfaction for Albret's expenses, 700 l. before Easter next or in the same feast at the time of the next payment, and he is to be quit of 200 l. which he owes to Bradeston Thomas de Bradstone , and the residue of the 764 l. 10 s. 10½ d. st. and the 39,358 l. 7 s. 1 d. bord. be assigned to be paid on the customs of wine collected at Marmande which is currently in the hands of the French; and the king having consideration of Albret's service wishes to agree favourably to the request.

By K. and C.


Same as above

Order to the same to assign to la Bret Bérart [I] d'Albret , or his attorney, that the 130 , or the value in other money, that the king granted to Albret by entry 170 to be taken from the issues of the customs of wine from the parts of Varie Vayres , Rioncium Rions and Girondes Gironde descending to the city of Bordeaux in recompense for the castle and moiety of the town of Sanctus Basilius Sainte-Bazeille , be taken in accordance with that grant, and if the issues are not sufficient to meet the value of the grant, then Albret is to be satisfied from the issues of the duchy, and the constable will be discharged for the same.

By K. and C.


15 January 1341 . Westminster .

Exemplification at the request of la Bret Bérart [I] d'Albret of the letters patent granted to him by the king as appears by inspection of the rolls of chancery for the same, in these words:

24 September 1334, . Westminster .

Grant to Bérart [I] d'Albret , for the good service that he has done and will do, in enlargement of that grant to him for life of the office of keeper of the castle and Podium Normanni castellany of Puynormand and the Villa Frank' bastide of Villefranche-de-Lonchat with its appurtenances, taking 100 from the issues of the castle and castellany, and rendering to the king each year beyond the 100 200 l. as previous keepers who held the same during pleasure have done, that the same now be held for life without rendering anything to the king. 1

Albret has requested the exemplification because the original letters have been accidentally lost.

For the enrolment of the original letters patent, see the Calendar of the Patent Rolls (CPR) 1334-8 , p.27. The original letters of Edward III are in the Archives départementales des Pyrénées Atlantiques in file E 202. This act has been published in Archives historiques de la Gironde (AHG), vol. 10, pp.228-9, no.XCV.

20 January 1341 . Westminster . For Master Guiraut Dupuch and Ramon his brother .

Grant to Podio, de Guiraut Dupuch and Ramon [Dupuch], his brother , the king's liege men in the Inter Duo Maria Entre-deux-Mers , for their faithful service to the king and his ancestors, that they, their heirs and others wearing their arms and members of their lineage, will remain forever in the king's homage and the jurisdiction of the seneschal of Gascony, and won't be put out of the king's hands with their goods and tenants, nor will be separated from the crown of England by sale, gift or otherwise. 1

By K. and C.

For a related order, see entry 225 .

Same as above For Johan de Harriéta .

Grant to Farriet Johan de Harriéta , because of the laudable testimony that the king has had of Harriéta's proficiency, in enlargement of the grant at will to him of the writing office of Xanctonia Saintonge , that he hold the same for life with the profits and emoluments pertaining to it, the king wishing to agree to Harriéta's request to that effect. 1

By K. and C.

For the original grant, see entry 102 .

20 January 1341 . Westminster . For the community of Saint-Émilion . 1

Grant to the mayor, jurats and community of Sanctus Emilianus Saint-Émilion for their good bearing towards the king and his progenitors, late kings of England, should not be alienated by sale, gift, exchange or in any other way, except to future heirs of England, and should not be separated from the crown of England except the before excepted.

By K. and C.

A note in the margin states 'annexed to the crown'.

Membrane 7.A note written at the top of the membrane within the stitching states usque respexi

Image of membrane 7


20 January 1341 . Westminster . For the king .

Order to Hugues de Genève, lord of Varrey Varey and of Hanton' Anthon , king's lieutenant in the duchy , and Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , to obtain full information with those of the king's council there on the matter of Greyli Pey [II] de Grailly, vicomte of Benaug' Benauges , actions against the king's enemies, and do what is most advantageous for the king and his people there in whatever way they can. It has been related to the king that if Grailly had been prepared to go to war on the king's enemies in those parts, the king's business in those parts would have prospered, and the king's loyal supporters there would have been comforted, however, Grailly's proctors have asserted, before the king's council, that the king's interests and those of his subjects have been better served by Grailly remaining peaceful, and the king wishes to be more fully informed.

By K. and C., and by p.s.


Same as above For the retaking of castles etc. into the king's hands .

Order to Bernat-Etz [V], lord of Lebreto, de Albret , and Hugues de Genève, lord of Hary Varey and of Hanton Anthon , lieutenants of the king, the king's captains in the duchy of Aquitaine, and Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , to examine the transcript of enrolments of gifts and grants of castles, manors, land, tenements, rents and other places of the king's [in the duchy] made during his reign, which the king has had made from the rolls of chancery and sent to them for this purpose, and also the letters that they have in their possession, with the advice and counsel of the king's council and faithful subjects there, then they should resume into the king's hands all those castles, manors, lands, tenements, rents and other places that were given and granted unwisely, which should be kept safely until the king orders otherwise by the advice of his council. The king has been told by many people, and by experience, that many of these places of the king, from the time he began to rule, have been granted both in fee and for terms of life, and otherwise, unwisely, and are occupied by men who do not deserve so much and so often, and the king wishes to be better informed about this.

By K. and C., and by the same writ.


Same as above For the observing of the truce .

Order to the same to keep the truce ( treuga seu sufferentia guerre ) lately concluded by them for the king and his subjects in Aquitaine on the one part, and certain French enemies on the other, in the same way as those enemies keep it, and to retain men at the king's wages and to strengthen castles and places in the king's hand, as they will find useful to do, since the king, considering the letters of credence of Dyens John Diens , Master Podio, de Guiraut Dupuch, juge-mage of Gascony , and of Radenore William de Radnor should inform his lieutenants and seneschal whether they should observe the truce if the enemies infringe it, even partly; and the king wishes it to be observed, according to the form in which it was concluded.

By K. and C., and by the same writ.


Same as above For certifying the king .

Order to the same to obtain full information with those of the king's council there both on the rights that pertain to the king in the place of Sainte-Bazeille and Landerron , and also the rights of others, and of the value of the same, and the other particulars pertaining to it, and send what they find to the king under their seals and the king's seal used in the duchy without delay so that the king can consider what to do. On the behalf of Alixandre [de] Caumont, co-lord of Sanctus Basilius Sainte-Bazeille and of Landiran Landerron , it has been requested that the king will wish to confirm the letters [of Albret, Genève and Ingham] granting the king's rights and interests that he had in one half of Sainte-Bazeille and Landerron. Although the king has special affection for Caumont because of his support for the king, and wished to reward him, before the arrival of Caumont's messenger ( nuntius ), law suits had begun by people claiming rights in the places, and the king was not able to agree to the request so quickly until the matter had been discussed more fully.

By K. and C., and by the same writ.


Same as above For the community of Saint-Émilion .

Grant to the mayor, jurats and community of Sanctus Emilianus Saint-Émilion , for their service to the king and the labour and costs they have expended in that service, that all of the burgesses of the town be quit of tolls and customs on all of their property and merchandises to be paid in the duchy and in the realm of England during pleasure, the mayor, jurats and community having requested that the king would wish to grant them the same. 1

By K. and C. and by the same writ.

For related entries, see entry 196 , entry 202 .

Same as above For Estèbe Gilibert .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to hear the arguments of Gilbert Estèbe Gilibert of Burdeg' Bordeaux , chaplain , as to why he should be quit from the payment of all customs and tolls by him and on his goods, and having taken full advise upon this, if they find that Gilibert should be so quit then they are to cause him to be quit and discharged as is just. Gilibert has requested that the king will discharge him because he was ordained as a priest and ought to be quit.

By K. and C. and by the same writ.


Same as above For Alixandre [de] Caumont .

Order to the same to obtain fuller information, if they have not already done so, concerning the 100 librates bord. of rent each year that Alixandre [de] Caumont, co-lord of Sanctus Basilius Sainte-Bazeille and of Landiran Landerron , claims to have lost because of his adherence to the king. If they find that it was lost for those reasons, they are to assign to him the value of the rent upon the goods of rebels in Caumont's lordship. Caumont has requested that the value of the lost rent be delivered to him from the goods of the king's rebels in Caumont's lordship, and the king, because of the laudable testimony of Caumont's conduct, wishes to agree to this.

By K. and C. and by the same writ.


Same as above For Hélias de Lescours .

Order to the same that if they find that Lescortz Hélias [II] de Lescours ' house, 1 which is near to the king's town of Sanctus Emilianus Saint-Émilion , was demolished for the greater security of the town and his damage amounted to 40 , then they should cause him to have that sum, or the value in other money, from the issues of the duchy as quickly as they are able; receiving from Lescours his letters patent attesting to the receipt of the same, and the constable will receive due allowance in his account. Lescours has requested that the king will wish to satisfy him for the damage, and the king wishes to agree to the same. 2

By K. and C., and by the same writ.

For the history of the Lescours family and their genealogy, see Pépin, G., Aux origines du Château Ausone de Saint-Émilion : la famille noble de Lescours et la maison forte de Villeneuve , Aquitaine Historique , no.119 (2013), pp.2-10.
See the related entry entry in C 61/53 .

For the community of Saint-Émilion.


Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony to obtain full information with those of the king's council there concerning the destruction, about the wasting and damage done to the churches and buildings of the friars preachers and friars minor of Sanctus Emilianus Saint-Émilion , and also to the house of the vineyard ( domus bordialia vinee ) of the burgesses of the same town and to their goods and possessions on account of the war, and send certification of what he finds to the king under the king's seal used in the duchy together with this writ. The mayor, jurats and community of Sanctus Emilianus Saint-Émilion have requested that the king will provide compensation for the damage and harm because those affected have nothing to live on, and the king wishes to agree to the same.

By K. and C., and by the same writ.


20 January 1341 . Westminster .

Order to the same, or his lieutenant, that if he finds that it is true that Greyly Pey de Grailly, vicomte of Benaug' Benauges , has usurped high and low justice, full and shared jurisdiction ( alta et bassa justicia et merum et mixtum imperium ) in Petrafixa Pierrefitte , pertaining to the mayor, jurats and community of Sanctus Emilianus Saint-Émilion , then they are to see to it that the vicomte removes the impediment and usurpation, and restores it to its original state by peaceful ways and means. If he refuses to do it they are to compel him to do it by the vigour of the law. The king has received the complaint of the mayor, jurats and community that Grailly had usurped jurisdiction given by the king's predecessors to the town within the liberty of the banlieue of the town, over the king and his prévôt of the same banlieue in the place of Pierrefitte, and having usurped it, and the king ordered, that if this was true then the impediment and usurpation should be removed without delay and matters are brought back to their proper state.

By K. and C., and by the same writ.


20 January 1341 . Westminster . For the payment of money to Master Guiraut de Piis . 1

Order to the constable of Bordeaux and the treasurer of Agen' Agenais , and their lieutenants, that they cause the 1,000 l.arn. , which was granted to Master Pinibus, de Guiraut de Piis, king's clerk , by Bernat-Etz [V], lord of Lebreto, de Albret , and Hugues de Genève, lord of Varay Varey and of Hanton Anthon , lieutenants of the king, the king's captains in the duchy of Aquitaine, and Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , in the king's name for the rebuilding of his houses, which grant the king has confirmed by his letters patent, to be paid to Pins or that they make an assignment for the same upon the goods of the king's rebels in Agen' Agenais or Vasates' Bazadais without delay; receiving from Piis his letters of acquittance attesting to the receipt of the money, and the constable and treasurer will have due allowance in their account. Albret, Genève and Ingham, having consideration of the damage and losses that Piis had suffered because of his adherence to the king, promised to deliver the sum to Piis for the rebuilding of his hospital which had been destroyed by the king's enemies.

By K. and C., and by p.s.

The entry consistently refers to Master Guiraut de Piis ( Magister Geraldus de Pinibus ), whilst the heading in the margin clearly refers to Bernat de Piis ( Bernardo de Pinibus ). It would appear the clerk misread the entry when writing the heading.

For the certification of the king.


Same as above

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to obtain full information with those of the king's council there concerning the request of the Sanctus Emilianus mayor, jurats and community of Saint-Émilion , and send certification of what they find to the king under the king's seal used in the duchy together with this writ. The mayor, jurats and community of the town have requested that the king will grant to them that all people who are not nobles ( imnobiles ) now residing within the banlieue of the town, and afterwards wishing to live there, should be entirely subject to the fors and jurisdiction of the mayor, and the king wishes to be more fully informed on this.

By K. and C., and by p.s.


20 January 1341 . Westminster .

Order to the same to obtain fuller information with those of the king's council there as to whether the king is able to grant the Leyburn' prévôté of Libourne to Daulard Gauter d'Alard without damage or prejudice to the king and others, and of the true value of that prévôté in all issues, profits and emoluments, and also of the service that Alard claims to have done for E[dward II], late king of England , the king's father, and to the king, and they are to send certification of what they find to the king under the king's seal used in the duchy together with this writ without delay; and in the meantime they are to commit the prévôté with its appurtenances, profits and emoluments to Alard to be held at the king's will. Alard has requested that the king will grant the prévôté to him for his life, or during good behaviour, for his service both by land and sea, and for the losses, damage and harm that he has suffered in that service, and the king wishes to be informed on the matters so that he can consider further what ought to be done.

By K. and C. and by p.s.


20 January 1341 . Westminster . For Master Guiraut Dupuch .

Grant to Master Podio, de Guiraut Dupuch, king's clerk , juge-mage of Gascony , for his great service that he has done and in future will do in the duchy, of 20 to be taken each year at Easter and Michaelmas by equal portions from the issue of the duchy from the constable of Bordeaux for the term of his life, or until is able to provide him with 20 librates of land and rent a year or an ecclesiastical benefice suitable for his status. 1

By p.s.

For the order to the constable of Bordeaux to pay the sum at the specified times, see entry 204 .

20 January 1341 . Westminster . For Bernat-Etz .

Order to Geneva Hugues de Genève, king's lieutenant in the duchy of Aquitaine , and the seneschal of Gascony that if the count of Fuxi Foix or others of the king's enemies come into the duchy to attack Bernat-Etz [V], lord of Lebreto, de Albret , or others of the king's faithful subjects, or to commit crimes there, then they are to strongly oppose them by war, calling the king's faithful subjects there to restrict the malice of the count and others if they should presume to invade, and that they should pay each of the king's faithful subjects his reasonable wages according to his status just as is accustomed to be done. The king has been given to understand that the count and other enemies and rebels of the king are coming to the duchy to attack Albret and certain other faithful subjects of the king by the order of Valoys Philip of Valois , destroying and burning in Albret's lands and elsewhere in the duchy, and the king wishes to limit this.

By K. and C.


Same as above For Bernat-Guilhem de Bruges .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to obtain information on the request of Bernat-Guilhem de Bruges, citizen of Burdeg' Bordeaux , to be granted that he have the power to take his own wine into England and everywhere in the king's authority, for the service that he has done to the king in the war in Gascony, and to relieve the damages, injury and harm that he has sustained in the king's service, and Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , is to bring it with him since he is coming to the king. The king having heard laudable testimony of Bruges' good conduct and the king considering this, and wishing to agree to the supplication, has granted the power to Bruges that he can bring his wines within the realm and jurisdiction on both sides of the sea by his people, and he is to be quit of the custom as long as it pleases the king, and as Ingham, ordered by the king to come in England, will inform the king, provided that he doesn't claim other people's wine as his own.

By K. and C., and by p.s.


Same as above For the burgesses of Saint-Émilion .

Order to the same to permit the burgesses of Sanctus Emilianus Saint-Émilion to be quit of the payment of tolls and customs on their property and merchandise, and they should not be disturbed or troubled contrary to the king's letters on this, the king having granted the same to the burgesses by entry 184 both in the duchy and England at the request of the mayor, jurats and community of Sanctus Emilianus Saint-Émilion for their service to the king. 1

By K. and C., and by the same writ.

For related entries, see entry 184 , entry 202

Same as above For accounting for wages .

Order to the same to account with Alixandre [de] Caumont, co-lord of Sanctus Basilius Sainte-Bazeille and of Landiran Landerron , or his attorney for his wages, he should cause payment to be made to him of what he is able to find is owed from the issues of the duchy or by a suitable assignment. Caumont has requested that the king will wish to make payment or other satisfaction to him of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages and those of his men-at-arms, both mounted and on foot from the time that they stood in the king's service in the present war in the duchy of Aquitaine, and the king wishes to agree to the request.

By K. and C., and by the same writ.


Same as above For Pey Morin .

Order to the same to obtain information on the request of Moryn Pey Morin, citizen of Burdeg' Bordeaux , to be granted that he have the power to take his own wine into England and everywhere in the king's authority by his people quit of custom, for the service that he has done to the king in the war in Gascony, and to relieve the damages, injury and harm that he has sustained in the king's service, and Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , is to bring it with him since he is coming to the king. The king having heard laudable testimony of Morin's good conduct and the king considering this, and wishing to agree to the supplication, has granted the power to Bruges that he can bring his wines within the realm and jurisdiction on both sides of the sea by his people, and he is to be quit of the custom as long as it pleases the king, and as Ingham ordered by the king to come into England, will inform the king, provided that he doesn't claim other people's wine as his own

By K. and C.


Same as above For certifying the king .

Order to the same to obtain full information with those of the king's council there concerning the request of the mayor, jurats and community of Sanctus Emilianus Saint-Émilion , and send the information that they find to the king under his seal used in the duchy without delay, and with this writ. On behalf of the mayor, jurats and community of the town it has been requested that the king will, in compensation for the damages, oppressions and troubles suffered by them on occasion of the war in the duchy, and in relief of their status which is much depressed, that no wine is to be brought by land or sea from Castellione Castillon , and from Acquistris Guîtres to Sanctus Emilianus Saint-Émilion or Lib rnia Libourne until after 11 November, on pain of the loss of the wine, just as is the custom for Agenn' Agen at Burdeg' Bordeaux for wines of Agen and of the land beyond this ( terre superiores ), and the king wishes to be informed whether this is to his damage or prejudice, or to that of others, and what profit or advantage this is to the town if this is done. 1

By K. and C., and by the same writ.

For a related entry, see entry in C 61/53 .

Same as above.

Near Duplicate of entry 191 with the exception that the clause by which the constable of Bordeaux and the treasurer of Agenais are ordered to pay the 1,000 l.arn. is simply to be by assignment on the goods of the king's rebels in Agenais and Bazadais, whereas entry 191 calls for payment on the issues of the duchy or by assignment on these goods. 1

By K. and C., and by the same writ.

A note in the margin states 'Void because elsewhere above'. The entry has been crossed out.

Same as above For Alixandre de Caumont .

To all seneschals, constables, judges, castellans, prévôts, ministers and all other bayles and faithful subjects appointed in the duchy.

Pardon to Alixandre [de] Caumont , of all manner of trespasses and wrongs, both criminal and others, committed by him, his accomplices and supporters in the duchy, and remission of forfeitures and penalties which he has incurred or ought to incur, as long as he stands to right in the king's court of Gascony if anyone wishes to speak against him.

By K. and C., and by p.s.


Same as above For the burgesses of Saint-Émilion .

To the collectors of customs within the realm of England and all the king's bailiffs and faithful subjects.

Order to permit the burgesses of Sanctus Emilianus Saint-Émilion to be quit of the payment of tolls and customs on their property and merchandise, and they should not be disturbed or troubled contrary to the king's letters on this, the king having granted the same to the burgesses by entry 184 both in the duchy and England at the request of the mayor, jurats and community of Sanctus Emilianus Saint-Émilion for their service to the king. 1

By K. and C., and by the same writ.

For related entries, see entry 184 , entry 196 .

Same as above For Gauter d'Alard .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the mayor of Burdeg' Bordeaux to hear the complaint of Daulard Gauter d'Alard, merchant , or his attorney, concerning cloth that he sent for sale in Burdeg' Bordeaux , and summon before them du Pyn Guilhem Dupin and du Pyn Bernat Dupin , and others who ought to be heard, then they should do full and speedy justice to Alard on the recovery of the 10 l. 16 s. 3 d. st. value of the cloth or in some other suitable satisfaction, and also of the damage that he has sustained as by right and according to the fors and customs of those parts ought to be done. Alard has complained that he sent five stones of cloth at that value to Bordeaux by Michel Guilhem Miqueu his servant , and the cloth was bought by Guilhem and Bernat Dupin who then had the cloth in their possession but have not made payment or other satisfaction to him for it to his great cost and injury for which he requests remedy.

By C.


Same as above For Master Guiraut Dupuch .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux that he should make payment to Master de Podio Guiraut Dupuch, king's clerk , juge-mage of Gascony , that 20 at the terms of Easter and Michaelmas by equal portions from the issue of the duchy, the king having granted the same to Dupuch by entry 193 .

For Arnaut-Gassie.


20 January 1341 . Westminster .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and constable of Bordeaux to account with Gout, Bascul Arnaut-Gassie de Got, called Basque, king's valet , or his attorney, for his wages, and cause him to have payment without delay of what he finds is owed by payment or suitable assignment upon the baylies of Deymet Eymet and Seinte Foi Sainte-Foy , presently in the hands of the French, once it shall happen to have come back into the king's hands, he taking the same until he shall have been fully satisfied for the same; the king wishing that the constable shall be discharged from the issues of the baylies from the time that Got begins to take the same. Got requested that the king will make payment or other satisfaction to him of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages and those of his men, both mounted and on foot from the time that they stood in the king's service in the present Gascon war, and the king wishes to agree to the request for Got's service.

By K. and C., and by p.s.


Same as above

Order to the same to obtain fuller information upon the valuation of the Aquen' prévôté of Dax , and the Baion' prévôté of Bayonne in all issues, and how much this is deficient each year in the 200 l. originally granted to Gout, Bascul Arnaut-Gassie de Got, called Basque, king's valet , and send certification of what they find to the king under the king's seal used in the duchy together with this writ; and in the meantime Gout should be permitted to have the prévôté of Dax and 50 from the prévôté of Bayonne. Got has requested that the king will confirm the assignment made to him by the seneschal of Gascony, by the council and advice of the king's lieutenant, of the prévôté of Dax and 50 from the prévôté of Bayonne in recompense for the 200 l. that the king granted to Gout in recompense for the damage and trouble he had sustained to his castles, lands, vineyards and other possessions which have been destroyed, to be taken from the Herbifaveria, Mimozan prévôté of Born, Labouheyre and Mimizan for his life, which prévôté the king, by virtue of an agreement with the lady of Brigerake Bergerac , has been assigned to Bernat-Etz [V], lord of Lebreto, de Albret , and the king wishes to be fully certified on this.

By K. and C., and by the same writ.


Same as above For Bernat-Etz . 1

To the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux, and other officers and ministers of the king in the duchy.

Confirmation of the assignment and livery of land and offices to Bernat-Etz [V], lord of Lebreto Albret , made pursuant to an agreement made between the seneschal in the king's name on the one part and la Bret Matha d'Albret, lady of Montinak Montignac and Gensak Gensac on the other.

The agreement made between the seneschal and Matha d'Albret agreed that she would grant the king all the right and action that she had to the place, castellany and Brigeyrak prévôté of Bergerac with its appurtenances, and all the other places that were late the lord of Bergerac Brigeyrak 's in the Tholosan' diocese of Toulouse , king and his heirs holding the same forever; and would grant to the king the castle and town of Montinak Montignac with its appurtenances, the king and his heirs holding the same forever; and the lady during the Gascon war will grant and deliver to the king and his heirs or the seneschal the custody of the castles and places of Gensak Gensac and Montmir Miremont , and the castles of Mauron Castelmoron-d'Albret and Mentcout Montcuq while continuing to receive their issues; in return for this, the lady and her heirs were promised by the seneschal, in the king's name, the castle , place, prévôté and Mountandre castellany of Montendre , and the corn tax ( bladagium ) that the king had in the town and castellany of Blavies Blaye , together with the land which the late lady of Blavies Blaye held from the king there, and also with the Condak manor of Condat and the Memisanum, Herbifaveria, Brassentum prévôté of Born, Mimizan, Labouheyre and of Brassenx with its appurtenances, holding the same to Matha d'Albret and her heirs from the king and his heirs forever, saving to the king homages, fealties, resorts and other customary payments due to the king in other similar places, just as is more fully contained in indentures made between the seneschal and Matha d'Albret, which the king has confirmed as appears in his letters.

And the seneschal, because the agreement with Matha d'Albret had commenced, and not being able to deliver the manor, prévôtés, castles, castellanies, corn tax and land stipulated in the agreement because it had been occupied by the king's enemies of France, caused to be delivered to Bernat-Etz, universal heir of Matha d'Albret, the places, baylies and lands of Pontosium Pontonx , Aureeval' Auribat , Gosso Gosse 2 and Senhas Seignanx , to be held by him and his heirs until peaceful possession of the manor, prévôtés, castles, castellanies, corn tax ( bladagium ) and land can be obtained, by letters under the king's seal used in the duchy. The king wishes to grant the confirmation because of the good service done by Bernat-Etz, and orders that Bernat-Etz should be maintained and defended in possession of the lands and places according to the tenor of the agreement. 3

By K. and C., and by the same writ.

A note in the margin states 'extractus'.
The ablative form, the nominative form of this name is uncertain, though perhaps Gossum , but usually the latin form of Gosse, was Gossa .
For a related entry, see entry 249 .

For a confirmation for Master Guiraut de Piis.


20 January 1341 . Westminster .

Confirmation for Master Punibus, de Guiraut de Piis, king's clerk , 1 of the grant made to him by Bernat-Etz [V], lord of Lebreto Albret and Geneva Hugues de Genève, lord of Hary Varey and of Hanton Anthon , lieutenants of the king, the king's captains in the duchy of Aquitaine, and Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , by their letters patents, for his past and future service, and for his damages and losses caused by the king's enemies because of his adherence to the king, of the lands and patrimony that were Bérart de Séris and those of the prior, his brother ( prior frater ejus ), enemies and rebels of the king, to be held until he is restored to his own lands and rents, and the promise to pay Piis 1,000 l.arn. for the rebuilding of his houses destroyed and wasted by the enemies. The king has been made aware of Piis' past service and the future service, and the damage done to him because of his adherence to the king by the letters patent of Genève, Albret and Ingham.

By K. and C., and by the same writ.

Punibus is an error for Pinibus , both in the entry and the marginal title.

Same as above

Confirmation of the appoinment made by Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , by his letters patent, by the will of the council, and the counsel and assent of Bernat-Etz [V], lord of Lebreto Albret , kt , lieutenant in the duchy , of Master Punibus, de Guiraut de Piis, the king's special councillor , as his proctor general and special in Ageni' Agenais and Vasaten' Bazadais , namely in the lands that the king holds, and the ones that he should happen to acquire and recover in the future there; and also of the fee of 100 l.t. which the seneschal assigned to him by others of his letters patent by the advice and counsel of the king's council, to be taken from the constable of Bordeaux for his fee. And the king wishes that Piis should have and exercise the office in Agenais and Bazadais and elsewhere in the duchy during pleasure, taking the assigned fee. 1

By K. and C., and by the same writ.

For an order to pay the arrears due to Piis in this office, and making mention of this confirmation, see entry 222 .

Same as above

Confirmation of the appoinment made by Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , by the will of the council, and the counsel and assent of Bernat-Etz [V], lord of Lebreto Albret , kt , lieutenant in the duchy , by his letters patent of Master Punibus Guiraut de Piis, the king's special councillor , as his proctor general and special in Ageni' Agenais and Vasaten' Bazadais , etc. as above; and also of the fee of 100 l.t. which the seneschal assigned to him by others of his letters patent by the advice and counsel of the king's council, to be taken by the hand of the constable of Bordeaux for his fee. And the king wishes that Piis should have and hold the office in the duchy having and exercising it both in Agenais and Bazadais and elsewhere in the duchy, taking the assigned fee.

By K. and C., and by the same writ.


Same as above For accounting for wages .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and the constable of Bordeaux to account with Arnaut de Nicole for his wages and compensation for horses, and cause payment to be made to him of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy if it is able to be done, or otherwise by an assignment upon the issues of the Vasatum, Vasates' prévôté of Bazas and Bazadais , once it returns to the king's hands. At that time the seneschal and constable are to cause Nicole to have the same until he is satisfied of his wages, they first having diligently informed themselves of the true value of the prévôté. Nicole has requested that the king will make payment or other satisfaction to him of various sums of money that the king is bound to him for his wages and those of his men-at-arms, and 25 serjeants on foot from the time that they were in the king's service in the present war in the duchy of Aquitaine, and the king wishes to agree to the request.

By K. and C., and by the same writ.


20 January 1341 . Westminster . For the granting of a writing office to Guilhem-Arnaut .

Grant to Guilhem-Arnaut de Baner , clerk , at his request, of the writing office of the court of the Florence baylie ( bagilus ) of Fleurance , 1 which is presently not in the king's hand, for the term of his life, having the same with its profits and emoluments once it comes back into the king's hands.

By K. and C., and p.s.

A mistake for bajulus .

20 January 1341 . Westminster . For Bérart d'Albret .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux to pay la Bret Bérart [I] d'Albret the 500 annuity which the king is bound to Albret in from the issues of the Burdeg' castle of Bordeaux , from the issues at the terms that it is due, namely Michaelmas and Easter, receiving his letters of acquittance, and he will have due allowance in his account. The king is bound to him in the same for his residing with the king, and the king has ordered that Albret be paid his arrears in his annuity at Easter next, just as is found by inspection of the rolls of chancery, and the king wishes payment be made for the Easter term and following terms as is right.

By K. and C.


20 January 1341 . Westminster . For the taking of the land of Labourd into the king's hands .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony and constable of Bordeaux, or their lieutenants, to take the land of La Bourd' Labourd and its jurisdiction with its appurtenances into the king's hands as quickly as they are able, and cause the issues, profits and emoluments to be delivered to Arnaut son of Duro Forti Arnaut de Durfort , until the king orders otherwise by the advice of his council. The king has been given to understand that certain nobles and other inhabitants of the land of Labourd of whom certain are retained or are of the allegiance ( retinencia seu alligancia ) of Bernat-Etz [V], lord of Lebreto Albret , and others who are of his affinity or consanguinity ( affinitas seu consanguinitas ), on the occasion of a dispute between Albret and Durfort, it being claimed that the land and jurisdiction pertain to Albret, and those there do not wish to obey Durfort, and the king wishes to restrict the dispute between Albret and the inhabitants of the land on the one part and Durfort and his supporters on the other, and provide a resolution so that no damage is suffered by the king or his faithful subjects.

By K. and C., and p.s.


Same as above For Ramon de La Naude .

Order to the seneschal of Gascony to obtain full information with those of the king's council there of the lands of la Naud Ramon de la Naude , late an enemy and rebel of the king, in Seint Lobees Saint-Loubès and Ison Izon in the Inter Duo Maria Entre-deux-Mers , their value, and of the service that Junqers Ramon de Jonquière , to whom the seneschal granted them, has done, and certify the king of the information that he finds under the king's seal used in the duchy, without delay. In the meantime Jonquière is to be permitted to hold the lands according to the true value of the same, in recompense of the sums of money that the king owes to him according to the form of the grant made to him. The king further wishes that the constable discharge Jonquière of the issues of the lands for the time that Jonquière had it. Jonquière has requested that the king will accept and grant the assignment made by the seneschal to him of the lands of la Naude to the value of 100 s. st. a year in recompense for certain sums of money that the king owes him both for the compensation for one horse lost in his service, and for the wages for the time that he was in the king's service in the Gascon war until he was satisfied for the sums of money, and the wishes to agree to this.

By K. and C.


Same as above For accounting for wages .

Order to the same to account with Podio, de Guiraut Dupuch, juge-mage in Gascony and Podio, de Ramon Dupuch , his brother, for their wages and compensation for horses, and cause payment to be made to them of what he finds is owed from the issues of the duchy, or from the first money sent by the king to the duchy, or by another assignment upon the issues of the customs of Burdeg' Bordeaux from wine carried from the vineyards of the Inter Duo Maria Entre-deux-Mers and Medewe Médoc without delay; the king wishes that the assignment to the Puch brothers should be held and observed, until they have been satisfied for the money owed to them, and the constable is to be discharged in the meantime. The Dupuch brothers have requested that the king will make payment or some suitable satisfaction for various sums of money amounting to 300 or more both for wages and fees from the time that they were in the king's service in the present war in the duchy of Aquitaine, the brothers having nothing to maintain themselves on, and the king having consideration for their great service, and desiring that they will continue, wishes to agree to the request.

By K. and C.


Same as above For Bernat-Etz .

Order to the same that having viewed the letters and bills of Bernat-Etz [V], lord of Lebreto, de Albret , of the money owed to his brother, the vicomte of Tartas , they should make payment or another assignment upon the issues of profits of money struck at Burdeg' Bordeaux and Dax without delay, to be taken by him or by his attorney until he will have been fully satisfied for the sums. The king wishes that the constable of Bordeaux should be discharged for those sums of money delivered to Bernat-Etz or his attorney in his account. It has been requested on the behalf of Albret that the king will make payment or a suitable assignment to him for various sums of money that the king is bound to him in both for the wages of the vicomte Tartas and the men of his company, and his men-at-arms, both mounted and on foot, and for compensation for his horses lost in the king's service, and for money lent to the king for the expedition of the king's business in the duchy, just as more fully appears by letters and bills sealed with the king's Gascon seal and that of the office of constable which Albret has in his possession, and the king attending to Albret's good conduct towards him and his great role in the war wishes to agree to the request.

By K. and C.


20 January 1341 . Westminster . For accounting for wages . 1

Order to the same to account with Podio, de Guiraut Dupuch, the younger , for his wages, if he has not already done so, and cause him to have what is found to be due to him from the profits and emoluments of the office of keeper of the king's stamps and mint ( cunei et moneta ) , and the assise of the money struck at Burdeg' Bordeaux , and the constable will be discharged for those profits and emoluments for the time that Dupuch takes it. Dupuch has requested that the king will grant him the keepership of the stamps and mints and the assize for his wages and those of his men, both mounted and on foot, in his company for the time that he was in the king's service in the war, not without labour and cost, for which he has not been satisfied, and the king, having heard laudable testimony of Dupuch's great service, and wishing to agree to the request, has granted that he should have and exercise the office in person or by attorney, taking the customary fees and wages in that office until he will have been fully satisfied from the profits and emoluments.

By K. and C.

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.

Same as above For the appointment of moneyers . 1

Order to the same to appoint suitable and sufficient moneyers and other craftsmen and ministers to make and strike coins in the town of Medicinum Mézin , the king having ordered money to be made there for the convenience and utility of the king and his subjects of those parts of the duchy.

By K. and C.

A note in the margin states ' extractus '.

Same as above For certifying the king of the value of tenements .

Order to the same to obtain fuller information with those of the king's council there and others with whom they are able to be certified as to the value of the places, lands and rent of Muchydan Mussidan , and the insula , castle and place of Gensak Gensac 1 with its appurtenances, and the pasture rent ( herbagium ) in the barony of Sore , and the places, castles, lands and rents of Myx Mixe , and send certification of what he finds to the king under the king's seal used in the duchy without delay together with this writ.

On the behalf of Bernat-Etz [V], lord of Lebreto, de Albret , it has been requested that the king will make suitable amends to him since Albret, to recompense the lord of Muchydan Mussidan for the place of Mussidan and other places and rents which he had lost, and which had been occupied by the king's enemies for that lord's adherence to the king, gave to the lord the castle and place of Gensac with its appurtenances to the value of 1,000 rials ( florenus realx ) and more a year to be held in a certain form; and Albret, on account of his service to the king, has also lost the pasture rent of the barony of Sore valued at 1,000 florins ( florenus ), and also the places, castles, lands and rents of Mixe in the kingdom of Navarre valued at another 1,000 rials, and the king wishes to be better informed of the value of the same, and what it is just and reasonable to do.

By K. and C.

As Gensac is not close enough to any water to be possessed of an island, the word presumably indicates that the settlement and castle were on a peninsula or arm of high ground above more marshy lands, which indeed they are.

Same as above For accounting for wages .

Order to the constable of Bordeaux, or his lieutenant, to account with Bernat-Etz [V], lord of Lebreto, de Albret , or his attorney, for the wages of his men-at-arms both in garrisons of castles and elsewhere in his company, both from the time that he was in the king's service, and for the time that they will, from henceforth, happen to be in the king's service, no further order being made on this, and make payment or a suitable assignment of what he finds to be due, the king wishing the constable to have due allowance for the sums that he pays.

By K. and C.


Same as above For Master Guiraut de Piis .

Order to the same to pay from the issues of the duchy to Master Pinibus, de Guiraut de Piis, king's clerk , the king's special councillor , the arrears of his 100 l.t. fee each year for the office of proctor general in Agen' Agenais and Vaseten' Bazadais for the time that he has held that office, and continues to hold it, and he will have due allowance in his account. Piis was appointed to the office by Oliver de Ingham, seneschal of Gascony , with the counsel and assent of Bernat-Etz [V], kt , lord of Lebreto, de Albret , lieutenant of the king in the duchy , and of others of the king's councillors, by their letters patents, the office extending to the land which the king then had, and in the lands that he happened to acquire or recover in the future; receiving 100 l.t. for his fee each year from the constable of Bordeaux just as is contained in other letters patent of assignment. The king confirmed the appointment and assignment just as his letters attest, and wishes that Piis should have and exercise the office taking the fee. 1

By K. and C.

For the confirmation by the king, see entry 209 .

Same as above For a confirmation for Arnaut-Gassie [de Got] .