Périgord, Limousin and Quercy in the lands of the duchy, prelates, barons, knights and all other nobles of the seneschalcies of, (group)


Other Names

  • Périgord, Limousin et Quercy, prélats, barons, chevaliers et tous les autres nobles des sénéchaussées de

Places directly linked to this entity


Related Places

  • Périgord, Limousin and Quercy in the lands of the duchy, prelates, barons, knights and all other nobles of the seneschalcies of, took place at Limousin
  • Périgord, Limousin and Quercy in the lands of the duchy, prelates, barons, knights and all other nobles of the seneschalcies of, took place at Périgord
  • Périgord, Limousin and Quercy in the lands of the duchy, prelates, barons, knights and all other nobles of the seneschalcies of, took place at Quercy

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